Chapter 1154 - 1154: Finding The Last One (Part 1)

One of the main troubles of the battlefield were the large mass amount of golems they were facing. For one, they were quite powerful and varied in size. The second trouble was how there seemed to be an endless stream of them.

Continuously, they were coming out from the large fissure cracks from below. Equal at times, if a group or a clan head were doing particularly well, then a new fissure would crack across, bringing more golems to the area.

The more fissures in a condensed area, the more golems a group had to deal with. What was impressive was the large scale of battle taking place was almost like that of a war field. Pagna warriors had great speed and strength, so when fighting, they had covered large and vast amounts of land.

So the fighting was spread relatively far out. What was impressive was how these golems were appearing everywhere, all over the battlefield.

Alba, who had been watching, though she couldn’t pinpoint where this Deleter was, by seeing the changes on the battlefield, yet they were happening everywhere, as if they were looking from above.

“They’re not in the sky, are they?” Alba said, lifting her head.

Two golems were chasing right at her, but before they even reached her, a dagger slit their throat, turning them into nothing but a pile of rocks, and Cronker had now appeared by her side.

“You’re distracted, but it’s okay, I will look over you,” Cronker said.

“Any key changes in all of this?” Alba asked.

“There has been,” Cronker answered. “The young boy that travels with Raze’s sister, it appears that the Deleters have managed to get to him.”

Alba’s heart almost skipped a beat. She knew how much the three of them traveled with Raze. How they were the closest to him and there since the beginning. She was shaking her head in the foolishness of the entire situation, already wondering if they had done anything different. If they could have changed the outcome in some way.

“All I can do now is concentrate on what is happening right now,” Alba said. “The person can’t be in the sky, that’s ridiculous, even with their magic. To create fissures without touching the land, let’s try rule that out for now. I can’t figure out how they are able to see the whole battlefield, but Alter have a large amount of artifacts that allow them to do anything, so let’s take that out of the conclusion.

“If that’s the case, then the most likely answer is that the Deleter is hiding amongst the large group. If he can see us, then he will shift his position each time, so he doesn’t stay in one place, or at least that’s what I would do…so a way to spot where he is, keep track of him, from there and get to him…”

Alba was racking her head, but she thought there might just be a way. She called Cronker over and whispered in his ear. A few moments later, and the three students from the Dark Hand had gathered around Cronker.

Those that used to be in the Dark Faction, well, they still were part of the Dark Faction, but they were working directly with Cronker to form the special group of people who specialized in assassination techniques and silent footsteps.

“I’m counting on you,” Alba asked.

“We shall do our best,” Cronker replied, and he soon disappeared with his power, and all of those that were part of the Dark Hand started to disappear as well.

Looking around the battlefield, there was one more person that she needed to be part of the plan, and she was worried, worried if she could even convince her. Eventually, though, she found her.

Alba crossed the battlefield and sliced and diced any golems in her way. As she continued to charge forward, an arrow went past her head and hit one of the golems, until she was by Forma and Fixteen’s side.

“Forma…we need to stop this fighting, before more people are hurt. I hate that I have to ask this of you, when you will be the one suffering but…are you able to use your special item, like you did against the Behemoth Clan…and can you do it, so you can get rid of all of the golems in one go?” Alba asked.

The cursed effect of the specially made bow was something that Alba never wanted Forma to use, but it was the only way she felt like they could clear this situation incredibly quickly. Forma’s eyes were still dark, she still had bags under her eyes and was never the same joyful self she was in the past.

“Alba…you know if you asked anything that I would do it for you,” Forma answered, as she placed her bow on her back and closed her eyes. Soon, the specially created bow started to form in her hands.

“Forma, what are you doing!” Fixteen shouted, running over and grabbing onto her hand. “You know how long it took you to come out after you used such a thing like last time. Sure, you can use it now and again, but to use it on a large scale like last time. You can’t go through that again, even if it is your clan leader asking.”

Alba wanted to shout back at Fixteen, arguing that it was the Demonic Clan and more members around them that would perish, but she had to admit she didn’t want to see Forma going through that pain again, and Alba could see something clear as day.

Fixteen was in love with Forma, and when one was in love, the pain and suffering that person went through was a lot more painful than everything else that was just going on in the world to them.

“Don’t worry,” Forma answered. “These are golems, they’re not living beings, so it doesn’t affect me. Which is why, I’m happy to do this!” Forma said, as she was ready to fire thousands of arrows in the sky.


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