"Don't take it to the heart," Asmond said as he walked in the endless hallway. "He's trying his best so he can be of help when the next breakout happens. I'm sure of it that's his purpose of staying, and you can't blame him for that," Asmond continued.

"In the first place, I never asked everyone to go back. I was talking to you and asked you if we should go back. I have been trying to convince Enma to go back after finding out Mykel's dark secrets, but she still doesn't want to because of the fraction in the team," Roxanne explained and tried to get things straight. "I'm doing this also for your own sake so you don't have to struggle in both worlds," Roxanne continued as she followed Asmond from behind.

"I know, and I'm really grateful for it," Asmond forced his smile because he had so many things on his mind. "If Enma doesn't want to, let's just find someone else," Asmond sighed as he massaged his forehead because it was still throbbing.

Roxanne hummed with understanding and then they left the tower with nobody welcoming or congratulating them for clearing the towers. Everyone was shackled by fear and terror that they didn't have time to think about someone else other than themselves.

"Welcome back, Mister Asmond, Miss Roxanne. Thank you for your service," The soldiers who guarded the tower saluted them and looked at them with admiration. The only one who appreciated their hard work was the soldiers since they knew it was hard to please the people no matter how hard they tried.

Asmond and Roxanne had a small talk with them and asked about the situation in District 3. Everyone was still exhausted from the breakout and they were still mourning for their fallen brothers in the army.

Roxanne took her phone from the military base since she left it there and hoped Enma had some information. She got a mail from Enma and when she looked at the attached files, she was surprised to see a photo of the dagger, similar to the one that Nephilim showed her. She then went to find Asmond to show her the photo of the dagger.

"Asmond, come here and look at this for a second," Roxanne looked at Asmond talking with the General about the future threat.

Asmond excused himself and then looked at the pictures that Enma took. He wasn't surprised because he believed deep in his heart that Mykel was connected to all the things that had happened in the past.

"If we show it to the General, do you think he can help us?" Roxanne whispered as she glanced at the General who was talking to the colonels and majors. "If we can get their support, we can have a powerful ally which is the military," Roxanne continued and looked at Asmond.

Asmond turned around and looked at the General for a moment because he wanted to know what kind of person the General was. He was afraid that the military had been owned by Mykel as well since they had just recently realized the government was in Mykel's grasp and made him invincible.

"Let's do a bit of research, and since we can't do something like that, we need her to help us find something," Asmond said as he looked at Roxanne.

"Yeah, but I wonder if we have the money to pay for her service and the risk she's going to face," Roxanne replied.

"There's only one way to find out," Asmond said as he sighed.

Roxanne contacted Nephilim and as always, Nephilim responded to her request almost instantly. Asmond and Roxanne then went to Nephilim's hideout to discuss the new information they got.

"It's good to see you safe and healthy, Miss Evelyn," Roxanne said as soon as she entered Nephilim's office. "You're safe, right?" Roxanne asked with a worried expression.

"Of course. As long as you don't act so scaredly, they won't suspect a thing. Against someone as powerful as him, confidence is the answer," Nephilim answered as she sat down on her office chair and then crossed her legs. "So? How was my information?" Nephilim smiled as she rested her head on her fist.

Roxanne and Asmond said their gratitude since they hadn't had the chance to show it. They both then told Nephilim about the information they got from a trusted source. They shared all the information with Nephilim since it might interest her to join hands and fight the Guild Association.

"So you came here not only to thank me and ask a new request. You both came here and want me to join hands with your crusade, is that right?" Nephilim asked and looked at both of them with a serious expression. "Didn't I tell you that it's impossible to touch him? And I'm not interested in fighting in a losing war," Nephilim continued.

"But what if the military is siding with us? Do you still think we are going to lose?" Roxanne asked. "I know that even all the Awakeners united and decided to fight Mykel alone, we don't even know what the outcome is, but that's not what we want," Roxanne explained with a serious expression.

Nephilim furrowed her eyebrows and looked quite confused.

"We just want the people to know who's the one behind all that massacre. That's all we want, and if he decided to kill more innocent people, the Gods won't stay quiet and will punish him for what he did. If the Gods decided to get involved, he's powerless," Asmond said explained and confident with what he said.

Nephilim laughed and it startled them because they never thought a woman with a serious face like her could laugh. They both stared at each other as they kept listening to her laughter which lasted for a whole minute.

"My apologies, that's just too funny for me," Nephilim cleared her throat.

"What's so funny about it?" Roxanne asked with a curious look.

"I'm not a believer and I don't believe in miracles and divine punishments. In the first place, this world doesn't have someone to worship, and now after the demons invading our world, people start to believe in them," Nephilim answered as she looked at the documents and the evidence that Roxanne brought with her. "But that's not what's important right now. I'm asking you if your words hold credibility," Nephilim's sharp gaze was pointing at Asmond.

Roxanne didn't know about it either and was surprised when Asmond said that the Constellations would partake in it. She didn't know if he was bluffing or not, but his expression was so serious that he might be telling the truth.

"Yes, that's why I need someone powerful and smart to reveal the dark truth of Mykel's wrongdoings. That's all I want, and as soon as the public knows, the Gods will give them their punishment to him," Asmond said with a serious expression.

Nephilim didn't show any expression, but she was thinking about what he said. She then nodded her head with understanding as she grabbed her phone and browsed the Internet. Asmond and Roxan were waiting for her to respond nervously, but they didn't want to bother her.

"General Crawford. Is he the one you're talking about?" Nephilim asked as she slid her phone to Asmond. Roxanne and Asmond were surprised because they hadn't told her the main reason why they came to meet her. They both nodded their heads as they looked at Nephilim after they saw the photo.

"Yes, and that's why we are here, Miss Evelyn," Asmond answered.

"I see. Since the military base is currently operating in District Three, and you want me to find information about him and his connection with the Guild Association?" Nephilim asked and took her phone back. "So you want him and the whole army to join your crusade," Nephilim said as she scrolled through her phone.

"Yes, that's exactly right, but we don't have the power to investigate him. If he somehow has no connection with the Guild Association, we will get a powerful ally," Asmond answered and nodded his head in agreement.

"You're the most hard-to-please client that I have ever had, and now you want me to risk my life again for this?" Nephilim asked and shook her head in disbelief. "But, I like the challenge, and therefore I'll do what I can," Nephilim stood up.

"How much should we pay?" Asmond asked.

"That would be something you should worry about later. I might ask you to pay me with your life if things went south," Nephilim chuckled mischievously. "I'm just joking, but I might need your protection if I got exposed," Nephilim explained.

"Of course. I'll do everything," Asmond nodded his head.

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