Kang Jin-Ho's skin went numb and tingly.

Even though the Crimson King's unleashed aura wasn't directed at him, it still tried to crush everything in this world and forced them to submit, including Kang Jin-Ho. As expected of the embodiment of unyielding martial might! This kind of force was befitting of one of the Three Kings.

The corners of Kang Jin-Ho's lips involuntarily curled up to bare his white fangs. Meanwhile, his heart began racing even faster and faster.

This agitation, this... excitement! How long had it been since he last felt this excited?

Kang Jin-Ho quietly covered his face.

'No, calm down.'

He told himself over and over again to stay calm.

Kang Jin-Ho's blood was boiling. He forcibly suppressed his soul's loud yelling that urged him to thrust his sword right into the throat of the Crimson King before his eyes.

If he was still Crimson Demon from the past, Kang Jin-Ho would've already charged at the Crimson King without a moment's waste. Back then, Crimson Demon stopped at nothing and did everything against an enemy capable of rousing his excitement to this degree.

Besides, cutting down all hindrances was Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor's way, now wasn't it!


However, Kang Jin-Ho was no longer that person. He was not Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor, having already discarded that persona. The man standing here was, for all intents and purposes... Kang Jin-Ho.

Even then, he couldn't help but clutch at his pounding chest.

'I see. I can't confidently say I've completely gotten rid of that persona, now can I?'

It seemed that the persona of Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor still existed somewhere deep in his heart, judging from how madly it was rampaging inside. It was clamoring crazily to fight against the first enemy to excite him in a long, long while.

Maybe, just maybe... That wasn't Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor's will, but Kang Jin-Ho's subconscious desire!

He wanted to feel it. And prove something in the process.

Kang Jin-Ho wanted to exchange moves with the Crimson King and feel the excitement of a fierce battle where life and death could be decided in a split second. And he wanted to prove that he was stronger than one of the Three Kings!

'This kind of emotion... Isn't it called competitiveness?'

Kang Jin-Ho pressed down on his chest to suppress the competitiveness trying to take over him. Then, he stared straight into the eyes of the Crimson King. The big man in the crimson robe was staring back with heroic determination.

'So, not everyone in this era is a weakling.'

Kang Jin-Ho could sense how strong the Crimson King really was. He encountered countless top-tier experts when people still called him Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor. And yes, he fought them, too.

Some of them were all talk and no pants, completely undeserving of their fame. Sometimes, though, more than a fair few of them were strong enough for Kang Jin-Ho to bet his everything, including his life, to win.

Still, Kang Jin-Ho made them all kneel in defeat. He slaughtered them all in the end. The name of Heavenly Crimson Demon King became a legend precisely because he had never tasted defeat once in those battles. That was how he became a mythical figure. As a result of his prowess, the unprecedented era of the demonic path had opened up.

That was what Kang Jin-Ho had achieved. That was who he was! And yet, he was still getting tense.

The Crimson King... was strong! Kang Jin-Ho didn't even need to exchange moves to understand this simple truth.

Sheer heroic martial might... Yes, that man embodied the martial might and heroic spirit!

Even the fist of Huangfu claimed to be strong enough to shatter heaven and earth, even the fist of Shaolin claimed to be the heaviest in the world, and not even the Peng Family renowned for being peerless in martial prowess... paled in comparison to the Crimson King's aura of unparalleled martial might!

'So, this is how far martial arts have come.'

This indescribable sentiment washed over Kang Jin-Ho just then. In the current era, it was clear that martial arts were on the back foot. Powerful martial arts were no longer enough to rule everything under the heavens these days.

Even back in the past, when countless heroes and tyrants vied for supremacy under the sun, Kang Jin-Ho could ignore their powers and influences through his martial might alone.

However, as time passed, the martial artists were forced into the shadows. As the number of martial artists dwindled, so did their influence on the world.

Even if they were making covert maneuvers behind the scenes, Kang Jin-Ho thought it'd be impossible for them to regain the prestige and sway over the world their ancestors enjoyed. Thus, his expectations of the current crop of martial artists were pretty low.

Every modern-era martial artist he met so far were people who simply cultivated and studied martial arts. Their mindset and lifestyle couldn't compare to their ancient counterparts who dedicated their entire life walking on the path of martial arts.

However, that turned out to be not the full story. And the proof was standing right before Kang Jin-Ho's eyes in the form of a man who connected the past with the present.

