Chapter 141

There was a fierce battle between the one-hundred-thousand-strong Mirmic Race army and the Proatine Forces at Turtle Fort. Turtle Fort was a strategic and key defensive fort that held together the entirety of the Proatine Kingdom’s border defense.

The odds were stacked heavily against the Proatine Forces.

“For Proatine!”

“Die! Die! Dieeee!

“Hey, you bastards! Make sure you don’t let a single one of them climb up!”

The soldiers fought with their lives on the line.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The canons had long turned red hot from the consecutive shooting.

“Hang in there! His Majesty is going to come to help us soon!”

Argh! Stop coming, you little bastards!”

Oscar and Seung-Gu were valiantly fighting against the alien invaders as well.

However, they were still struggling against the Mirmic Forces despite their best efforts, and they would have immediately collapsed if it weren’t for the Renoma Forces that were wreaking havoc at the Mirmic Forces’ rear.

In the midst of the fierce fighting, the fort gates that stood steadfast against the attacks of the invaders started to crack, and it was soon destroyed by the alien invaders.


The Mirmics flooded into the fort.

No!’ Oscar cried out inwardly at the sight.

She had done her best to lead the army. In fact, she had done quite well with what she had available. The corpses of their enemies had piled up like a mountain outside the fort walls, and it was a testament to how well she had been leading her troops and how valiantly the troops had been fighting.

They had achieved a great feat by holding back such a great army for so long.

However, this was only possible thanks to Oscar’s impeccable leadership as well as the tenacity of the Proatine soldiers. The Proatine soldiers also racked up real combat experience by going on monster subjugations.

However, they had finally reached their limits.

The enemies flooded the fort like a deluge, and it would only be a matter of time before the Proatine Forces were decimated.


Oscar gritted her teeth before jumping down to the castle gate.

“I will stop all of you even if I have to put my life on the line...!” she shouted.



All of a sudden, a huge red circle appeared on the ground and consumed its surroundings in an inferno.

Fwaaa! Fwaaaa!

The flames danced like serpents as they chased after the Mirmic Warriors and devoured them down like hungry beasts. Once a lick of flame was done consuming a victim, it would then jump to another unfortunate victim.

A man was standing in the midst of the flames.

“Please stand back. I will take care of everything,” Siegfried said. He stood in the way of enemy troops flooding into the gates after regrouping with the Proatine Forces.

He had just showcased the enhanced version of Circle of Mortality called Blaze Field.


The Blaze Field had the following effect...

[Blaze Field]

[Circle of Mortality enhanced with fire attribute energy.]

[The skill's effect, cooldown time, duration, and range are the same as the original Circle of Mortality.]

[Enhanced Effect: Enemies within Blaze Field are set ablaze with the Flames of Destruction. The Flames of Destruction reduces the afflicted’s Defense and Magic Resistance. The Defense and Magic Resistance shred increases for every second a target is ablaze. There is a percentile chance of destroying a target’s equipment. The Flames of Destruction are not easily extinguished, even after the target leaves the field. The Flames of Destruction will bounce off of every afflicted target and nearby enemies.]

The Blaze Field possessed the basic debuff effects of Circle of Mortality, but it improved the latter’s effects by becoming an over time debuff that would increasingly shred the afflicted’s Defense and Magic Resistance while they were ablaze.

In addition, targets afflicted with the Flames of Destruction through Blaze Field would become a hazard to their comrades because the Flames of Destruction would bounce off of them and toward their nearby comrades.

Siegfried couldn’t help but think that Blaze Field would be his number one skill because it basically enhanced the effects of the Debuff Master’s bread and butter, which was Circle of Mortality.

“It’s time to die,” Siegfried muttered. He smashed the heads of the Mirmic Warriors within Blaze Field.

The fort was secured once again. It happened so fast that a few even started doubting whether the enemies had actually managed to get inside the first in the first place. Of course, this was only possible thanks to Siegfried’s new skill that allowed him to ‘instant delete’ his enemies before the named monsters could come into the fort.

