Chapter 222

The Proatine Kingdom’s castle was plunged into panic at the unexpected dragon’s attack, but surprisingly, nobody died in the attack.

“Alti’saal!” Daode Tianzun reacted with near-godly reflexes and cast a protection spell just in the nick of time, and the old magician that stood at the pinnacle of magic was able to prevent the castle from completely crumbling with a single word.

“I will help you!” Decimato hurriedly started casting his protection spell as well.


The Chromatic Dragon unleashed his Dragon Fear throughout the entire castle.

“God!” Daode Tianzun cried out in horror.

Why would the Chromatic Dragon, a creature fabled to be one of the strongest dragons on the continent, bother to attack such a small and weak kingdom? Were there even enough people in this place to satiate its hunger?

The old magician couldn’t understand the dragon’s motives for coming here.

“All forces! Prepare for battle!” Oscar hurriedly pulled out her sword and shouted, “Evacuate the officials! Protect His Majesty!”

The soldiers of the kingdom immediately jumped into action at her words.

The Chromatic Dragon was indeed a fearsome creature that could instill fear in the hearts of the bravest of men, but the reason the soldiers were able to spring into action so fast was not that they were strong or anything. Rather, it was all because of their unwavering loyalty toward Siegfried and their patriotism toward the Proatine Kingdom.

Meanwhile, Siegfried was completely flabbergasted by the sudden invasion of the dragon.

‘This is crazy…! Why the hell is a dragon here?!’

The Chromatic Dragon’s horn was an extremely rare material that could be crafted into a Universal weapon, so he could think on the bright side that such a rare raw material had come crawling into his hands. However, that material was more like a natural disaster than an opportunity at Siegfried’s current level.

How was he supposed to kill the Chromatic Dragon, which seemed to be a matured dragon and a wyrm-class dragon at that? In fact, the dragon’s size alone made it obvious that it was on the cusp of becoming an ancient-class dragon.

This dragon was not something the Proatine Kingdom could fight against, even if their combat prowess was amplified by ten times. They would surely be wiped out once the mighty creature unleashed its fury on them.

Perhaps one of the silver linings for the kingdom was that Grand Master Daode Tianzun, Great Wizard Decimato, and Sword Emperor Betelgeuse were all present right now.

And the Proatine Kingdom had an ace up their sleeve—Deus, the one and only being on the entire continent who could treat the mighty wyrm-class dragon as a worm-class dragon.

‘Ha… We’re fucked… I’m?sure Master?is not going to get involved…’?Siegfried knew that Deus could end up turning into a god if he got involved, so it was very likely that he wouldn’t intervene.

In other words, the Proatine Kingdom had to fight the Chromatic Dragon without Deus’ help.

Fuck this shit! What’s the point of making another city when the capital and castle are about to get ruined!’?Siegfried cursed and lamented his rotten luck.

He no longer had to establish the Deception City.

They had just encountered a bigger disaster than the Vampire Lord.

Right now, Siegfried could only—


He could only grip his +15 Gaia’s Fist and prepare for combat.


‘We’re at a severe disadvantage, but I can’t just roll over and give up,’?Siegfried thought as he walked toward the Chromatic Dragon’s head.

‘We?have a Grand Master, two Masters, and me. We should stand a bit of a chance,’?he thought. His never-yielding spirit and grit were the two main weapons that would help him in the upcoming battle.

Kyu!?It’s dangerous, owner punk! Hamchi will help you!” Hamchi ran next to him.

Siegfried looked at Deus, who was standing with his hands behind his back, and he said with the utmost respect, “Master, your disciple will take care of this, so please go somewhere quiet and watch—”

“No,” Deus cut him off and smirked. “I see that your spirit isn’t wavering despite the danger. You have truly lived up to the expectation of this great one’s disciple. I’m proud of you.”

Deus was looking at Siegfried with proud eyes.


“I wish to see my disciple become a great Dragon Slayer with my own eyes, but I don’t think this is the day for that.”

“Pardon me…?”

“I shall get rid of that lizard for you.”

“But, Master! What if you become a god…”

“That would’ve been the case if it was another lizard, but that lizard is an exception.”

“What do you mean by that…?”

“That lizard is a part of my causality, so I can exert all of my power against it.”


“Just watch and see for yourself,” Deus said before he leisurely walked toward the Chromatic Dragon.


“You vermin of a race…!” Chromatic Dragon Lagonda Taraf smirked after seeing the mobilizing humans. He laughed sinisterly and said, “Yes, that’s how it should be. You need to fight so that I can deliver even greater despair later on—Hmm?

Lagonda Taraf spotted an old man walking toward him while he was busy mocking the humans, and he narrowed his eyes at the old man.

Why? Just why was he—a mighty creature—feeling a sense of dread after looking at the old man?

There was a Grand Master and two other humans that weren’t as strong as him but were quite strong on their own accord, but Lagonda Taraf didn’t feel anything toward them.

Lagonda Taraf lost against that human four hundred fifty years ago, but he was now on the cusp of becoming an ancient-class dragon, so he was confident that he could take on two human Grand Masters at the same time.

But why was he feeling a sense of dread toward this old man?

Why? How come?

It didn’t take long for Lagonda Taraf to find out the answer.

“Hey, it’s been a while,” The old man, Deus, who was also Siegfried’s master and a Level 999 NPC, greeted the mighty dragon.

“D-Do you know me?” Lagonda Taraf asked in response, feeling slightly flustered.

