The Magic Scale Dragon stared straight at him, then began shouting:

「 You're a strange dragon, what exactly are you? Not only do you spit flames with black, red, and green colors, but you also found a human to help you in combat, I can't even say I scorn you, because I hold you in nothing less than absolute2—— 」

The black dragon's expression instantly changed.

A mass of white fog several hundred meters in length suddenly appeared to envelop the black dragon and disappeared.

The Magic Scale Dragon froze.

「 Strange… why did he suddenly run when I've just begun? 」the Magic Scale Dragon muttered.

Several hundred miles away.

A certain village.

A sudden wave of white fog descended from above.

The black dragon had turned back into Alex as both he and Ego walked out from the fog.

"Why did we suddenly run?" Ego asked in confusion.

"I was unleashing an infallible power, but I didn't think it would also unleash its Draconics magic" Alex replied.

Alex silently sighed, then couldn't help but want to curse.

These dragons, every last one of them——


Fortunately, I was prepared for it.

"Strange, my ability to sense my surroundings seemed to have been obscured by something," Ego commented.

Because he was Alex's alter ego he could use some of his ability, Divine Sense for example.

Alex then explained the draconic magic.

Ego was naturally shocked, unable to help herself cursing:

"What a bunch of scoundrels, I've always heard that dragons are a shady bunch, but I didn't think that their magic would also be this way"


Alex shook his head.

He took out a bow and slowly knocked an arrow onto it. He could use the bow without a problem. He had trained in archery before and with one of his sins being a bow he seemed to be more accustomed to the bow even before unlocking that sin.

He didn't unlock another sin.

"That strike of yours was very opportune, breaking several of the scales on its head—-" Alex commented.

Ego asked in disbelief: "There's at least a distance of 30-50 thousand miles from Weitz city to this place, you're saying you want to use your arrows to hit the wounds on its head?"

Alex replied: "Hm, after all, I've already sensed the presence of its blood——-"

A profound fluctuation radiated from his body.

The bowstring was slowly pulled back until it was at full draw.

A short pause.

Suddenly, the bowstring snapped back into a series of overlapping images, causing a resounding sonic boom.

The arrow disappeared.

Alex added a bit of spiritual force to the arrow to make it stronger. He used his Void ability as well. He named this Void Arrows.


On the other side.

The Magic Scale Dragon circled a bit in the sky, then looked below.

That guy had run away, then next——

Suddenly, it sensed danger.


A deep black hole abruptly manifested in the void of space with an explosion, countless tiny cracks scattered like spider nets into the surroundings.

A deep gash was split open in the Magic Scale Dragon's head, causing its blood to spill.

It roared, wanting to look for the enemy.

At the very next moment, the second black hole manifested in the void of space——

The second arrow!

It was too fast to avoid!

Struck by the arrow, the Magic Scale Dragon spun in mid-air, half of its skull had been exposed to open air.

It quickly grasped the situation and tried to escape.

Right at this moment, a sharp unbearable pain spread all over its body, causing the Magic Scale Dragon to tremble.

Damn it, what kind of technique is this?

When did I get inflicted with such a painful technique?

It couldn't think of an answer, nor did it have time to.

The void of space broke open again.

The arrow appeared right in the middle of the dragon's head.


Blood exploded like a flower in the air.

Then fell to the ground like a rain shower.

Being struck by three consecutive [Void Arrows], the Magic Scale Dragon lost consciousness.

Right at this moment, a white fog appeared in the sky.

Alex and Ego reappeared.

Watching the dying Magic Scale Dragon, Ego clicked his tongue: "This is [Void Arrow]?"

Aside from the wounds on its head, the Magic Scale Dragon seemed to be afflicted by something else, as its entire body was constantly trembling like it was in intense pain.

"That's right.''

Alex put the black bow away, turning back into his black dragon form.


The black dragon's gigantic body once again obscured the sky itself.

He swiftly moved forward, bit down on the Magic Scale Dragon's head, and tore at it.

Suddenly, the black dragon lifted his head——-

He was holding the Magic Scale Dragon's severed head in his mouth.

The headless dragon's body fell, crashing to the ground.

This successfully influenced the battlefield below.

The soldiers of the enemy's empire began to scatter and flee.

The headless dragon's body fell to the ground.

The black dragon coldly watched this as the grey aura around his body suddenly began to move.

The black fog began to scatter from his body, appearing almost sentient as it enveloped both the dragon's head and body.

Using Snatch, one of Silveria's ultimate abilities in dragon's form resulted in the current situation, still, Alex was not too concerned about this. He couldn't stop now a tasty prey was in front of his eyes, he wanted to test something as well, to confirm if this was merely an illusion or an alternate reality.

The viscous, almost sentient black fog quickly devoured the entirety of the dragon's body and head.


The black dragon grumbled.

Right now, even if his identity was exposed, he still had to absorb this dragon's power.

—-this was the complete power of a dragon, capable of helping him quickly become stronger!

The swirling black fog returned to the sky and then was absorbed into the black dragon's body.

「 Argh… 」

The black dragon uttered a curt grunt of pain.

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