Kang Jin-Ho had to admit that this was a strange feeling. Even though he was thinking about the martial arts of the past, Kang Jin-Ho's involvement in cultivations unrelated to demonic arts was minimal, to say the least. If he was being technical about it, then he should actually be detesting orthodox martial arts since those who attacked him day and night cultivated those.

Even then... Why did he feel so satisfied by this situation? Now that he got to confirm that the era of martial arts hadn't ended, that the inheritance had continued on despite the lengthy passage of time, Kang Jin-Ho was swept up in this odd feeling of happiness.

Of course, he still hadn't forgotten that the martial arts making him happy were trying to kill him, too!

“Hear me now, oh despicable Demon King!” The Crimson King's loud roar rocked the heavens and earth.

He exuded absolute and overwhelming martial might and charisma. All those who served the Crimson King and even those who saw him as an enemy had to hold their breath. It was as if they were trying to erase any and all traces of their existence from this world by not moving an inch. They didn't even dare look elsewhere, either!

Their minds rapidly blanked, leaving nothing but the Crimson King's voice to reverberate nonstop in their skulls instead!

“I cannot turn a blind eye to the darkness you will usher into this world! Just like how my ancestors have done, and just like how my masters and teachers have done...! I shall end your life here tonight and bring peace into our world once more. Come! If you dare call yourself a martial artist, come and stand before me and receive my blade! You can't possibly be thinking of hiding behind those rat bastards to save your skin, now are you?”

Kang Jin-Ho chuckled softly at that provocation.

'How archaic.'

He was far too familiar with this kind of speech. Still, it didn't feel right listening to the Crimson King yap on like that. That was another indicator that Kang Jin-Ho had finally become a modern-era man. And that realization calmed Kang Jin-Ho's mind right down in the blink of an eye.

“So, you're called the Crimson King, right?”

After listening to Kang Jin-Ho casually asking that, the Crimson King's sharp glare fixed on his opponent. Their glares collided mid-air.

'Hmm. It's like staring at the sun.'

That was Kang Jin-Ho's overall impression of the Crimson King. This man was like a burning, sizzling sun.

What would be the best way to describe him? He seemed too visceral to be described with mere words. He was a man with unwavering conviction and attitude. His confidence, with zero room for doubt, seemed to soar high into the skies and radiate like a blazing sun. Not only that, but...

'A blazing crimson sun, is it?'

This Crimson King wasn't a wholly benevolent individual, it seemed. A sun was supposed to emit rays of warmth and caress everything under it without discrimination. However, this crimson sun was more like an arrogant, overbearing ruler looking down on the sea of baking sand found in a desert.

All those subjected to his merciless rays of light would gradually wither and die unless they found shades as soon as possible.

Regardless of what, though, it didn't change the fact that this Crimson King was a rather unique individual. Even those who were referred to as the peerless geniuses in the past didn't emit such a heroic air.

To the surprise of no one, the world of martial arts back then was at its peak of power and relevance. Before the demon cult caused a stir and practically united everything under one banner, the fierce competitiveness meant no one dared to call themselves the greatest hero under the heavens.

Even the abbot of the Shaolin temple had to seek the opinions of other clan and sect leaders. Even the man who called himself the greatest swordsman under the sun had to be mindful of other sword masters.

However, the Crimson King was different. In the current martial world, only three suns existed above all beings. And their attainment in cultivation and influence qualified them to call themselves 'kings'. As such, the Crimson King had all the right to be this arrogant.

While Kang Jin-Ho was thinking about all this, the Crimson King was also stewing in his impression of the so-called demon king.

'I... can't see the depth?'

A bottomless abyss, that was the impression Kang Jin-Ho gave off. And this particular abyss was so dark and so deep that even the Crimson King couldn't see how deep it went. If a person accidentally fell into it, they might fall forever.

'Does that mean... I can't predict how much stronger this man will become?'

When that thought entered the Crimson King's mind, he suddenly felt this intense displeasure tickling him from the base of his spine. He furrowed his brow deeply.

This feeling... It certainly had been a really long time since he last felt it.

The Crimson King had forgotten about this feeling for so long that being confronted by it again was kind of an awkward experience for him. Even those dark, odd emotions he thought he had exorcized out of his psyche returned in full force.

'Is it... terror?'

Or maybe... Calling it fear was a better description?

The Crimson King tightly clenched his fists.

'But... Why?'

He couldn't understand it. Obviously, this man, Kang Jin-Ho, was fully deserving of the moniker 'demon king'. With all the blood and bits of human flesh covering him, he might be closer to being a Rakshasa, but the pitch-black demonic qi subtly oozing out of him made him look more like the embodiment of pure evil instead.

