Chapter 547

Siegfried finally woke up...

“Whoa? I slept for fourteen hours?!” he exclaimed, shocked after checking the clock and realizing that it had been fourteen hours since he was last awake. He could swear that he just closed his eyes for a few seconds, but to think that was already fourteen hours ago.

Well, that was not what was important right now. He could vaguely recall that he was about to do something important right before he had fallen asleep, but he could not really put a finger on it.

“Ah...” Siegfried gasped after finally remembering what it was; he was reminded of it the moment he saw Brunhilde sleeping beside him. He was about to start playing mommy and daddy when he fell asleep in her embrace and slept for fourteen hours straight.


Of course, he could not shut down the game, as Brunhilde was sound asleep right now.

He let her sleep a bit more and left for the meeting room.

“The Supreme Commander has arrived!”

It was already late in the afternoon, way past lunchtime. The officers had already gathered in the meeting room, waiting for Siegfried.

Siegfried walked into the meeting room with disheveled hair and asked, “Have all of you had a good night’s sleep?”

Prince Kyrix was the first to respond.

“Yes, what about you, Your Majesty?”

“I slept like a baby.”



“We can delay the meeting a bit, so... Would you like to freshen up first?”

The reason he said that was that Siegfried looked very unsightly. His hair was disheveled, and he was covered in sweat, too. How did Brunhilde sleep soundly beside this guy who looked no different from a homeless beggar? Ah, was this the power of love?

“All of us can wait, so please go freshen up and eat something first–”

“Nah, I’m alright,” Siegfried cut him off. Then, he waved his hand and said, “I don’t feel icky at all.”


“I can wash up later, so let’s start the meeting.”


“I’m really alright.”

Siegfried was fine, just as he said, but that was not the case for the prince and the officers.



‘He doesn’t feel icky? How come?! I feel icky just by looking at him!’

‘Ugh! He stinks!’

‘I can wait so just please go wash up!’

The reason Prince Kyrix suggested he go wash up was not for him but rather for everyone attending the meeting.

“Alright, let the meeting start. Shall we go over our current situation?”

Unfortunately, Siegfried was completely oblivious to how the officers felt and went ahead with the meeting.


After the meeting, Siegfried showered and had a late lunch with Brunhilde.

“How does it look?” Brunhilde asked.

“Difficult... The difference in the number of troops is too big. We just got very lucky this time, but there’s no guarantee we would be lucky again,’ Siegfried replied honestly.


“To be honest, I would love to charge all the way to the enemy’s capital and kill the fragment, but... The risk is too big if I fail. Sigh... There will be a void in our firepower if I take the Adventurers with me, and we end up dying. Two days will be more than enough for the coalition forces to get crushed.”

“That sounds like a gamble.”

“Yes, it is. But we can’t let this war continue forever... If it drags on, then—”

Brunhilde understood what he wanted to say and said, “Our numbers will fall drastically while their numbers will increase dramatically.”

That was the main problem in this war. The coalition forces were bound to be disadvantaged the longer this war dragged on, and it would be even worse if this turned into a battle of attrition.

However, the biggest cause for concern was the consequence of losing a single large-scale battle. If they as much as lost a single clash, then what awaited them was definitely annihilation.

To sum it up, the coalition forces are in a very precarious spot right now. Yes, there was some good news like conquering the Despacito Territory, which was a strategic stronghold allowing them passage to other parts of the kingdom, but that was the only positive thing going for them.

“It’s difficult.”

“Yes, it feels like we are walking on thin ice. A single wrong step would be—”

“Are you scared of losing?”



The unexpected response from Siegfried caught Brunhilde by surprise. A person commanding such a massive army was bound to feel burdened psychologically, and it was not a shame for them to feel scared of what might happen with a single wrong move.

“I’m actually pumped up.”


Ahhh! The thought of losing everything in a single battle is pumping adrenaline in my veins.”


“I can focus more now, thanks to that.”

Brunhiled was stunned after hearing that Siegfried was enjoying the stress that would otherwise make most commanders shudder, but her surprise lasted only for a moment.

I knew it. He’s different from the others,’ Brunhilde thought with a smile. Most people would accuse him of being a masochist or some kind of pervert, but none of that even crossed her mind. Instead, she considered him to be built different.

“That’s a relief, then. I’m glad you’re alright,” Brunhilde said, smiling.

“Of course!” Siegfried replied with a smile. Then, he said, “Ah, that aside...”


“I was thinking...”

Siegfried approached her sneakily in hopes of continuing where they had left off last night.

A few seconds later...

Crash! Bam! Awooooooo!

A ruckus was heard from the bed chamber followed by a howl that reverberated throughout the entire Despacito Territory.


Death Fog raged the moment he heard the news of losing the Despacito Territory, and his anger flared to the point he could no longer contain it. Then, another report came in stating that they had lost the precious Death Breeders too, which made his anger flare up even more.

“I will...! I will personally go!” Death Fog raged. He was ready to step onto the battlefield and strike down those who dared to challenge him, but he could not afford to do so.

