Chapter 173 Dream and Reality

Tian Bocheng has had nightmares for several days. He has dreamed that Lang Hongyue knows that he has lied to her, so she stabs his son to death with a knife and then rushes at him. Every time he wakes up, he is in a cold sweat.

“I don’t want to do it anymore. Let’s cancel our deal.” Tian Bocheng calls the man.

The person over the line laughs a few times with guttural noises. His laughter is like fingernails streaking through broken copper and iron, making people mind-numbing.

“It’s not up to you. If you quit now, I’ll tell Lang Hongyue that you and Luo Xi have cheated her. If she knows that you not only has betrayed her, but also the son is not her own, do you think she will let you go easily?”

Tian Bocheng hangs up the phone with a panic expression. He knows that he has already had no way back.

“What’s wrong with you?” Luo Xi wants to see her son today. So Tian Bocheng comes over to show her the video.

Luo Xi cannot help doubting Tian Bocheng when seeing him in trance. “You haven’t regretted it, have you?”

“Yes, I have.” Tian Bocheng grabs his hair. “We have been used by the man. He did not dare to offend Lang Family, so he pulled me into the water.”

He should blame his own stupidity. He not only cheats Lang Hongyue and is audacious in the extreme to transfer the company’s assets. How can he forget that Lang Hongyue has Lang Family, Lang Li, Lang Ruoxian and Lang Cha as her backing.

“You pack up and I’ll send you abroad.” Tian Bocheng thinks over and over. He is afraid that he cannot run away, so he won’t let Luo Xi follow him to die.

Luo Xi doesn’t expect it to be so serious, and she can’t leave her son!

“I’m not leaving! I want my son.”

Tian Bocheng yells at her. “What time is it? Lang Hongyue regards him as her own son, so you should just worry about yourself.”

“I’m not stupid!” Luo Xi cries. “You said it was a conspiracy. If that person knew you had regretted, he would tell Lang Hongyue the truth. Do you think she can spare our son?”

Tian Bocheng stares blankly for a moment, then restlessly takes a few puffs of cigarette. Luo Xi whines beside him. After a few minutes, he puts out his cigarette butts severely.

“I shall think of some way to get the baby out, and you will leave with the baby!”

Yan Hua doesn’t know if it’s an illusion. She always feels that Lang Ruoxian is particularly active about their summer vacation trip and asks several times. Finally at the end of the month, Xiaojiu finishes filming. This time only Fei Ying and Yan Hua take their two children to go on the trip.

So they choose to take a cruise to the island country and will spend almost a week on board. They particularly take the largest cruise in Asia with complete facilities, comparable to a small city.

“I have applied an international roaming service for your mobile phone. Remember to send me a video every night.” Lang Ruoxian holds her to enjoin her. Beside them, Fei Yi also exhorts Fei Ying to take care of themselves. So they don’t go board until the last minute.

Lang Ruoxian and Fei Yi return to downtown. They get into their own car separately at the airport.

“Lang Ruoxian.” Fei Yi suddenly stops him. “Let me know if you need any help.”

Lang Ruoxian narrows his eyes and then hooks the corner of his mouth. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. My Xiaoying likes Yan Hua very much. I don’t want her to be sad about Yan Hua.”

When Lang Ruoxian returns the company, Shu Sheng rushes in hurriedly.

“Young Master, Tian Bocheng has regretted and he wants to send his son and Luo Xi away. Lang Li is ready for having a showdown.”

Lang Ruoxian rips off his tie. “It is just right. We’ll get rid of them before Hua comes back.”

“Then when shall we get to work?”

“Of course, after they finish the dog-eat-dog fighting.”

Lang Ruoxian sleeps in Yan Hua’s bed at night. There is always a faint smell in the air. He feels very fragrant, as if Yan Hua is beside him. Later he has a dream, in which is his dark and cruel past.

In the dream, he is still Lang Zeyu. He lies on the second floor of the villa every day. Not far away there is a large terrace. The sun is shining, and a glass door blocks the golden sunshine out.

It is like hope, which he can never see.

“How is he today?” A woman’s voice comes from the door.

Lang Zeyu moves his head. He once was very happy when the woman came to the orphanage to pick him up. It turned out that he was not an orphan, but his parents died in a traffic accident when he was a child, and his own whereabouts was unknown to his relatives.

“Zeyu, I am your auntie!” The woman got off a very big and magnificent car, and behind her there were two bodyguards who looked very fierce.

This was the first time that Lang Zeyu had seen Lang Hongyue. Lang Hongyue wore a beautiful skirt and beautiful makeup. She smiled at him very beautifully.

“I come to pick you up and go home!” The woman who asked him to call her auntie said.

At that time, Lang Zeyu was 13 years old.

He is brought back to a big villa by Lang Hongyue, changes into comfortable and beautiful clothes, and eats the food that had been seen on TV. He is very happy. Although his auntie doesn’t live with him, and although he is the only child in the big villa, he has many servants.

However, these people occasionally look at him with pity. Lang Ruoxian does not care. He thinks these people are probably sympathetic to what happened to him before.

“Auntie, I want to go to school.” Until half a year later, he feels bored to stay in the villa every day, and he knows that children all go to school. They also went to school in the orphanage previously, but the education there was not so formal. Only one teacher taught Chinese and mathematics to them.

