Chapter 76: Congratulations

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Chapter 76: Congratulations

News of Dong Xuebing's promotion spread throughout the wholeWestern District in one afternoon. All the office chiefs and staff members weresurprised by this news. Xiao Dong was only 23 years old and had just joined thebureau recently. How come he was promoted so fast? Those with insiderinformation were shocked. Dong Xuebing managed to get Deputy Bureau Chief LiuHua to speak up for him? Liu Hua had been keeping quiet for almost two years!Dong Xuebing even beat the candidate chosen by Political Commissar Zhou? Thiswas too...

Political Commissar office.

Guo Shunjie asked angrily: "Uncle Zhou, what happened?Didn't you tell me that everything will be alright?"

Zhou Guoan was also furious. He pulled a long face and said:"You still dare to ask me? What did I tell you on that day when your parentsare around? Have more contacts with Chief Yang! Even if you cannot get hisvote, you must not let him vote for others! But what did you do? Not only YangYizhong and Chief Xu strongly object to you being promoted, even Liu Hua... Youtell me now! Tell me when did you offend them? Why didn't you tell mebeforehand?"

Guo Shunjie immediately replied: "Uncle Zhou, I swear I didnot offend any of them, especially that Liu Hua. I did not even speak to himbefore."

"Shut up!" Zhou Guoan banged the table. "If you did notoffend them, then it's Dong Xuebing who got their votes by himself? He has justentered the bureau for less than two months! How is it possible he gets theirvotes?!"

"But I... I really did not offend them!"

At the same time, the Political Section Chief Office.

Guo Panwei looked at Pang Bin blankly. "Chief Pang, how comeit's Dong Xuebing that got promoted?"

Pang Bin was also clueless. He also did not know whathappened. "Panwei, where did this Xiao Dong come from? How come Chief Xusupported him? Also, is his relationship with Chief Yang and Chief Liu close?Have you seen them speaking to each other in private?"

Guo Panwei replied with a sullen face. "I only know thatDong Xuebing is close to Director Li Qing. Chief Xu, Chief Liu, and... Oh,during the soccer matches, Dong Xuebing had helped the team to win the match.Chief Xu was overjoyed because of this. Could this be the reason? Oh, DongXuebing was in-charge of writing Chief Yang's speeches. This might be thereason. But... Chief Liu? Eh? Chief Liu supported Dong Xuebing?"

On the way to Xu Yan's office, Dong Xuebing suddenlyremembered that he should thank Xu Yan immediately after he got the news of hispromotion. He should not go for lunch first. Damn. He had forgotten all aboutit!

Xu Yan and Song Shoujie were in the office.

Dong Xuebing was worried that Xu Yan would be unhappy withhim. He immediately thanked her and Song Shoujie before they could even opentheir mouth.

Song Shoujie laughed and asked. "Xiao Dong, are you closewith Chief Yang and Chief Liu?"

Dong Xuebing knew that Song Shoujie wanted to know how closehe was to the two other Deputy Bureau Chiefs. He immediately acts innocent andreplied: "I have only written a few speeches for Chief Yang.... We are not thatclose. I am not sure why Chief Yang and Chief Liu voted for me. Could it bethat Chief Liu does not like Guo Shunjie?"

Song Shoujie nodded.

Xu Yan looked at Dong Xuebing and smiled. It was rare to seeher smile. "Cherish this opportunity well. I have been with the Bureau for manyyears, and this is the first time I see someone less than 2 months gettingpromoted."

Dong Xuebing immediately said. "It's all because of Chief Xuand Secretary Song's support."

Xu Yan asked: "You are 23 this year? Your age and experienceare lower than 95% of the people in our branch. There will surely be peopletalking about you behind your back. You must keep a low profile these fewdays..." Xu Yan gave some advice to Dong Xuebing and then asked him to return towork. "Ok. Go back to work now."

"Thank you for your advice."

After leaving Xu Yan's office, Dong Xuebing thought for awhile and went to thank Yang Yizhong and Liu Hua. After that, he went to thankPang Bin and Yan Liang. No matter what's the reason they had voted for him, hemust still thank them. If not, they might think of him as someone ungrateful.

After visiting all the leaders, looked out of the windowalong the corridor.

He thought he needs a few years to get promoted. He never expectshis promotion to come so early!

Civil Servant entrance exams... Joining the Party... Promotingto Deputy Chief... He was one more step closer to entering the CentralGovernment!

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