“Please calm down, my lord!”

“O, great one! Please compose yourself!”

“Do not be overcome by your anger, my lord!”

The undead officials did their best to calm him down, but it had little effect to no effect on quelling Death Fog's anger.

It was then that the lich threw himself on the ground and cried out, “My lord! Please quell thy anger!”

“What? Quell my anger? Do you think I can be calm right now?! I, a superior being, is being humiliated in this pathetic world!”

“My lord! Please preserve yourself! Our enemies are strong! They are not inferior creatures judging by how they already possess two fragments! There is a saying that a rat can bite a cat too, sire!”

“What did you say? Are you comparing me to those lowly animals?”

“N-No, that is not what I meant, my lord...”

The lich racked its brain—no, skull to try and appease Death Fog.

“There is always a possibility of something happening. They will be in possession of three fragments if something happens to my lord!”


“There is a saying that it is better to be safe than sorry. I implore my lord to be cautious and wise!”

“Damn it...”

“Please quell your anger for the greater cause!”

“Then what am I supposed to do with this rage burning inside of me?!”

“It is imperative that my lord calls himself. Then, we will slow down the progress of the war.”


“Also, we have found who the supreme commander of the enemy is.”

“Who is it?”

“It is the Adventurer I have mentioned last time, Siegfried van Proa.”

“That pesky brat is their supreme commander?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“That damned bastard dares to...”

“My lord. Please place a bounty on Siegfried van Proa’s head.”

“A bounty?”

“Siegfried van Proa is the coalition forces’ supreme commander and a disaster to our men.”

“So you want to place a bounty on that pesky brat’s head to get rid of him?”

“Yes, my lord. An Adventurer’s natural predator is another Adventurer. And these people are motivated only by their own benefit. They will definitely hunt him down for the bounty.”


“Once the bounty has been placed on Siegfried van Proa’s head, we will recruit even more Adventurers. The probability of my lord winning this war will increase the longer it drags on.”

“Alright. Put a bounty on that pesky brat’s head and make sure it’s an amount that would be irresistible to most Adventurers.”

“As my lord commands.”

The lich bowed and retreated from Death Fog’s presence to carry out his command.


One week later, the coalition forces enjoyed a string of victories. The Adventurers went behind enemy lines to farm the undead monsters to clear the repeatable quest issued while the main forces avoided any head-on confrontation against the undead army.

Thanks to that, the coalition forces did not lose a single battle against the Immortal Kingdom and advanced closer to the capital with minimal casualties.

Was that the reason?


Siegfried had gained a new title.

[Legendary Supreme Commander]

[A title given to commanders who achieved accomplishments worthy of being recorded in the annals of history.]

[Type: Title]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Effects: +3% Attack and Defense of all soldiers under your command.]

Siegfried had obtained an honorable title called "Legendary Supreme Commander," and the troops had been using that title to address him for quite a while now.

“We will win today, too, right?”

“Easy peasy~”

“What’s the point of having a lot of troops when we don’t fight them head-on?”

“We won’t lose as long as our Legendary Supreme Commander leads us!”

The coalition forces soldiers did not doubt their victory every time they stepped on the battlefield. Siegfried’s strategies were so ingenious that it seemed impossible for them to lose.

It was then.

“Hyung-nim! We have a problem!” Seung-Gu rushed.

“Hmm? What’s up?” Siegfried asked.

“There is a bounty placed on your head, hyung-nim!”

“My head? But I didn’t do anything wrong. What’s my offense? Murder? Harassment? Extortion?”

“T-That is...”


“The Immortal Kingdom has placed a bounty on you...”


“It’s one hundred thousand gold if you’re killed and five hundred thousand gold if you’re caught alive. So I think it will be better if you–”

It was then.

“H-Hyung-nim! What are you doing?!” Seung-Gu exclaimed in horror after seeing him tie himself with a rope.

“You said it’s five hundred thousand gold, right?” Siegfried asked while tying himself up.

His eyes had already turned into dollar signs.


“So if I capture and kill myself... It’s six hundred thousand gold for that, right?”


“This is going to be the easiest six hundred thousand gold of my life!”


“What? Don’t tell me I can’t surrender myself and collect the bounty?”

“Are you seriously asking that?”

Tsk... Too bad,” Siegfried said, pouting.


“I thought it would be easy money.”


“Alright, I’ll be careful from now on.”

“Okay, hyung-nim.”

“Go on ahead. I have to use the loo for a while.”

Siegfried headed to the bathroom after sending Seung-Gu away. An Adventurer did not have to use the toilet to relieve themselves as often as the NPCs did, but they still had to use it at least once a week.

Tsk... This game is too realistic for its own good. Why the hell does the gamer have to pee?’ Siegfried grumbled inwardly while doing his business on a urinal.

He was done and was about to pull his zipper up when—


—A bullet lodged itself in the back of his head.

Assassination! It seemed that the bounty placed by the Immortal Kingdom was already taking effect.

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