Chapter 175 All in Vain

“Young Master, Lang Li took them away.”

On the way, Shu Sheng receives a phone call. “He locked them up in a very remote villa community in the south of the city.”

“Where is he?”

“He didn’t go.”

Lang Ruoxian smiles faintly. “He wants the couple to kill each other.”

“Then we...”

“Go back to the company.”

Several days later, when Lang Ruoxian is about to leave the company in the evening, Shu Sheng comes in with a weird look.

“Young Master, Lang Hongyue is in hospital again.”

Lang Ruoxian pauses and asks without surprise, “Tian Bocheng did it?”

“I haven’t known the details yet. Lang Li also goes there.”

“Go. Let’s go to the hospital.”

Only when they arrive at the hospital do they know that Lang Hongyue stabbed Tian Bocheng and was pushed down from the balcony of the third floor by Tian Bocheng. Now they are still under rescue.

“Ruoxian?” Lang Li is talking to the doctor and is somewhat surprised to see him. “Why are you here?”

Lang Ruoxian stays calm and collected. “Recently, I feel sick in my chest. I just come and get some medicine. I hear from the doctor that Auntie has had an accident?”

“Ala...” Lang Li sighs. “Tian Bocheng had a mistress outside, and your auntie miscarried...”

Lang Ruoxian listens quietly as Lang Li tells the story, showing a look of surprise with special cooperation. “So... did he push Auntie down?”

“Previously Tian Bocheng borrowed the villa from me. I lent it to him without thinking. I didn’t know that he was hiding from your auntie. As a result, your auntie found him and stabbed him, and Tian Bocheng pushed her down by mistake.”

The lights in the operating room go out and Lang Hongyue is pushed out.

“Mr. Lang, I’m sorry...”

Lang Li is a little excited. “What about my younger sister? Can you save her life?”

“No, Ms. Lang fell down with her head landing first. Now there is congestion in her brain. We have done everything we can...”

Lang Ruoxian supports Lang Li and asks the doctor, “Has my auntie been rescued?”

“Ms. Lang’s life is saved, but we don’t know when she will wake up.”

“What do you mean?” Lang Li looks at Lang Hongyue on the surgery cart. “Is she in what was described as a vegetative state?”

The doctor nods. “You can say so, but her brain is clear, because brain waves are normal. When she wakes up, you can talk to her, maybe she will recover more quickly.”

“Will she never wake up?” Lang Ruoxian asks.

Doctor answers, “We can’t say for sure. This kind of thing can only trust to luck.”

The door of another operating room is also open. That is Tian Bocheng.

“He has been out of danger, but the position of the stabbing is somewhat lower, which may affect his sexual function. We’ll continue to observe this.”

Lang Family is rich, and Lang Hongyue’s ward is naturally the most advanced, comparable to a hotel. Tian Bocheng also benefits from association with Lang Family and occupies the next door ward.

Lang Ruoxian stands in the ward and looks at Lang Hongyue on the sickbed. Suddenly he asks, “Did you do it?”

“Have you found out?” Lang Li didn’t mean to deceive him. “By doing so, I have gotten rid of the suspicion on us clearly and will inform your grandfather when it is certain that Lang Hongyue will not wake up in a few days.”

“Are you going to make Tian Bocheng as your scapegoat?” Lang Ruoxian asks while knowing the answer.

Lang Li laughs hoarsely. “He has no choice but to confess.”

It is true that Tian Bocheng pushed Lang Hongyue downstairs. Even if he goes to tell Lang Cha the truth, he cheated Lang Hongyue, and then transferred the company’s assets, he can’t escape, so he’d better simply take the charges.

“After a few years in prison, he can still be reunited with his lover and son, or else... He can’t even survive.”

Lang Ruoxian smiles. “Kill two birds with one stone, which is a good play.”

“Lang Family will depend on you in the future.” Lang Li thinks of something and asks, “Yukun has been staying in G City, and you don’t have anyone keep an eye on him?”

“He opens a restaurant and seems to be looking for someone.” Lang Ruoxian says casually, “He and Fourth Uncle are not interested in domestic business. You can rest assured.”

Lang Li disagrees. “You are still too young. How can’t he care? The longer he lurks, the more you can’t treat him lightly.”

“I see.” Lang Ruoxian looks at his watch. “I’ll have a dinner party at night. Let me send you back first.”

“No, I have to talk to the doctor.” Lang Li waves his hand.

Lang Ruoxian comes out of the hospital and goes straight home. On the way, he suddenly smiles. “Is everything ready?”

“All right.” Shu Sheng who is always serious smiles at him and says, “Shall we send it to Lang Cha tomorrow?”

“Yes, we shall.” Lang Ruoxian is in a good mood. “Hua is coming back soon.”

Yan Hua and Fei Ying extend their one-week trip to two weeks at his instigation. Lang Ruoxian hopes that when she comes back, everything will be settled, and then he can announce their love openly.

Lang Li arranges the best nurse for Lang Hongyue, and he also has Tian Bocheng guarded. When Tian Bocheng wakes up, he is confronted with the interrogation of the police. Just when Lang Li thinks that he has revenged himself on all the people who insulted him and celebrates with champagne, Lang Cha calls him.

“I’ll get on the plane to return home immediately. Be ready to explain to me.”

After saying this, Lang Cha hangs up. When Lang Li call back, Lang Cha has turned off his mobile phone.

