Chapter 152 The Man Behind

Lang Ruoxian frowns. “Who is she?”

“Don’t you know?” There is a hoarse voice sounded like a scraping iron pan, giving others goose bumps. “Haha! It’s funny. You don’t know your own mother!”

Lang Ruoxian can’t see the face of the man in the wheelchair, but he can hear him mocking. He looks at the woman again and smiles. “Do you mean my father have fathered me when he was young with a woman like that?”

Then he apologizes to the old woman. “I’m not saying you are bad. But actually, from the way you look now, you were just a normal person when you were young.”

He draws the corner of his mouth. “I thought, at least my mother was a beauty, so that my father could have done it?”

“...” The man in the wheelchair seems stunned by his words and raises his hand after a few seconds.

A gun is pointed to the old lady’s head, causing her shake and cry for mercy.

“You’re right. I must have made a mistake.” The man in the wheelchair says. “Then there’s no need for her to live. Am I right?”

Lang Ruoxian glances at the old man. “Do you think I’ll plead for her? Come on. I don’t know if I’ll live or die!”

“Hahaha! People are wrong about you,” The man in the wheelchair bursts into laughter. “First Young Master of Lang Family is really cruel and ruthless. Do you usually disguise yourself in that way to confuse anyone? Someone in your family?”

“I heard your father is now a cripple who longs for die.”

Lang Ruoxian stretches his legs. “He gets ripped off by a woman. Who’s to blame? Do you mind me to lean against the wall for a while? You’ve tied me up for two days after all.”

“Get First Young Master a chair.” The man in the wheelchair raises his chin.

The bodyguard who just enters the room comes forward, holding the three kidnappers.

“You’re so worthless. How did he run with all three of you?”

Liang Kun doesn’t look well. He comes up to Lang Ruoxian to spit and kick him in the stomach. “Damn you! Can’t you fight? Fight me!”

“F**k!” Lang Ruoxian throws him onto the ground before he can stand and gives him a blow on the head. These two men scuffle, and the man in the wheelchair shouts. “Are you all dead? Pull them apart now!”

Liang Kun scrambles to his feet, giving Lang Ruoxian a nasty look, and walks over to the wheelchair.

“We failed. This order we don’t charge you money.” He points to the wounded men. “Can we go to hospital first? Gunshot wound is emergency.”

The man in the wheelchair thinks for a moment. “Let my men follow you to the hospital. Don’t do anything extra, or I’ll kill you at any time!”

Liang Kun nods tamely. Several bodyguards help them into the car and away.

“It’s quiet now, and we can talk it over.” He says, looking at Lang Ruoxian with dark glasses. “I heard you grew up in an orphanage. Let’s talk about that!”

Lang Ruoxian raises his eyebrow. “Why do you care so much about my childhood? Do you know my father or mother? Or, you know me?”

“Shut up!” The man seems impatient. “Say whatever I ask. If you answer well, I may let you go.”

The man knows me... Lang Ruoxian keeps thinking and makes sure that he won’t kill him, or he doesn’t know whether he should kill him or not.

“The winter was cold at the orphanage, as I remember...”

In G City, Yan Hua finishes two days of shooting. Fei Shan knows she is so anxious that he finds an excuse to take away the film crew. When Yan Hua gets home, she tries to call Xiaokai while Gungun is taking a bath, and sees an email notification on the phone.

Yan Hua doesn’t want to read it, but clicks into the mailbox accidentally. When she wants to close it, she sees the content of the letter, which has only two lines. Her expression suddenly changes.

“Any news, Shu Sheng?” Xiaokai is in a hurry on the phone, but he can do nothing.

Luckily, Shu Sheng receives a call from the hotel just now.

“Someone left me a message in the hospital and let me get it.”

“Hospital?” Xiaokai freezes for a second. “Why is the hotel calling?”

On the phone, Shu Sheng sounds like he is driving with a loud wind blowing. “I don’t think they can reach me. But they knew which hotel we were staying in, so they called the hotel.”

“Could it be the men who kidnapped our Young Master got the money and plan to set him free?” Xiaokai says pleasantly, but then he considers something wrong. “Be careful. That may be a trap.”

“Whatever it is, I’ll go!”

No sooner has Xiaokai hung up than Yan Hua’s call comes.

“Xiaokai, come to my house.”

Yan Hua shows him the email.

“Yan Hua, Lang Li can speak now, and he was pretending and deceiving us all. He’s investigating Lang Ruoxian on suspicion that he poisoned him. I’m at Room 901 of Haili Hotel. His men are following me! Hurry up! Come and help me! Deng Jingjing.”

After reading the letter, Xiaokai looks as solemn as her. “So... Lang Li is probably the one who kidnapped our Young Master! Isn’t it...”

“No!” Yan Hua shakes her head. “I don’t think he has any proof. And Lang Ruoxian is his own son, he won’t kill him until he gets enough evidence.”