However, Siegfried didn’t stop there as he pushed back even the monsters just outside the fort gates and completely secured the fort. Afterward, he stepped out of the fort and acted as the gatekeeper who killed anyone that dared to approach him.

“Hey, owner punk! Hamchi will help you! Kyu!” Hamchi took out his magical hamster wheel again and buffed Siegfried.


However, Hamchi wasn’t running as fast as he did when Siegfried was fighting Flame Ignito.

I don’t have to run so hard. I just have to buff that punk enough so he doesn’t collapse from exhaustion.’

Hamchi knew very well that the key to this battle was not strength but endurance.

“This is our first battle for His Majesty! All forces! Attack!” Orlan shouted as he led the knights and ran up the fort walls to help the Proatine Forces push back the Mirmic Warriors trying to scale the walls.

The magicians did not participate in the battle because they had already exhausted their mana just to close the Dimensional Rift. When Siegfried and the Renoma knights joined the fray, the battle quickly became neck-and-neck.


It had only been just an hour since Siegfried joined the battle, but the corpses of the Mirmic Warriors had already piled up as high as the fort walls.

The Turtle Fort was now in danger once again.

The difference in numbers is too big...!’ Siegfried bit his lips.

Their enemies weren’t strong, but there were too many of them.


Siegfried had been using Irradiate at full throttle, but the enemies still kept on charging at them. In addition, Siegfried couldn’t protect all sides of the fort, so the walls would soon be taken over by the enemies, even if he were to fight for a dozen hours more.

The casualties of the Proatine Forces started piling up, and the soldiers defending the castle walls started to fall one by one. These were the tell-tale signs of a disaster.

However, this was purely due to the difference in their numbers, and it sadly proved that quantity would triumph over individual skills if the difference in number were big enough.

“W-We don’t have any more mortar shells!”

To make matters worse, the cannons were now out of service after exhausting all of their ammunition, and their decommission severely decreased the defensive capability of Turtle Fort.

“Who could have known that things would turn out this way?” Siegfried grumbled.

He had to find a way to turn things around—a solution to win despite the overwhelming number of enemies...

I guess I should prioritize the enemy in front of me over someone I’ll fight in the future... tsk...’ he clicked his tongue and reached for his magic belt, and the magic belt instantly placed the Rod of God in his hand.

In the end, he could not allow any further allied casualties, so he decided to use the trump card he wanted to save for his archnemesis.

I can’t be stingy right now. Protecting my house comes first,’ thought Siegfried as he tightly gripped the Rod of God.

He was about to cast the Rod of God’s overpowered skill...

However, Seung-Gu interrupted him. “Hyung-nim!”

Seung-Gu pointed at the skies and shouted, “Woo-Jin hyung-nim is here!”

“What? Cheon Woo-Jin is here?”

“Woo-Jin hyung-nim has brought reinforcements! Awesome timing, right?!”

Siegfried looked up at the sky after hearing Seung-Gu.


There were ten airships with an emblem of a shield emblazoned on them.

It was the fleet of the secret organization—the Guardians.


On the deck of Albatross, the largest airship in the fleet...

“My friend’s house is burning down to the ground, so I better help him, right?” Cheon Woo-Jin smirked. He was wearing an admiral’s coat while enjoying a cup of wine in his luxurious leather seat.

Tap... Tap...

Cheon Woo-Jin tapped the microphone with his finger.

— Ah... Ah... Mic test one two, mic test one two.

Cheon Woo-Jin’s voice echoed throughout the entire battlefield.

— Precision airstrike incoming in ten seconds.

— 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3...

— 2... 1...

— Fire in the hole!

The ten airships unleashed a barrage of artillery fire.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Kabooom!

The entire battlefield was devastated in the proverbial blink of an eye.

— All ships return to base.

Once the airships were done dumping all of their ammunition at the target location, Cheon Woo-Jin gave the command to retreat.

— I’ve paid my debts from the random box incident, so don’t cry about it anymore.

“Yeah, I have received your payment, and it is well-received,” Siegfried replied with a smile.