The next night, Lang Cha endures the hardships of a long journey to returns to Lang’s mansion. He looks as if he is older. Lang Li doesn’t know if it is his illusion. He feels that his father’s white hair is much more than what he had when he left.

“How did you take care of Dad, Lang Qin?” He questions Lang Qin who comes back with Lang Cha together.

Lang Qin looks at him coldly. “You’d better explain your business first!”

“What’s wrong with me?” Lang Li’s eyes flash.

Lang Cha sits down in the middle of the living room. “Where is your younger sister?”

“Hongyue... Something has happened to her.” Lang Li looks sad. “Dad, I didn’t mean to hide it from you. I think I’ll tell you when Hongyue wakes up in a few days.”

Lang Cha stares at him, and his obscure eyes reveal no feelings. “Say it again from the beginning to the end.”

“It is...” Lang Li naturally tells the play he designs again. Because Lang Cha comes back, Lang Ruoxian and Lang Yukun are also here today, and the two youngsters are sitting aside as onlookers.

Having finished listening to Lang Li, Lang Yukun glances at Lang Ruoxian. Lang Ruoxian asks him with his eyes. Lang Yukun shakes his head to show it is OK.

“Is that all?” Lang Cha is poker-faced. Lang Li is somewhat perturbed, but he thinks that it is impossible for Lang Cha to know. Everything he has done is in secret and will not be found out by his father.

So he says confidently, “Dad, I will let Tian Bocheng stay in prison for a lifetime. As long as Hongyue still lives, there is hope. Don’t worry too much.”

“Really?” Lang Cha throws a file bag on him. “I have another version here. Do you want to see it?”

Lang Li opens the file bag curiously. There are several photos in it, and his agreement to bribe Jin Yuan, as well as a statement from one of his heelers, clearly writing down how he had handled behind.

“This is slander!” Lang Li says quickly, “Dad, you must believe me. Who gave you this... this thing? Let him come out and confront me!”

Lang Li’s face has peeled off because of previous poisoning, and people can’t see clearly what color it is now. But his eyes are flustered and he almost falls down from his wheelchair.

“Dad, you have to believe me, how can I do such a thing. Hongyue is my younger sister, I... “

“Because you hate her, for she made you like this.” Lang Cha interrupts him. “This thing was sent to me by Hongyue, and it was sent from home half a month ago.”

Lang Li is completely panicked and his ears buzz.

“She was very clever and didn’t want to let me know what she did to you, so she sent it to Lang Jie first.” Lang Cha continues, “Lang Jie, that girl has always been disobedient at ordinary time, but this time she listened to her mother once. Hongyue told her not to open it. If Hongyue hadn’t sent her a message for three days, then she would send me the things.”

Lang Cha closes his eyes. “If that girl had been naughty this time to open it to have a look in advance, or had given it to me directly, your sister wouldn’t be lying in the hospital now.”

“Dad, she is your daughter, but am I not your son?” Lang Li sees that things have been disclosed, and simply says directly, “She has harmed me to be this disgusting look and ruined the rest of my life, can’t I take revenge?”

Lang Cha looks at him with a sad face. “You can offend her openly, or you can stop visiting each other all your rest lives. Or you can tell me! But you didn’t. You used the cruelest and meanest way to deal with your younger sister.”

“She has not been my sister since she hurt me.” Lang Li gives up his resistance and even smiles and says, “Dad, do whatever you want! I won’t regret what I did, whether you stop regarding me as your son or expel me out of Lang Family.”

Lang Cha tries several times to take up the crutch and kill the son, but seeing that there is no good meat on his face and listening to his husky voice, he finally doesn’t hit him.

“You leave. I won’t have you such a son ever since.” Lang Cha finishes saying so and wants to stand up, but he falls down.

“Dad! Grandpa!”

Something has happened to Lang Family, so the stock drops more than a half within just three days. Lang Cha is lying in the hospital, and Lang Hongyue is in a coma. Some people say that Lang Li has been expelled from Lang Family, while others say that Lang Family is separated into several parts.

Soon Lang Ruoxian begins to take action. He suppresses negative news first, then he uses several overseas cooperation projects brought back by Lang Qin to tell the public that there is no problem with the normal operation of the company. But it is not convenient to disclose the family affairs of Lang Family.

“The stock has been stabilized.” Shu Sheng lets loose of the computer.

Lang Ruoxian is about to speak when his mobile phone rings. He looks at the caller ID and his expression becomes very gentle.


“Well, I am OK.”

“I knew what would happen to the company before and it won’t have much impact. It will just cost some time.”

“Well, have fun!”

Lang Cha is discharged from hospital a few days later. Originally he wants to make a statement to disengage Lang Li from father and son relationship, but considering the company, he decides not to make it public. But since then he will never want to see this son again, just as if he never had this son.

Lang Hongyue shows no sober signs, while Tian Bocheng is in prison. As Lang Li said before, he has no choice.

“Grandpa.” Lang Ruoxian enters the study.

Lang Cha is sitting in a rocking chair by the French windows and squeezes out a smile when seeing him.

“Take care of yourself.” Lang Ruoxian picks up the blanket beside Lang Cha and covers it over the old man.

Lang Cha takes hold of him and says, “You need to take more care of the company in the future. Your father...”

“Grandpa, don’t worry. I’ve sent him to the manor and arranged people to take care of him.”

Lang Cha nods. “I will go back to the United States with your fourth uncle tomorrow.”

There is silence.

Coming out of the study, Lang Ruoxian’s faint smile turns evil. Ha... It’s not over yet!

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