“But Young Master, he is...” Xiaokai shuts up suddenly.

It raises Yan Hua’s curiosity. “What’s it?”

“Nothing. What I mean is to contact Shu Sheng at once.” The baby face picks up the phone. When he finishes, he sees Yan Hua dressed and coming to the door.

“Where are you going?”

“To Haili Hotel.”

One hour later, they are stopped over ten meters from the hotel. The sirens are still ringing not far away, and there are many people and police around the hotel gate.

“I’m afraid we’re late...” Xiaokai parks the car. “I get off to have a look.”

He returns in a few minutes. Yan Hua signs. “What’s wrong with her?”

“She jumped from the top floor, and the police made a preliminary assessment of suicide. The specific results will be known after their investigation.”

“She didn’t kill herself!” Yan Hua says. “It must be Lang Li’s men who killed her, then disguised her as a suicide jumper.”

Xiaokai starts the car to leave. “We know, but the police don’t.”

“We can give the police the email.” Yan Hua says, flipping through her phone.

Xiaokai holds her hand. “Delete the email.”

“What did you say?” Yan Hua thinks she misheard.

“Forget it. I’ll log in your email-box later to do it. The police have technology to recover it if you delete in this way.” Xiaokai says, driving carefully. “Young Master will be involved if the police find this email.”

Yan Hua freezes for a few seconds. “Well, you do it.”

“If the police don’t call you...” Xiaokai adds. “It means Lang Li’s men might have read the email and deleted it.”

Yan Hua is shocked. “Is it dangerous for Lang Ruoxian?”

“I can only take care of you now.” Xiaokai looks at her seriously. “You’d better not leave this house before Young Master comes back. And don’t take part in that TV show any more.”

Yan Hua stares at him for a second and nods without saying a word.

“Where did you go?” When she goes to Fei Ying’s house to pick up Gungun, she sees her face is not normal either. “My brother says Lang Ruoxian is missing?”

Yan Hua takes her hand. “Don’t ask anything! Because I know nothing either!”

“OK! I won’t ask.” Fei Ying nods. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”

“Where’s Fei Shan?” Yan Hua asks. “I can’t film his show for a few days.”

Fei Ying replies yes. “I’ll inform him.”

She takes Gungun back home and finds several bodyguards in Lang Ruoxian’s flat next to her house.

“They will protect you as long as you stay in the house.” Xiaokai says as he is leaving. “Gungun can’t go to school these days, because the bodyguards can’t follow him to the classroom. We should be very cautious.”

Yan Hua surely understands that if Lang Li really catches Lang Ruoxian, then his next target may be her.

“It won’t be long.” Xiaokai adds. “Shu Sheng got Young Master’s lead, they’re on their way.”

When Shu Sheng arrives at the hospital, as he is told on the phone, he finds a cell phone with a satellite image in the toilet of the emergency room.

“Quick! Be quick! Go here now!”

On the map image is a red dot, which refers to a mountain located 60 kilometers away.

Meanwhile, Lang Ruoxian takes a drink of water and asks. “What more do you want to know? My high school, or college life?”

“You were found by the Lang Family in high school. Lang Li didn’t admit your identity but he gave you whatever you need.” The man in the wheelchair asks. “Do you hate him?”

Lang Ruoxian can hear his voice shivering in spite of his efforts to control it.

“Why should I hate him?” Lang Ruoxian smiles. “He didn’t know I existed. My mother was very sick when she gave birth to me. I was sent to an orphanage after she died, and it was my father who found me.”

He pauses and adds. “I should thank him, shouldn’t I? At least he made me who I am.”

“You never hate him, really?” The man in the wheelchair asks again.

Lang Ruoxian knocks the water bottle on the floor. “It’s not me to hate. It’s his present wife to blame. Now that you looked into me, you might know how much his current wife hated me. She even cursed me... to death.”

“Boss...” A bodyguard approaches the wheelchair with a phone. “There’s an accident.”

The man in the wheelchair takes the phone and begins to tremble after listening to a few words. “You’re all rubbish! You can’t even control a woman!”

The man must be flustered and begins to gasp, breathing very difficult. The bodyguard takes out a bottle of medicine quickly and gives him to take in a quivering manner. It takes a long time before he stares at Lang Ruoxian again.

He gazes at him for so long that Lang Ruoxian starts to wonder if he is going to kill him.

“You can go...”

Lang Ruoxian raises his eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

“Go or stay here forever.” When he lifts his hand, the bodyguard points a gun at him.

Lang Ruoxian gets up, patting the dirt, and goes into a car behind them. He says, leaning out from the window after he starts the car and turns it around.

“I don’t know who you are or what this mean. But I hope we won’t meet each other again. Or next time will be my turn...”

With that, he steps on the gas and the car speeds away.

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