Chapter 1325 Chapter 1325 Picking on Lily

--- Kat ---

Kat had no idea how she got here. One moment she was trying to wake Lily up, and the next she was on the bed with Lily on top of her. Even if she wasn't trying all that hard to wake Lily, it shouldn't have been so easy to turn the tables. The fact Lily had transformed to move Kat had probably helped. "Lily, Lily it's time to get up," said Kat tapping the side of Lily's head where her ears would be if she were still human.

Of course, despite Kat's request she wasn't actually making an attempt to get up herself. "Nyo, nyor comfortable," mumbled Lily.

Kat's eyes widened. *Wait. Is her speech being corrupted? This… this could be adorable. Wait no, it's already adorable. Um… shit what can I ask her to test? Dammit I'm blanking on good cat puns. I can only remember that one tongue twister about a menagerie but there's no way I can get her to say that in her sleep.*

"Come on Lily, it's morning already, time to get up," said Kat tempting Lily to say 'morning'.

"Nyo, comfy," grumbled Lily. *Welp. That plan failed. I mean… she's still adorable with her cheek squished against me and her tail wrapped around my arm… but not what I was trying to trick her into saying. I'm not even sure if I want this for blackmail material or just because it's cute. Probably both. Yeah let's go with both.*

Of course, Kat still wasn't actually doing anything that might force Lily to wake. She hadn't used her demonic flame to cool down the area. Hadn't transformed into water, hadn't entered Lily's dreams or used any more normal tactics like blowing in her ears. Considering they were cat ears and more sensitive then a humans it might have even worked… if Kat bothered to try. Alas, the rules were clear, when a cat(girl) sits on you and starts sleeping you're trapped there forever obviously.

Kat started to tickle Lily again and quickly found small paws wrapping around her finger. It wasn't enough force to stop her tickling attempts so Kat continued. In response Lily bit Kat's finger lightly. Not even enough force to hurt a normal human. *Huh… interesting. This doesn't really stop me… but would I hurt Lily if I moved too much? Not sure how strong her jaw muscles and bone are… or her neck. Dammit, this is actually a fairly effective trap for me. Curse you and your sleepy ingenuity*

Kat pondered the problem for a few moments before deciding to go for a new tactic. Tickling Lily's ears. Kat bent over and let out a thin stream of cool air right into Lily's ear. Lily twitched at this letting Kat's finger go as she batted away the air with her little paws before falling still once she was satisfied she'd 'gotten' the problem. Kat bit her lip to prevent a squeal of joy from escaping her. Once again, Lily was very cute. *Yes. Dating this adorable girl was a great decision. She can amuse me even in her sleep.*

Kat shook her head from side to side to refocus on the current issue. *No, don't get distracted from your objective. Yes she is cute, but this was an attempt at getting Lily to transform while asleep and it failed. I didn't do anything different… well, not if you ignore the fact I've been messing with her a bunch already. Perhaps she's getting used to it already? It's certainly possible… hmm… so how do I want to go about this? Do I need to give her time to 'reset'? How much time?

I don't really want to leave the room or anything. Lily is much too cute. Hmm… what can I do…* Suddenly, Kat got a very dumb idea. "There's no way this works… but…" Kat mumbled as she leaned down. "Lily if you transform I'll let you sleep on my boobs,"

To Kat's amazement it worked. Lily switched over to her human form and then reached out with a hand until it grabbed a pillow. Kat watched as Lily frowned at it before her hands went back to moving. *Well… I guess I'll follow through on my promise. Wouldn't want her mad at me in her sleep.*

Kat slid herself under Lily and wrapped her up in a hug. Lily did of course, get what she was promised and Kat couldn't stop the chuckles that escaped her throat. It was just so silly that it worked. *What to do now though? I didn't actually think it would work. It shows Lily can transform in her sleep… and that I can get her to do it just by asking. Well, technically just by asking, but it was more like bribery.*

Kat ran her hand over Lily's ears, smiling as Lily nuzzled deeper into her chest in response. "Is this really such a reward that it works as temptation even while you're asleep?" Kat asked the air, partially expecting a response from Lily. Alas, while Lily's sleeping state was surprisingly active when prodded, forming coherent answers was beyond it. A shame.

"Fine, I'll let you rest a little bit longer. Breakfast can wait, or be skipped. Don't come complaining to me if you end up hungry though," said Kat as she shifted slightly to get more comfortable. Lily didn't so much as stir in the entire process. She seemingly didn't register the words or the movement as things to react to.

*I wonder if that's because she's comfortable now she's on my boobs? They are one of the things Lily's eyes focus on. Perhaps I should run some of the tests again and see how Lily reacts. She just had her head on my stomach before. It would be negligent of me not to test it out after all. Yes, this is clearly the time for scientific rigor.*

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