Chapter 129: Auction

Chapter 129: Auction

Next morning.

The skies just turned bright, and Dong Xuebing woke up. He rubbed his eyes and stretched. He opened his mouth wide and wanted to yawn. But before he could yawn, slap! A small fair hand covered his mouth, and the other hand put the finger on her lips, telling him not to make any noise. Dong Xuebing remembered he was still in Qu Yunxuan's unit and her mother was still sleeping on the sofa outside. He listened carefully for a while, but could not hear any movements outside.

"Xuan Xuan, you are up?"

"Call me Aunt Xuan. Where is your respect? I woke up for a while."

"We have already done that, how can I still address you as Aunt now?"


Qu Yunxuan was hugging Dong Xuebing's waist and resting her head on his arms. Her long hair was on his shoulders, and she looked so cute and helpless. Dong Xuebing noticed there were some changes in Qu Yunxuan and he smiled. He had a sense of accomplishment and felt fulfilled. He reached over and hugged her naked body. "You are awake for a while and is still hugging me? Huh? You still don't want to admit that you like me all this while?"

"Stop smirking!" Qu Yunxuan heard what Dong Xuebing said and blushed. She quickly pushes him away. "Who likes you?!"

"Xiao Xuan Xuan..."

"Call me Aunt!"

Dong Xuebing cleared his throat: "Aunt Xuan, have you considered now? Are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

Qu Yunxuan looked at him and pinched his nose playfully. "I still need to consider."

"Huh? We are already in this state, and you still want to think about it?" Dong Xuebing replied and squeezed her butt.

"I will hit you! Stop touching me!"

"Fine... fine... go and consider. I will listen to you."

Qu Yunxuan laughed sweetly and pinched his nose again. "Ok. I will give you an answer when I am ready. Are you still going back to sleep? My Mum should be still sleeping. Later when she goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, you secretly sneak out. You cannot go out now. If you are sleepy, sleep a while more."

"I'm not sleepy." Dong Xuebing hugged her tightly and asked. "Shall we do it one more time?"

"Stop it! It's still painful!"

"You should be fine. Come, let try again. If you are in pain, we will stop."

"Go to hell." Qu Yunxuan pinched his thigh hard. "Last night, my Mum almost heard us. We can't do it now. If you still want, you got to wait until tonight."

"We really cannot do it now?"

"Absolutely no!"

Dong Xuebing was itching to do it again. He had tasted Aunt Xuan once and wanted more. But Qu Yunxuan refused to do it now, and he did not want to force her. He suppressed his desire and just touched her all over her body. This time, Qu Yunxuan did not stop him. She looked at him lovingly and played with his hair, twirling his hair around her fingers and used her long hair to tickle his face.

Suddenly there were the sounds of slippers, and someone tried to open the bedroom door. "Why did you lock your door? Are you awake?"

Qu Yunxuan immediately replies: "I was drained yesterday. Let me sleep a while longer. Are you preparing breakfast, or do you want me to prepare?"

"Stop your nonsense. You are going to sleep a while more, how are you going to prepare breakfast? I will cook breakfast. You get up now. Later you got to look for a new job." After nagging at her daughter, Qu Yunxuan's mother went to the bathroom to wash up.

Qu Yunxuan slapped the hand which was still on her breast lightly. "Go and get dress."

Dong Xuebing unwillingly take his hands off her and start to wear his clothes. Qu Yunxuan felt embarrassed, but she still got out from under the blanket to look for her underwear and long johns. Dong Xuebing was looking at her while she wore her clothes. She gave him a stare, and after she got dressed, she walked over to Dong Xuebing and helped him button up his shirt. She was like a newlywed wife helping her husband wear his shirt.

Dong Xuebing suddenly got an idea: "Aunt Xuan, let me hear you calling me, Dear."

Qu Yunxuan blushed and rolled her eyes. "What are you talking about?!"

"Just once. One time will do."

"Shameless." Qu Yunxuan straightens his collar. "I'm not calling you that."

"Eh, you got nothing to lose when you call me dear."

Qu Yunxuan rolled her eyes again and ignored him. She quickly took out the blood-stained bedsheets and stuff it into the bottom of her closet.

There were sounds of cooking in the kitchen. Qu Yunxuan's mother had started cooking.

"Go back now. If not, you will not have the chance to go out." Qu Yunxuan opened the door and looked outside. She saw there was no one in the living room and turned back to pull Dong Xuebing. They quickly walked across the living to the door and opened the door softly. "Hurry up."