“I think we… go back around four hundred and fifty years, right? Yeah, that was probably the last time we saw each other. My my, this is quite the reunion! Kekeke!

“Four hundred fifty years…? You saw me back then? I know you’re old, but you’re still a human… how can you have survived four hundred fifty years…?”

“Don’t you recognize me? Then what about now?” Deus said in a youthful voice that was completely different from his normal voice.

No, Deus suddenly became young.


All eyes on Deus widened in shock after his face changed into the face of a middle-aged man in the blink of an eye. He had black hair and black eyes, and he looked just like a Korean with a dash of Western features.

And his expression looked quite cold yet mischievous at the same time.

Huh? Is that?how Master?looked like when?he was young? Wow… So that’s what he looked like back then…’?Siegfried could see the resemblance in the two faces.

“You’re that bastard! THAT BASTARD!” Lagonda Taraf cried out in horror.

“Do you remember me now?” Deus asked with a smirk. “Yes, it’s me.”

“How are you alive? Just how…?”

“You’re alive and well, so why won’t I?”


Wow, this brings back memories. I think you ran away with your tail tucked between your legs after getting beaten up by me, if my memory serves me correctly. Keke!?You’re quite lucky, you know that? I chased you, but you somehow managed to escape,” Deus sneered at the dragon.

Keuk…!”?Lagonda Taraf trembled in fear as his trauma from four hundred and fifty years ago resurfaced. Yes, the human who almost killed Lagonda Taraf four hundred and fifty years ago was none other than Siegfried’s master, Deus.

Damn it! Why is that bastard here?! How the hell is he alive when he’s human?!’?Lagonda Taraf cursed his rotten luck.

However, the mighty dragon overcame his trauma from the past and confidently said, “Yes, it’s nice to see you again, you fucking bastard.”


“I shall put a close to my traumatic past by killing you today! No, killing you isn’t enough… I will bring a black magician from somewhere and turn you into an undead who will guard my lair for the rest of your damned miserable life!”

Kekekeke… KEKEKE!” Deus burst out into laughter before asking, “Hey, can’t you tell what kind of a situation you’re in? Do you really think you became stronger just by sleeping this entire time just because you’re a dragon?”


“Wow, I never knew you were quite the comedian. Do you honestly think I didn’t do anything while you were fast asleep? Do you want to test it out and see just how much stronger?you have become in your sleep?”

“W-What do you mean by that…?”

“You came just in time today. I was a bit troubled by not finishing you off back then, but I finally have the chance to put an end to you,” Deus said as he cracked his knuckles, and then he said, “I felt like coming here for some reason, but it seems that you’re the reason behind that urge.”


Deus suddenly punched Lagonda Taraf.


The three-hundred-meter-long dragon was thrown into the sky through the crumbling ceilings of the castle. It was a status effect known as Airborne.?It was quite bizarre that Deus managed to throw such a large creature into the air with a single punch.


The soldiers of the kingdom that had been relegated to a bunch of spectators watched in both horror and awe as they witnessed the unbelievable sight that they would never get to witness ever again, even in their wildest dreams.

This was definitely something that they would never forget for the rest of their lives…

On the other hand, Siegfried was not surprised at the unbelievable sight at all. No, his eyes seemed to show a whole different set of emotions, and this emotion was more of feeling empathy and pity for the mighty dragon.

Tsk tsk… That dragon is fucking unlucky. He had already picked a fight against Master before and was beaten up, and I bet he never imagined that he was going to run into Master again. I have a feeling that he’s going to off himself if he were to survive this time…’

While Siegfried was feeling sorry for the dragon, he suddenly thought of something, ‘Don’t tell me…! Is that dragon considered a hidden resource…? No way… that can’t be… Yeah, I’m probably just overthinking it…’

Why was it that he suddenly remembered the effects of his passive skill Great King’s Blessed Land?

Of course, there was no way something like a dragon would be considered a resource, but the mighty creature would definitely drop a ton of valuable resources if they managed to hunt it.

Yeah… there’s no way that’s possible…’?Siegfried brushed off his gut feeling and decided to focus on the fight between the dragon and Deus.

Well, it was called a fight for formality’s sake, but it was more like the Chromatic Dragon was getting a one-sided beating…


Five minutes later, the Chromatic Dragon crashed to the ground.



Deus landed as lightly and as gently as a feather afterward.

“Well, you’re truly as sturdy as a dragon can be. Hohoho!” Deus said as he walked toward the mighty dragon. Then, he said in a spine-chilling tone. “You’re an excellent sandbag.”


“Huh? Hey, are you dead…?” Deus was surprised after getting close to the dragon.

“Hey! Don’t tell me you’re dead already? Hey! Wake up! This is our reunion! You can’t die so soon! We have a lot of catching up to do!”


“Breath! Hey! Breath!”

However, everyone knew that dead men—no, creatures, told no tales.

Lagonda Taraf was sprawled on the ground with his tongue sticking out, and he didn’t respond to Deus’ words. The only thing that the dragon left behind was a small chest named Dragon’s Treasure Chest.

“Tsk… This guy’s got no loyalty… I wanted to beat him to a certain extent and talk about the good ol’ days…”

Ironically, Deus was the one who was brazen enough to cuss at the dragon he had killed with his own hands.

“Hyung-nim,” Betelgeuse suddenly approached Daode Tianzun.


“I think I already told you a while ago, but you should go and greet the elder-nim… if you value your life.”

“Y-Yeah! I’ll do that right now!” Daode Tianzun replied. He rushed as fast as he could to pay respect to Deus.

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