Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 295 A Demon Rising

The battle between the giant Behemoth Clan and the Crimson Crane members was not over. One group, consisting of Tilon, Elivin, and Lilly, had just exited from a dimension.

The moment they had done so, they were ambushed, surrounded by attackers on the pretense that they had entered a dimension belonging to the Behemoth Clan.

Thankfully, there was one member with them, Tilon. He was the tank of the group and a significant part of their defense. With his shield techniques, he managed to fend off attacks, preventing his two allies from getting hurt, and they were able to last for quite a while.

After all, the Crimson Crane members were small in size, but what they didn't lack was skill. They were better than most at the same stage as them, and although the attackers were initially high-ranked, they weren't a match for the Crimson Crane.

Due to this, the Crimson Crane members were able to defend themselves from getting hurt and continued fighting, taking down members time after time.

"Keep going!" The Behemoth member shouted, pointing his sword toward them.

The terrain had completely changed from what it was before, with the grounds ruined, destroyed, and craters filling the area.

Rather than attacking individually, the two attackers, Elivin and Lilly, had decided to stay close to Tilon, and they didn't appear to be in the best condition.

"I hate to say it, but I think they're onto us," Lilly commented, gripping her hand tightly around her spear. She was trying to gauge how much strength she had left, and judging by just her holding her spear, it wasn't much.

"Then we just have to bluff our way out of this thing. We still have the blue pills made by the Dark Magus, right? Let's take them," Tilon ordered.

He was feeling weak in his legs himself; he didn't know how many more hits he could take.

All three of them agreed and took the blue Qi pills, and in an instant, they could feel the energy surging through their bodies. It was a quick boost, but they knew it would only last for a minute.

Knowing this, at the same time as the Behemoth Clan charged in, all of them gathered their Qi and unleashed large attacks. Tilon slammed his shield into the ground, pushing them away.

Lilly thrust her spear several times, pushing them all back, and with Elivin's large glaive, he was able to slice several limbs off.

"These guys, they're not weak at all; do they ever tire?" The Behemoth Clan member cried out.

Everyone had witnessed them taking the pills and had heard rumors about their effects.

"Damn it, if they have the Dark Magus on their side, we don't know how many of those pills they have. This fight could end up being endless!" The leader complained.

"If we set off now and get attacked, there is a chance that I could lose one of you, and I'm not going to let that happen."

The others agreed, and they had decided to stay in an inn for the night. One of them stayed awake, keeping watch while the other two could get some good shut-eye. Then they would rotate this.

It was normal for them to do this being wanderers, so they were used to it, but of course, Alba was more uptight than she usually would be. They had dealt with clans in the past, but now, in short succession, they had dealt with an Algre Light Faction Clan and now a large Demonic Faction Clan.

"It was going to be this way eventually; things have just sped up a bit because we met him," Alba thought to herself.

When the sun rose with enough rest for the three of them, they took a quick visit to the message center to see if they had heard anything from the others. They had heard news from Tilon that everything was okay, and they had received the message.

However, the ones she hadn't heard from were those in Reptum themselves.

"We'll gather some

 food, supplies, and water, and then we'll head off," Alba said.

As they were walking across the lion's bridges, they had entered the main market hub. It was several large buildings that were built around the side of a mountain in a large semicircle.

There was a large platform for people to walk on. While walking, they kept an eye out to see if they spotted any Behemoth members here or there, but they were unable to see anything.

Entering a shop, though, a voice caught their attention, and not just theirs but quite a few people as well.

On the large platform, there was a single person who stood on a self-made stand. By his side, he had a stack of papers, and with a loud booming voice, he was shouting out to the others.

"Read about the big occurrence in the city of Reptum! A once-in-a-lifetime event involving the Behemoth Clan!"

Immediately, it caught Alba's and the others' attention, and they quickly moved over. She pulled out a coin and flicked it over to the man, who then handed a paper out from the stack on the side.

Right at the very top, the main headline read: The Birth Of A Real Demon! A Demon Appears in Reptum!

"Hey, this is to do with the Behemoth Clan; it can't be true, can it? Is it to do with the others?" Cronker asked, sweat running down the side of his head as he started to panic.

He could see Alba reading the paper, but she hadn't said a word, and eventually, when reading it all, she could only mumble out a few things.

"Are the Behemoth Clan and Crimson Crane at war? Is the mysterious person the Dark Magus? Can an Alchemist really be this strong?" Alba mumbled to herself, reading everything that was written.

"What...on Pagna happened?" Alba said, star-struck.

The news report, due to Bubble's information network, was quickly being spread. First, it would be the Demonic Faction, and soon it would reach even further than that. The world was learning that the Demonic Faction had a real Demon rising.

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