Dong Xuebing said: "I need to go out in the morning and should be back in the afternoon. I will look for you when I come back."

Qu Yunxuan nodded. "I.... will wait for you."

"Try to ask your mother to go back tonight, so we can..."

"Just go! Stop talking nonsense here! Go!"

Dong Xuebing returned back to his unit with a good mood. He had finally bedded Aunt Xuan. He had finally tried the feeling of making love.... It was... it was... exciting. Dong Xuebing took off his clothes and went to take a shower. After he dried his hair, he thought if he should go and watch those type of films to learn some tricks.

Ring, ring, ring... Dong Xuebing's iPhone 4 rang.

Dong Xuebing looked at the number. It was Teacher Sun from Hanhai Auctions. "Hello, Teacher Sun?"

"Xiao Dong, the auctions will be starting soon. I have prepared the ticket for you. What time are you coming?"

"Thank you. It's from Ya An Hotel? I will go over now." Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

"Ok. I will wait for you at the carpark."

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing was thinking of giving Aunt Xuan a surprise. His pearl necklace would be auctioned off in the morning, and he should get 1 million RMB. He would be able to help her set up a company she wants.

10 am.

An Ya Hotel.

There was a big open-air carpark in front of the hotel. Dong Xuebing saw Teacher Sun the moment he alighted from his taxi. Teacher Sun was on the phone not far from the entrance of the hotel. He seems to be very busy. He ended his call when Dong Xuebing walked over to him. Teacher Sun saw him and smiled. "You are here? Let's go up together. The auctions are at the ballroom on level 7." Teacher Sun took out a number sign. "Here. This is for you. No. 33."

Dong Xuebing took the sign from him: "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Actually, you don't need this sign to enter the auctions. I can just tell them to let you in."

"Oh really? I thought I need to place a deposit to enter."

"Hahaha, you are a seller. We will let you in. You have your own sign now. If you see anything that interests you, you can bid. I saw the list of items on auctions. There are some items which are quite worth bidding."

Dong Xuebing nodded and thought to himself. He had less than 2,000 RMB left. How to bid?

Dong Xuebing did not care about anything else. He was only concern about how much his necklace could fetch. He needed the money to set up a company!

"880,000 once... Any higher bids? 880,000..." The auctioneer shouted. "880,000 twice..."

Dong Xuebing was worried.

No more bids?! No one at the auction dares to compete with this man?!

F**k! What was happening? Come on! Don't end this so early!

Dong Xuebing's heart was thumping. The starting bid was low and increased very fast. But now, the necklace had only fetched a low price of 880,000 RMB. Dong Xuebing still have to pay the auction house commission. He might as well sell the necklace to someone at 1 million. These people at the auction might not be interested in this necklace, or they might have stop bidding because of some other reasons.

Dong Xuebing would only get about 600,000 RMB after deducting the commission if the necklace was sold at 880,000!

God damn it! I put in so much effort for this necklace, and I can only get 600,000 RMB?! It was too far from 1 million!

"880,000... any more bids?" The auctioneer had already raised his hammer.

Wei Nan was smiling confidently. This was a surprise. He had expected this necklace to reach 1.2 million. He had got a big bargain! The people here were not interested in pearls. Hahaha... I will save quite a bit.

Damn! Dong Xuebing was pissed when he saw Wei Nan's smile.

This is it? Let this fellow get this bargain? I can only get back about 600,000 RMB? I wasted my time to go to Zhejiang?

"880,000..." The auctioneer moved his hammer and was about to drop it. "Going thrice..."

Before he could finish saying his sentence, someone quickly raises his number sign and shouts: "1 million!"

Everyone at the auction turned and look!

It was Dong Xuebing who had bid!

Wei Nan was stunned for a while and looked at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing did not look at anyone. He was just looking at the necklace.

"1 million... No. 33 bid 1 million..."

A young man sitting beside Wei Nan cursed and then whispered something to Wei Nan. After that, Wei Nan raised his sign "1.05 million!" Wei Nan was thinking to himself. 'I shall see if you dare to continue.' Wei Nan was from a wealthy family and had met lots of successful businessmen before. He could tell from Dong Xuebing's dressing and body language, that he was not someone rich.

But Dong Xuebing did not even hesitate. He just raised the bid: "1.2 million!"

Wei Nan was shocked. His friends beside him were also shocked. This young brat dares to bid more than 1 million?

