Inside Vice-Principal's office, a deep sombre atmosphere prevailed as two figures sat facing each other with an oppressive momentum.

Lucas stared at Josh's tired eyes enveloped with a layer of dark circles. This was the first time Lucas had seen such an energetic guy like Josh in this state.

His face looked haggard and he seemed to age a lot with a lot of wrinkles on his forehead making it hard to fathom just what kind of nightmare he had gone through.

"It seems, the past few days have been quite tough for you sir."

"Isn't that because you blessed me with that fucking piece of information that forced me to go that damned land." Josh cursed aloud as he didn't need to maintain the facade here.

"I am sure you are not gonna answer this but how did you know this?" Josh asked sharply.

"I will refrain from answering that." Lucas replied with a casual smile.

It was a really risky route on his part. One which he really didn't prefer to take unless the situation was grave. The Principal wasn't going to return until the Demon continent resurfaced and it would be hard to find him using the connections of humans hiding in the Demon continent and searching for him, Vice-Principal Josh might have gone missing in the vast Demonic continent.

Moreover, he was sure that the group of folks wouldn't dare to harm him knowing that he had valuable information. And in the worst case, at most, they would soul-search him and look into his memories.

However, if they do that, they're gonna get the biggest surprise of their life. One that he was really looking forward to.

After all, no matter how much he hates him, his Future self is absolutely badass.

Josh scrunched his nose seeing Lucas' blank expression that annoyed him. He just arrived yesterday and almost got a heart attack seeing the mess that had been made by those bastards.

If there were no laws, he would brunt each of them down, extract their soul and torture them for eternity.

The Demon Continent was a rough place filled with danger at each step and as a human, one needs to be quite cautious. It was a tiresome and arduous journey and he wanted to take some rest after returning alas...

And to make it worse, that son of a bitch dared to mess with this guy out of all people not knowing that there is fucking bomb behind this guy.

She was cautious of unknown enemies but if she lost her reasoning…..

However, there was no need to reach there.

Previously, this boy was quite a soft cutie pie who only bore his fangs when exposed to danger but who knew his body resembled a sharp blade ready to swing at any moment?

And the truth is though Josh looked calm, he was terrified at the moment and he could already see his trauma and nightmare resurfacing.

'People really grow up.'

"So, just tell me what you want and leave."

lightsΝοvel "Vice-Principal, I am not here to add more tension, rather as a good student of Horizon it's my duty to partake in your woes and troubles." Lucas muttered, taking a file containing a thick bundle of documents and there were several of them.

"Another thing?"

Josh snapped out of his thoughts and stared at Lucas with a bad premonition.

"Since you Horizon defamed me and stopped me from taking on potion business. I have suffered both mentally, physically and financially so don't you think you should compensate me for all this?"

The moment Lucas said this, Josh started to sweat profusely. As he looked at Lucas' grin, he could see the familiar outlines of Leonard who had left him a trauma.

If it was any other person besides this guy, Josh wouldn't hesitate to send him flying with a slap. But if he touched a single hair of this guy, that woman was gonna rip all his hair and throw him into the trash.

Without waiting for Josh to reply, Lucas put forward his condition.

"I want an alchemy facility in Horizon. I am prepared to pay for the rent and you also need to clear the previous accusation and help me in the supply of material."

"Why don't you just go and loot me?!" Josh screamed in anger.

"Sir Josh, this is neither a negotiation nor a request. I am taking what is due." Lucas spoke coldly.

"You want to make potions there and sell them in the market. It's not possible. I can let go of previous accusations but this is against the rules,"Josh spoke helplessly."

"Hahaha! That was a good joke. Do you think I don't know how things work out? Is there any law that hasn't been broken? Simply bend it and...." Lucas paused a bit and bent forward.

" I have done a great favour by giving you this list so you better give me the benefit of equal importance."

A brief silence lingered

Josh sighed heavily and after some thought, he spoke,"Okay, but about the last thing give me some time."

Lucas and Josh discussed how to proceed with the teachers' problem. Josh wanted to clean them up discreetly but Lucas was adamant about stripping their layers of disguise. He knew that most of them had not committed any offense to be executed and would be imprisoned so he needed to make sure they got tormented both physically and mentally.

As per those who were going to be killed, both Lucas and Josh rubbed their hands in excitement, cooking a satisfying ending for them.

After a brief, Lucas bid farewell waiting for the shit show to begin.

Josh pulled his speck and rubbed his eyes with an inexplicable gaze.

"Both father and son are made of the same mould. Threatening and using every means to get their work done. However, this bastard is more terrifying than him because at least Leo acted openly but this bastard kept his fangs hidden until he attacked."

Josh's worries started to deepen wondering about the future. Leonard and his group only started to act in the third year after building connections but this boy had already taken a huge step.

He still remembered the day when Leonard almost sold the whole academy for a trillion giving him a heart attack. Fortunately, he was able to stop it but.....

"I hope this guy doesn't walk in his father's steps and plan to sell the entirety of Horizon."

Josh suddenly felt uneasy, unable to suppress this thought.

"Arghhhhh!" Josh pulled his hair in frustration.

"Just what sin did I commit in my past lives that I have to teach guys like these?"

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