“Go to school?” Lang Hongyue looks at him in surprise and then smiles oddly. “Well, I’ll arrange it. You can go to school after summer vacation.”

Lang Zeyu is very happy, but it never occurs. Because half a month later, in the morning he finds that he begins to lose his hair and then his body begins to itch. If he scratches, the skin will fall off, revealing the red meat underneath.

“Auntie, I’m hurt!” When Lang Hongyue comes to see him, Lang Zeyu rushes into her arms, crying.

The little boy doesn’t see the cruelty and indifference in the eyes of the woman holding him to comfort.

“Zeyu is a good boy. Auntie has brought a doctor to see you!”

Since then, he never leaves the villa again. The doctor says that he has inherited the disease, so he has to stay in his room, not to be in the sun, or not to go out. At first Lang Zeyu yearns to go out to see, and then he begins to ache all over. Every day is hard for him.

“Zeyu!” Lang Hongyue pushes the door open and comes in. She looks at the young man lying on the bed but hides her disgust in the eyes. “How is today?”

Lang Zeyu slightly moves his head. He doesn’t dare to move intensely, because as long as he moves, the skin will fall off, and the bare red meat lets him feel painful and itchy.

“This is Master Du’s apprentice. He will stay and take care of you in the future.” Lang Hongyue smiles. “Don’t worry. Auntie will cure you definitely!”

Lang Zeyu looks at the young man behind the senior TCM doctor. The young man has a common face and gives him a silly smile. As usual, the senior TCM doctor feels his pulse and then leaves with Lang Hongyue.

“May I help you open the window?” The apprentice who stays to take care of him asks.

Lang Ruoxian opens his mouth. His tongue is covered with blisters. He hurts so much that he doesn’t want to speak.

“Don’t worry. I just open a little, and the wind won’t blow to you.” The apprentice says with a smile.

When it is time to eat, the apprentice sees the house maid’s movements and frowns. “You exert your strength too much. He will hurt.”

Lang Zeyu can only eat liquid food, because he doesn’t have the ability to chew. But the house maid is very rude. The apprentice sees blood flowing out of Lang Zeyu’s mouth, because the blisters on his tongue are broken.

“I’ll do it!” Seeing that maid ignores him, the apprentice takes the bowl over and says, “I will feed him from now on.”

In this way, another month passes. It is raining heavily on this day, but Lang Zeyu is in a good mood because the blisters on his tongue seem to begin to harden. In fact, they used to harden every a few days before, but soon new blisters grew.

This time new blisters don’t grow, so he thinks that he might be better.

“I have changed the medicine and you will get better and better.” The apprentice locks the door and sits in front of the sickbed and looks at him.

Lang Ruoxian looks puzzled and doesn’t understand what he means.

“Listen to me, you have been hurt like this by Lang Hongyue...”

The rain outside the window is getting heavier and heavier, masking the sound in the room. It is unknown how long it has passed before the boy on the bed sobs.

“Don’t cry, Young Master.” The apprentice strips a layer of thing from his face and becomes another person. “This is what I am. My name is Shu Sheng. Childe Ruoxian tells me that I will serve for you from now on.”

From this day on, Lang Ruoxian’s physical function begins to recover. He has been poisoned for more than a year and it is a long process for him to get well completely. He doesn’t know where Shu Sheng has gotten the prescription. He gets better day by day.

“The senior TCM doctor has been bribed by us. He will not tell Lang Hongyue your true situation.” Shu Sheng says, “And he also says that you can’t continue to be like this, or you won’t live for three years.”

Lang Hongyue has realized that the amount of poison she has given Lang Zeyu is too large. She cannot let Lang Zeyu die. She is waiting for the right opportunity to bring him back to Lang Family.

So Lang Zeyu’s original poisonous foods have been all stopped. Three years later, his poison is completely removed. However, Lang Ruoxian suddenly informs him to bring forward the plan, and he has to fake his death immediately. That night in the hotel, it is the first time that Lang Ruoxian meets Lang Zeyu, his half-brother.

There is a girl named Qiang Di beside Lang Ruoxian. She is his lover.

He finds an excuse to let the girl leave and then tells Lang Ruoxian.

“I’m going to die. As long as I die, you can replace me back to Lang Family. Remember, you have to revenge for your parents and yourself. But you have to promise me that you will not use your own life to avenge.”

“Lang Zeyu, from now on, you will be Lang Ruoxian. Your life is mine, and you will live well instead of me!”

Lang Ruoxian suddenly opens his eyes. There is a familiar and warm taste in his arms. He hugs pillow and blankly stares at the sky at dawn out of the window.

“Don’t worry... I will live well for you.” There is a murmur in the room. “They will also come down to accompany you soon.”

Lang Hongyue is going crazy, because when she gets up, her son who slept in the cradle is gone.

“Bocheng! Our son is missing! When I get up, I find him disappear!” She calls Tian Bocheng as soon as possible.

“Don’t worry. I’ll call the police and get back now.”

Having hung up the phone, Lang Hongyue’s hands are shaking. She doesn’t know who is so competent to steal her son from under her gaze. When she is out of her mind, the mobile phone rings.

“Do you want to see your son?” The other party asks.

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