Chapter 129 Incidents on Holiday

They talk about the little episode over dinner and then forget about it because it has nothing to do with them. But Cong Fei shows up with her daughter the next day.

“Hi everyone! Sorry to bother you.” Cong Fei doesn’t wear the gauze kerchief today and takes off her sunglasses when she enters the room. Having a beautiful Bohemian dress on, she looks particularly attractive with stunning temperament, which deserves the title of movie queen.

“This is my daughter Lulu. Lulu, say hi to everyone!”

The little girl is supposed to be taught before coming here. Blinking her bright eyes, she calls “uncle and auntie” in an innocent and adorable appearance, then she comes to Yan Hua with a toy car in her arms.

“Auntie, it was my fault yesterday for losing my temper. Here is a gift to the little brother.” The little girl, in the same dress as her mother, looks at with watery eyes.

Gungun turns away and buries his face in Lang Ruoxian’s arms. Children hold no grudges, so he peeks at the toy in Lulu’s hand.

“Gungun, say thanks.” Feeling sorry to have the girl hold it up for a long time, Yan Hua puts Gungun onto the ground, “Tell little sister that you are not angry anymore.”

“Thanks!” Gungun smiles, showing his two small front teeth, and takes the toy car and pats Lulu’s hand, “I’m not angry now. I want to play with you.”

Chen Hong nudges Mingxi and he leads them to play on the beach. Then Yan Hua invites Cong Fei to take a seat, “Miss Cong, you are so kind. It’s not a big deal about kids’ fighting.”

“No, no, no. I inquired her last night and found out what was wrong.” Cong Fei signs, “It’s my fault for ignoring her education. Look at her personality now, I really don’t know how to deal with it.”

Fei Ying winks at Fei Yi and the later stands up to leave. Lang Ruoxian gives a look at Yan Hua and says.

“I go for a phone call.”

But Li Yi still sits there listening, so Chen Hong twitches her lips with reluctance and asks, “Miss Cong, did you read any domestic news?”

“I knew. It says I’m divorced.” Cong Fei says with a wry smile, “We got a secret divorce six months ago. But he told to others when he was drunk, making me unprepared and off guard. I can’t even do any public relations.”

As a great gossip, Fei Ying is tempted to ask, “So, why did you get a divorce?”

“Don’t laugh at me. I don’t care that he owes lots of money, but he keeps also mistresses out there and gives my savings to other women!” A grim and vicious look crosses Cong Fei’s face.

Yan Hua frowns, “So is the divorce all settled now?”

“We both signed the agreement. He surely made marital infidelities.” Cong Fei puts on another look of pity, “But he now wants custody of Lulu. How can I give him it? That’s why I take her on this secret vacation abroad.”

Chen Hong gazes at her, “Escaping is not a good way. Don’t you go back to China?”

“I can hide for a while anyway!” Cong Fei feels a little embarrassed about the topic, “Oh! Looking at what I’m talking about with you guys. We should enjoy the New Year.”

At lunch time, Yan Hua politely invites Cong Fei and her daughter to stay for dinner, while she refuses.

“It’s not right. We are leaving now. We stay and play on this island anyway, and we can be companions next time we meet. Bye!”

Fei Ying shrugs her shoulders and shuts the door, “I thought she would stay.”

Does she come out of the blue for an apology? Each is used to conspiracy theories and no one considers that she comes simply showing her regrets.

“Whatever. I won’t play with her anyway.” Chen Hong claps her hands, “Good news guys! The undersea restaurant I reserved before just informed me that we can go there tonight!”

“Finally, we’ve been in line for five days!” Yan Hua sets the table, “We have such a high expectation and may it won’t let us down.”

Fei Ying jumps up, “It won’t. This undersea restaurant is totally different from others!”

“I never went to a place like that.” Yan Hua smiles, “So I won’t be sad for sure.”

She catches Lang Ruoxian peeking at her darkly.

“We can take a vocation abroad each year, wherever you like.”

Yan Hua replies him a fake smile.

The main difference of the restaurant is that it goes around the island for about one hour each circle. And its dinning space can only contain 12 guests at a time.

Arriving at the restaurant, they are informed by the manager that only eleven clients come to dine tonight. Besides the nine of them, a couple of two strangers also get the seats. The spare seat is empty because no one wants to come alone.

“Who will go on holiday alone?” Fei Ying says and catches Chen Hong staring back at Li Yi. So she lets them sit together as even the blind can tell that Li Yi is chasing after Chen Hong these days.

But Chen Hong always shows a distaste for him and no one knows when she can treat him nicely.

Not long after they take their seats, two other guests are arriving. Seeing them coming, Yan Hua doesn’t think the clownfish outside the glass wall are cute anymore.

“What a coincidence!” Cong Fei looks at them in surprise, “I worried on my way here that the dinner would not be delicious if there were only foreigners who would be hard to communicate. So glad to meet you guys!”

