Chapter 91: Touch the wrong place

Chapter 91: Touch the wrong place

Qu Yunxuan hugged Dong Xuebing's arm and watched moviesuntil very late. Dong Xuebing enjoyed this feeling. He felt like he wasfloating among the clouds, and it seems unreal. Dong Xuebing did not know whenhe dozes off. He woke up when he turned and fell off the sofa at aroundmidnight. After he realized that he was sleeping in Aunt Xuan's house, hewalked to Aunt Xuan's room to peep at her. Qu Yunxuan was sleeping and fullyclothed. He peeked for a while and returned back to sleep on the sofa.

Morning. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

"Xiao Bing, do you want breakfast?"

Dong Xuebing opened his eyes and saw Qu Yunxuan in an apron.She has placed a bowl of congee on the coffee table. "Huh? What time is itnow?"

"It is 9 in the morning. You want to carry on sleeping?"

"I'm fine." Dong Xuebing got up from the sofa.

After putting down the bowl of congee, Qu Yunxuan blew herfingers which was slightly scalded by the hot bowl. "Go and wash up beforeeating. If you are lazy to go back home to wash up, I have new toothbrush andtowel." It was before 15th of the month, and the central heating hadnot started. But Aunt Xuan had on her air conditional. The whole apartment waswarm. There was no need to wear thermal clothes. Qu Yunxuan removed her apron.She was wearing a white silk slip dress and a pair of skinned colored leggings.Her dressing was sexy and homely.

Dong Xuebing's heart starts to beat faster. That slip dresswas very short, and he could see her sexy thighs!

"What are you waiting for?" Qu Yunxuan knocked on his headplayfully. "Hurry! Go and brush your teeth!"

"Ah!" Dong Xuebing quickly took his eyes off her thighs andwent into the bathroom.

After breakfast, Qu Yunxuan took out her belongings in herold handbag and put them into the new handbag. Then she sat on the sofa andcrossed her legs. She was still holding on to her new handbag, admiring it."Xiao Bing, tell me the truth. You must not lie to me. Why are you so caring? Arethere any girls after you at your workplace? How is she? Do you like her?"

Dong Xuebing replied with a pitiful look. "No. Who wouldlike me?"

Qu Yunxuan playfully punched his arm and stared at him."Stop saying that. They are the ones who are blind for not liking you. I thinkyou are good enough." Aunt Xuan picked up the newspaper on the table andstarted reading it. After reading two pages, she turned to look at DongXuebing. "Xiao Bing, you are now a Deputy Chief. In the future, there will belots of girls going after you. But you must choose your girlfriend carefully. Youmust know which girl really likes you and which girl is after you because ofyour position. Do you hear me? Don't rush. If you like any girls, show mefirst. I will be your gatekeeper."

"Errr... ok." I only like you. You can try being the gatekeeperfor me.

Qu Yunxuan was frozen in place. She was still looking atDong Xuebing in shock. Maybe she did not expect Dong Xuebing to touch hersuddenly.

Dong Xuebing almost died from this awkwardness. He knew thatthere was no way he could explain himself out of this situation. But heremembered that he has the power 'BACK' and was relieved. Luckily, he can stillturn back time and save the situation. Dong Xuebing looked where he wastouching and suddenly could resist the temptation. He mustered his courage andslowly squeeze Aunt Xuan's thighs.

One squeeze...

Two squeezes.....

Dong Xuebing still exclaimed: "Aunt Xuan, your leg is slender."

Dong Xuebing did not wait for Aunt Xuan to react and quicklyshouted BACK in his heart.

Huuu... It's over.

Dong Xuebing relaxed.

The TV was still airing the news, and steam was still risingfrom the cup of hot tea. Qu Yunxuan was still staring at him. The scenes infront of Dong Xuebing... did not change!

Ah? What's happening?

Dong Xuebing was shocked. BACK!!

It's still the same!

Damn! Oh shit! BACK!!! BACK!!!

Suddenly Dong Xuebing remembered that in the wee hourstoday, he had fallen off the sofa and knocked his head. There was still a bumpon his head. He then used BACK to prevent his injury. He had used today'sBACK!?

Dong Xuebing could feel cold sweat running down his back ashe looked at Qu Yunxuan and his hand on her thigh.


I'm dead!!!

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