"Oh... 1.2 million... anyone else with higher bids? No. 33 had bid 1.2 million... Going once... 1.2 million... Going twice..."

Wei Nan gritted his teeth. "1.3 million!" He felt Dong Xuebing should not dare to raise his bid any further.

But Dong Xuebing dares: "1.4 million!"

Wei Nan was furious. This person had made him lose face in front of his friends earlier. He could have won this necklace at 880,000 RMB, but this person purposely increases the bid. Trying to compete who have more money with me? I am not scared! He raised: "1.45 million!"

Dong Xuebing shouts: "1.5 million!"

Wei Nan clenched his teeth: "1.55 million!"

Dong Xuebing turned and took a look at Wei Nan, before raising his sign: "1.6 million!"

The rest of the people at the auction stirred.

Everyone at the auction could feel the tension and keep quiet. They were looking at both Dong Xuebing and Wei Nan. 1.6 million... This was a ridiculous price. Was he bidding this necklace for his girlfriend?

Wei Nan's face changed and looked furious for a while, before calming himself down. He knew he should not continue to bid. It was not because he did not have the money. It was because he felt it was not worth it. He smiled coldly to himself. 1.6 million for a necklace which was worth only about 1 million RMB? Are you stupid? He turned to the two young men beside him and said something. Those two young men looked at Dong Xuebing and smiled. With the commission, Dong Xuebing got to pay at least 1.8 million!

"1.6 million once... 1.6 million twice..." The auctioneer raised his hammer and hit it hard. "1.6 million thrice! Sold!"

Wei Nan was pleased. He laughed to himself and called Dong Xuebing fool in his heart.

Dong Xuebing turned and looked at Wei Nan. He was also calling him a fool in his heart. He smiled at Wei Nan and said: BACK!

The scenes before his eyes flashed!

Dong Xuebing could feel his hand was raised. He looked up and saw he was holding his number sign.

The auctioneer, which had dropped the hammer earlier, had returned back to the time when Dong Xuebing and Wei Nan were competing. He pointed to Dong Xuebing: "Oh... 1.2 million... anyone else with higher bids? No. 33 had bid 1.2 million... Going once... 1.2 million... Going twice..."

This was the time before the bidding ends!

Dong Xuebing had saved his powers, and he could use it 3 times. Now, he had used once, and he still have two times left.

Dong Xuebing suddenly got this idea when Wei Nan was about to win the necklace at 880,000 RMB. He had almost forgotten about his powers after not using it for a few days.

Wei Nan gritted his teeth and looked at Dong Xuebing coldly. "1.3 million!" It was as if he was daring Dong Xuebing to raise the bid.

Dong Xuebing shouts: "1.4 million!"

Wei Nan frowned and raised the bid: "1.45 million!"

Dong Xuebing shouts: "1.5 million!"

Wei Nan looked at his two friends and then shouted: "1.55 million!" Wei Nan calmed down and took a few deep breaths. He had thought about this. From Dong Xuebing's previous few bids, Wei Nan felt Dong Xuebing would surely increase his bids. You are so confident about getting that necklace? But I am not! I will not waste my money like this. Hahaha, this will teach you a lesson!

"1.55 million.... Any more bids? 1.55 million once..."

Wei Nan lowered his head and said something to his friends.

Those two young men seem to understand what was happening and were looking at Dong Xuebing. They were trying to dare Dong Xuebing to bid.

But after Dong Xuebing shouted 1.5 million, he did not say anything else and closes his eyes!

Wei Nan did not expect Dong Xuebing to react this way. He was stunned.

"1.55 million twice... Anyone with a higher bid?" That Auctioneer looked at Dong Xuebing in the crowd and noticed that Dong Xuebing looks like he had fallen asleep. The auctioneer was speechless and then raise his hammer: "1.55 million... thrice! Bang!" He dropped the hammer hard: "Sold!"

Wei Nan and his friends' face changed! Why this person did not carry on bid? He had been bidding without hesitation earlier. He seemed to be determined to get this necklace, and that's why he bid 1.5 million....

Clap, clap, clap... Everyone at the auction clapped. They were clapping for Wei Nan!

Dong Xuebing was overjoyed in his heart. The returns this time was huge!

1.55 million RMB!

After deducting the commission and other charges, Dong Xuebing would get about 1.3 million RMB! This was 300,000 more than the 1 million he expected!!!

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