All of 12 guests sit together at a long table facing each other with Cong Fei sitting at the very edge. The restaurant starts to move as the dishes begin to be served.

“It really feels like walking on the ground!” Fei Ying presses her face on the glass wall.

The kids are so excited running beside the French window. After several dishes, Cong Fei starts to chat.

“Miss Yan, may I call you that now?” Cong Fei takes up her glass to toast Yan Hua who sits beside her.

Yan Hua clinks her glass with Cong Fei’s.

“I saw the rumors online, and that’s easy for them to say something. You were right!” She lowers her voice, “You and Mr. Lang...”

“Sorry, could we skip this topic?” Yan Hua smiles, “I really don’t want to talk about it.”

Cong Fei apologies at her words, “So sorry! I won’t gossip too much! I just envy you.”

“Envy me?” Yan Hua is curious, “Our common people should admire you, a superstar and movie queen awarded for many times!”

“There’s nothing to envy.” Cong Fei gives a snort of disdain, “Stars look glamorous, but actually... Alas! The showbiz thing is almost covered up on the Internet. In fact, it’s dirtier than that. I just suffer it out.”

Yan Hua doesn’t know what to say, as they are not familiar after all. So she smiles, “For your daughter, you have to go forward.”

“But that beast wants to take my daughter now!” Cong Fei raises her voice which startles the children. Gungun jumps into Lang Ruoxian’s arms and peers over.

Lang Ruoxian stares coldly at Cong Fei, “Miss Cong, please control your temper.”

“Sorry, President Lang. I didn’t mean it!” Cong Fei answers quickly, “I... I am just too stressful to control myself recently. So sorry! I’m sorry!”

Fei Ying feels that she is indeed in a bad state so she pushes a glass of water towards her, “Calm down. Nothing can’t be solved. You said he made infidelities, so you have the upper hand at the court.”

“Yes... Right...” Cong Fei murmurs and takes a sip from the glass.

Chen Hong frowns at the sight of her hands quivering.

The meal is not at all comfortable, except for these three little kids. Mingxi whispers to Chen Hong on their way back.

“Mom, Lulu is bad. She didn’t come to play with us. I heard her saying bad words on Gungun while washing her hands in the bathroom.”

Chen Hong gives an “indeed so” look. At night, Lang Ruoxian checks out that the original two guests weren’t Cong Fei and her daughter, they paid others for exchanging the date. It makes Cong Fei’s true intention obvious.

“We do not know what she really wants.” Fei Ying wonders, “Is it useful to approach us?”

Yan Hua considers for a second, “She now faces the problem of custody, on top of that, the divorce. She now is considered a victim with no one out there against her.”

“There must be something that we don’t know.” Yan Hua claims, “Some affairs that the media and others might never know.”

Fei Yi takes out his phone, “I’ll have someone to check it out.”

Fei Yi makes some discoveries next day, but...

“She is afraid to go to court or take custody of her daughter in public, because her ex-husband has the goods on her.” Fei Ying scans the email, “But it doesn’t say exactly what it is.”

“No. It’s hidden too deep to find out.” Fei Yi deletes the email, “What can be sure is that ‘the goods’ is quite old.”

Chen Hong nods her head, “If it happened in recent years, you can look it up for sure.”

“We just come to take a vocation, why are so many troubles here?” Fei Ying gives up and loses her temper, “I hate it! What if she comes back to us tomorrow?”

Lang Ruoxian doesn’t speak, he quietly watches Yan Hua cutting a mango, and grabs the fork to take one when she finishes. Just as Yan Hua is about to speak, he puts another piece into her mouth.

“Oh, come on! Let’s get down to business.” Fei Ying casts Lang Ruoxian a scornful look.

Lang Ruoxian wipes his mouth, “It’s easy. Hide from her, so she can’t find us.”

“But I don’t want to go back!” Fei Ying thinks they will leave.

“There is a small island nearby and tourists rarely go due to the lack of Internet and food. It makes travelers inconvenient.” Lang Ruoxian curls his lips, “We can stay there for a few days if you can survive without micro blog or Taobao.”

Yan Hua considers for a second, “Can the phone get through there?”

“Surely do.” Lang Ruoxian smiles at her curiosity, “In fact, we can rent an Internet server from the hotel here and bring it over there. It is connected to the satellite and provides the Internet service.”

“Why didn’t you mention it?” Fei Ying stares at him, “You say it only for Hua!”

Yan Hua pats her shoulder, “Let’s go there for several days?”

“Nice!” Chen Hong agrees, “I’m going shopping for food materials. Let’s stay there for three days. If Cong Fei is still here when we back, we can visit another island.”

Cong Fei now is looking in horror at her phone, which shows a text message.

“I’m arriving tomorrow. If you dare run away, I’ll make the video public and ruin your name!”

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