However, the man standing before Kang Jin-Ho was none other than the Crimson King. He should not be afraid even if Asura of Hell had personally invaded the mortal realm, never mind some measly demon king! 'Fear' was something people who cared about saving their hides felt.

The Crimson King would never hesitate to sacrifice his life in the pursuit of upholding justice and morals. So, how could he be scared of anything?

The Crimson King's eyes gleamed sharply.

'I made the right call by coming here.'

He was worried about that one-in-a-million chance. If the other two Kings had discovered his absence and made their moves, the whole world would face an unprecedented catastrophe. Even though he knew this, the Crimson King still decided to come. Of course, that was only after carefully weighing his options first. The Crimson King calculated that the danger Kang Jin-Ho posed was no less serious than what the other two Kings posed.

And now, he was patting himself on the back for making such an astute judgment. This man, this Kang Jin-Ho... must not be spared!

A world ruled by the other two Kings would be no different than Hell on Earth. After all, they didn't know the meaning of humanity. They simply didn't care about the preciousness of human lives. If such people seized the ultimate control, it didn't take a genius to predict that the world would fall into ruination.

However, what about Kang Jin-Ho?

'I'd rather see the other Kings in charge!'

Kang Jin-Ho was simply... evil. No more, no less. Other Kings might have transcended past the limits of humans, but they still could be defined as human beings. Their villainous acts had been founded upon their ambitions and desires.

In that case, what about Kang Jin-Ho, then? The Crimson King couldn't tell. Just what would happen if someone so thoroughly stained by malice ruled the world? It'd be unprecedented, that was for sure! And the Crimson King could never let that happen.

He was not the type to use people's lives in an experiment like that.

'Behold, all of his malice!'

The Crimson King grimaced as he took in the sight of all the pitch-black demonic qi oozing out of Kang Jin-Ho's figure like ink leaking out nonstop from a broken jar. That was literally the embodiment of sheer evil, wasn't it!

Just as the Crimson King's thoughts reached that far, Kang Jin-Ho leisurely raised his voice. “So, the Crimson King, is it...?”

Something about the way he said that sounded a little drony. Maybe a little distant.

“You want to kill me?” Kang Jin-Ho casually asked.

“That's right!” The Crimson King unhesitantly replied. He didn't doubt for one second that killing Kang Jin-Ho was the best way to usher peace into the world.

That was when Kang Jin-Ho leisurely stepped forward, prompting the demonic cultivators to hurriedly call out to him.

“M-my liege!”

“P-please wait!”

They all knew how stupendously strong the Crimson King was. Even though their faith in the demon emperor was firmer and more sturdy than a block of concrete, they still felt anxious at the prospect of their leader fighting the Crimson King. It was as if they were the ones about to fight this imposing enemy!

But that was how overwhelming and overbearing the Crimson King's aura was. That was why they wanted to beg Kang Jin-Ho to stop. They desperately wanted to tell their demon emperor that they were prepared to sacrifice their lives to hold the Crimson King back, so he must escape from here.

Despite those words circling in their heads, no one tried to stop Kang Jin-Ho or stand in his way. Doing so would be far too disrespectful, after all!

Kang Jin-Ho stepped past the ranks of the demonic cultivators, the corners of his lips still curled up. That 'smile' exposed his fangs gleaming brightly on his crimson face.

The Crimson King was creeped out by this sight. How could a human fit the nickname of 'demon king' so perfectly?

Even if a demon king was supposed to be evil, they should still possess the class and dignity befitting the title of 'king'. However, Kang Jin-Ho wasn't like that.

No, he exuded this untamed aura. His primal savagery was such that he might start smelling like a starving beast soon!

'Indeed, he's a... wild beast!'

With that, the Crimson King grew even more determined. In his eyes, Kang Jin-Ho was like a starving wolf. A wolf that followed its primal instincts to hunt and tear open its prey's gut to chomp down on the intestines!

And such a wolf was baring its fangs, seemingly ready to rip open the Crimson King's gut! 𝚏r𝗲ewe𝚋𝐧𝚘vel.𝚌𝚘m

“Tell me, Crimson King. Can you guess where everyone who wanted to kill me is now?”

The Crimson King's eyes burned like fierce flames.


The Crimson Destiny scraped against the cold, hard ground to generate unpleasant grating noise.

“You will learn soon enough,” said Kang Jin-Ho as demonic qi gushing out of his body flowed down to his swords.

Kang Jin-Ho leisurely walked toward the Crimson King as demonic qi danced and wavered all around him like black ripples in the air.

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