— Alright, then, adios!

“Cringe...” Siegfried grimaced at Cheon Woo-Jin’s chuuniness.


The ten airships and the thousands of ammunition they had dumped on the battlefield instantly turned the tides of the battle.

All right, this should be more than enough.’

Siegfried was finally confident of his victory.

However, Cheon Woo-Jin wasn’t the only one who had been helping all this while.

“In the name of Renoma!”

“Kill them all!”

“His Majesty has commanded us to kill the enemy!”

The Renoma Forces led their thirty-thousand-strong army and clashed against the rear forces of the Mirmics.

The Renoma Forces weren’t the only ones who came to help.

“Elf! It’s the elves! The Elven Archers are here!” a soldier shouted.

Siegfried turned and saw hundreds of elves climbing up the walls and firing down at the Mirmics.

One of the elves smiled brightly at Siegfried.

It was Natasha, the elven girl whom Siegfried had saved from the Elf Hunters.

[We have come to repay our debts, my savior.]

Natasha transmitted through telepathy.

Thank you...’ Siegfried sincerely thanked her inwardly because he had no idea how to reply through telepathy.

The world was a cruel place where one could get sued by the very person one had saved from drowning.


Such a thing had ceased to exist a long time ago, and many had actually forgotten about it. What was gratitude again? Was it something edible?

The world was filled with intelligent beings that had forgotten the very basic principle of gratitude. However, the people whom Siegfried had helped without much thought in the past were now here to repay him for his kindness.

I won’t forget your help...’ Siegfried thought with a smile.

“Warriors of the North! Heed my words!”

“We heed the words of our king!”

All of a sudden, another group of reinforcements arrived.

A huge army of around twenty to thirty thousand Nordic Warriors appeared and charged at the Mirmics.


A loud voice reverberated across the battlefield. It was the voice of the Nordic King, Lionbreath.

“I’m sorry I was late! I came as fast as I could, but this place is too far!”

“Not at all! You came just in time!”

“Is that so? That’s a relief, then! Haha! Don’t you worry about anything now! I will teach those bastards a lesson! Bwahahaha!” Lionbreath boisterously laughed.

Lionbreath’s class was Warlord, and even his laughter was one of the skills in his arsenal. His laughter buffed and increased the morale of nearby troops.

Bwahahaha! Look at those insects! How dare you bugs pick a fight with my brother?! I—Lionbreath—will teach you the true meaning of pain!” Lionbreath laughed maniacally while slaughtering the Mirmics.

Alright! This should be more than enough—huh? What’s that?’

Another group of reinforcements appeared...

Flap! Flap! Flap!

A group of elves riding on top of winged horses, known as Pegasus, rained down arrows from above.

“Proud warriors of Elondel! Accept our king’s commands and eradicate those evil creatures!”

Elondel was an elven kingdom that existed somewhere on the continent, and it had always been a mysterious kingdom that only existed in legends because it was incredibly rare to stumble upon their lands.

It seemed that Siegfried’s good relationship with Natasha had also attracted the aid of the legendary elven kingdom. The tides of the battle completely turned with the help of these powerful reinforcements.

Cheon Woo-Jin’s armada...

The Renoma Kingdom’s forces...

The elven archers...

Lionbreath and the Nordic Warriors...

The Pegasus Unit of the legendary elven kingdom...

The Adventurers Michele had gathered after issuing a quest...

And finally, the Proatine Forces...

The Mirmic Forces were pushed back under the might of the seven reinforcements.

“Hey! Siegfried!”

Someone suddenly shouted at Siegfried.

Who was that...?’ Siegfried turned around and saw a female warrior making her way toward him while beheading every single Mirmic that dared to come close to her.

“You son of a bitch! I will see you later! You actually dared to run away after enslaving my body?! I can’t sleep at night anymore because I’m always thinking of you!”

[Alert: Adult content has been unlocked! You may now enjoy the adult content to your heart’s desires!]

The adult content was once again forcefully unlocked for his enjoyment.


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