Chapter 94: A big discovery about BACK

Chapter 94: A big discovery about BACK

From joy to sadness. This was the feelings of Dong Xuebing now. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

After holding hands with the woman he secretly admired foryears, Dong Xuebing could not think straight. He spent the whole Sundaymarketing with Aunt Xuan, accompanying her to have meals, watch movies, etc.Other than going to the toilet and sleeping, both of them spent all their timetogether. Dong Xuebing could not forget the feeling of holding her hands. Hekept thinking about the feeling, and on Monday morning, he realized that he hadforgotten to do an important thing. That day was the most uneasy day of hislife!

Dong Xuebing had forgotten to use his Sunday's BACK!

Dong Xuebing still have not fully understood his power BACK.Since he had gotten this power from the accident, he only knows that this BACKcan turn back time to one minute ago and he has one chance to use it every day.After he had gotten this power, he maintained the principle of using powerevery day. Even if nothing happens in the day, he will use BACK before hesleeps. This had become his habit, and he had done so without fail. DongXuebing also did not think about what would happen if he missed using his powerfor a day, and he also did not dare to try. He had benefited from his power,and there was no way he could do without it. What if the condition of his powerwas he must use it every day? If he missed one day, the power would be gone?

Restless, uneasiness, and nervous!

Back! You must not leave me! I still have to depend on youfor my future happiness!

"Xiao Bing, why are you in a daze so early in the morning?What's wrong?"

"Huh? I'm just thinking about something. Everything's fine."When Dong Xuebing came back to his senses, he noticed Aunt Xuan kneeling infront of the sofa, helping him to tie his shoelaces. Dong Xuebing immediatelybend down to stop her. "Stop, stop. I can tie my own laces. Your neck and backare not good, and you might injure yourself."

"I am not that weak." Qu Yunxuan tied his shoelaces for himand stood up to straighten his tie for him. "Ok. You look great today. It'stime for you to go to work."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "You should also leave early. You mightget caught in a traffic jam if you are late."

"Ok. If I am not working late today, I will prepare dinnerand wait for you."

After Dong Xuebing went downstairs, away from Qu Yunxuan'ssight, his smiling face was replaced by a dejected look. He really wanted totry BACK to see if his power was still around. But after thinking about it fora while, he decided to leave it for now as he still did not know what wouldhappen at work. What if he said the wrong things again? So, Dong Xuebingresisted the urge to try his power until he finishes work. If some accidents happenedduring work, he could still test his powers.

1 hour...

3 hours...

5 hours....

It might be the issue of the blind spot. The driver closesthe door as Dong Xuebing was boarding the bus.

Dong Xuebing got a shock and immediately pushed the personin front of him and board the bus. But he could not get out of the way in time,and his left hand was caught in the bus doors!

"Ah!" Dong Xuebing shouted in pain. He natural instincts kickedin and shouted BACK!

This was his usual reaction, and he did this unconsciously.After he shouted BACK, he slapped his forehead. He had used it 5 minutes agooutside the bureau. What's the use of shouting now? But the next second, DongXuebing was stunned!


Dong Xuebing's surroundings were not crowded anymore. Hishand does not hurt, and he was standing at the bus stop.

"Swipe your card and board the bus from the front door." Thewoman was waving a small red flag, and all the passengers were rushing forward!

Huh? BACK happened again? Now it was 60 seconds ago?!

What the fuck!? Impossible! How can this be possible?! I hadused BACK once today! How come I can use it twice? Looking at what washappening in front of him, Dong Xuebing still could not believe his eyes. Hestood there in a daze even after the bus left the bus stop!

What just happened?

Eh? Wait!

Twice? I used BACK twice?

Dong Xuebing immediately thought of one reason!

Could it be... the Sunday's BACK did not disappear and wasaccumulated to Monday?

Damn! Don't tell me BACK can be accumulated??

If this is real, then it would be possible to turn back timeto 5 or 10 minutes ago Dong Xuebing accumulated 5 to 10 days of BACK!

Translator'snotes: New feature of his power. If he accumulates 1,440 days, he can return toone day ago. Come to think of it, it is not very useful. Will you try toaccumulate as many days as possible or try to use whenever you have the chanceto use it?

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