Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 340: Sinking into the Spirit Realm

The guardhouse fell into an unnerving silence that seemed to permeate the air as though the very atmosphere had congealed into an unsettling stillness. At that moment, the elderly custodian felt odd, as if reality had taken on a dreamlike quality, tricking him into believing that time had frozen in its tracks. It felt as if the shrine on his desk, the delicate flame of the candle, the gentle wafts of incense smoke, and the ambient spiritual energy suspended in the air had all momentarily ceased their natural progression.

Could this be merely an illusion? Uncertain, the old man lifted his gaze, catching sight of the candle flame dancing within his field of vision as if it had only commenced its lively flicker the moment his gaze fell upon it.

His eyes lingered on the pale, dancing flame for a long moment before slowly shaking his head, dismissing his strange sensations. His attention was then redirected back to the letter laid out in front of him. As his eyes began to scan the words, he experienced an uncanny emotion he had never felt before.

However, after traversing through a mere few lines, he could no longer dwell on the peculiarities of his feelings. The content of the letter demanded immediate attention, forcing him to realize the gravity of the unfolding situation.

Warnings indicating that their city-state was being slowly corroded and infiltrated by the profound forces of the deep sea. Clear evidence of the ominous Annihilation cult orchestrating large-scale operations. Intriguing speculations regarding the mysterious saint’s encroachment into the mortal realm. And finally, an alarming alert concerning Dagger Island.

The old custodian studied the lines of the letter with an intense focus. He suddenly felt an unnerving realization that the recent inexplicable tensions permeating throughout their city-state had found their plausible cause.

While he was uncertain whether he should trust this “report” derived from an inexplicable entity, he was sure about one thing: it was of utmost importance to inform the gatekeeper and the cathedral immediately.

Meanwhile, Agatha was carefully observing the orc woman, who was soundly asleep on the sofa. Completely oblivious to the large assembly of guardians congregating in the room, the orc woman occasionally mumbled in her sleep.


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