Chapter 100: Got into trouble

Chapter 100: Got into trouble


Qu Yunxuan's mother needs to visit the hospital once a yearfor her Cerebrovascular disease treatment. Qu Yunxuan was worried about her andwent back with her mother. She will only return back to North Heping Streetnext week. Dong Xuebing had also used up his BACK on Sunday and today, he willstart to accumulate again. He could not go back to gamble stones. So, DongXuebing focuses on his work and try not to make any mistakes. This way, heneeds to save his power for emergencies.

The General Affairs Office. Tan Limei, Chang Juan, and therest were chatting.

"Have you heard the news? The Chief is going to be transferred."Tan Limei said softly.

Chang Juan nodded: "It seems that Chief Yan will be promotedand transferred to another province's State Security Bureau."

Guo Panwei interrupted. "He is going to be promoted toProvincial Deputy Director for a Southern Province."

"Oh, really?" Chang Juan kept her eyebrow pencil in herdrawer. "I thought he will be transferred to a northern province."

Dong Xuebing, who had just entered the office, heard whatthey were saying. Chief Yan will be transferred away? He had heard of thisrumor last week, but he ignored this. But there were so many people discussingthis now. This should be true. Who will be the new Chief of this branch bureau?Will he be transferred from other branches or Political Commissar Zhou Guoan taking overthis position?

"Eh, Chief Dong." Chang Juan was the first to notice DongXuebing entering the office, and she immediately smiles.

"Good morning, Chief Dong."

"Chief Dong."

Dong Xuebing likes the mood in the office, and he smiles toeveryone and acknowledges their greetings. He glanced at Guo Shunjie beforegoing into his office. Dong Xuebing still remembers how he was bullied by GuoShunjie and how he went to Director Li Qing to snitch on him. This Guo Shunjiewas too much. Dong Xuebing was already promoted to Deputy Chief of the GeneralAffairs Office, and this Guo Shunjie was still trying to backstab him. If DongXuebing did not have BACK, he would be in trouble with Li Qing.

After pouring himself a cup of tea, Dong Xuebing thoughtabout how he should deal with Guo Shunjie. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

Knock, knock, knock. Tan Limei and Zhuang Zhi knocked on hisoffice and entered.

Dong Xuebing saw them: "Oh, Tan Zhi, Zhuang Zhi, why are youtwo looking so serious?"

Zhuang Zhi blushed. "Bing Zhi, it like this..... Errrrrr...Errrr..."

"You are so stupid!" Tan Limei chided Zhuang Zhi and thensmiles sweetly at Dong Xuebing. "I will do the talking. Chief Bing Zhi, youshould also know that State Security has more rules than other governmentagencies. For instance, if we are dating, we must report to our directsupervisor. This morning, Zhuang Zhi and I met Director Li Qing on our way towork. The first thing he said when he saw us was whether if we are dating. Weknow that we could not hide it anymore and we admit. He told us to report toyou. I think we will be transferred to different units in a few days." Both ofthem could not work in the same office if they were dating.

"Enough." Zhou Guoan was getting frustrated from hiswhinings. He knocked on his desk and said: "I told to that there is no hurry. Iwill settle everything for you. Can you have some patience?"

Guo Shunjie was furious. When I gave you money, you justaccept it. Now, you are asking me to be patient? If this carries on, I will beordered around by Dong Xuebing until the day I die! How can I be patient? Afterleaving Political Commissar Zhou's office, Guo Shunjie clenched his fist andhave an evil look in his eyes!

Before noon, Tan Limei and Chang Juan organized thedocuments and prepared 13 sets. Only 12 people were attending the meeting, butthey prepared one more set as spare. Dong Xuebing took one random set and tooka look. All the required information were in, and he placed the documents onthe desk before leaving for lunch.

At 1pm, Dong Xuebing brought the 13 sets of documents tomeeting room 2 and placed all the documents neatly on the table according tothe names. Actually, Dong Xuebing can ask Guo Panwei or anyone else to do this.But he had won Zhou Guoan's nomination for his current position during the lastParty Committee meeting, and Chief Yan Liang will be transferring out soon. PoliticalCommissar Zhou might be taking over his position. Dong Xuebing needs to makesure he performs well in from of Political Commissar Zhou.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a few leaders entered themeeting room. Zhou Guoan was the last to arrive.

"Political Commissar Zhou, everything is ready." DongXuebing said.

Zhou Guoan nodded and walked over to his seat.

Dong Xuebing looked at Political Commissar Zhou and left themeeting room.

This was only an ordinary meeting for passing theinstructions from the central government. Zhou Guoan cleared his throat andopened the documents in front of him to start the meeting.

5 minutes...

10 minutes...

20 minutes....

Zhou Guoan suddenly stopped speaking when they reached page7 of the documents!

Everyone could not understand what happened and looked over.

They saw Zhou Guoan flipping the documents with a long face.Bang! He threw his documents on the table!

Huh? What's this?

Everyone was shocked and doesn't know why Zhou Guoansuddenly got angry. They looked at the document on the table...

Everyone was speechless.

The documents were wrong. A few pages among the documentswere not even words. It was pictures of cakes and desserts! The seniors at themeeting knew Zhou Guoan had diabetes and could not eat sweet food! Everyone waslooking at each other. Was this a genuine mistake or was someone trying toprovoke Zhou Guoan?

Who was so daring?!

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