Chapter 823 – Chapter 813: Survivor

Dudian was stunned for a long time before he reacted. He entered the Devil’s body state and slowly approached. He used his sharp limbs to dig out the corpse from the soil. He saw that it was a man, he had flaxen hair. He had a western face from the old era. He had a high nose and deep eye sockets. At the moment his face was pale. Most of his face was stained with blood from his nose and mouth. The blood was dry and hard. There was no external injury on his body, it seemed that he had been suffocated to death.

Dudian looked at the clothes on his body. The top of his body was a beast suit. There was a string of vertical bones hanging on his neck. There was an oval scale sewn on the chest of the beast suit. It seemed that it was used to defend against frontal attacks, he was holding a cone-shaped tusk. The handle was rough and sharp. There was a water bag and backpack on his back but it had been flattened.

Dudian’s heart wavered as he thought of the barbarians who had been banished to the radiation zone of the outer wall. Could it be that there was a group of ‘barbarians’who had been banished from the outer wall?

From the smell of the corpse, it shouldn’t have been more than two days since he died. Dudian used the sharp limbs to cut open the corpse. He checked the density of his bones. It wasn’t hard but it should be comparable to that of a senior hunter, in this abyss region, such strength was as small as a reptile. Any monster would become its food. However, such a small existence actually appeared here!

Dudian couldn’t imagine how he survived in this place. Of course, he couldn’t use the word ‘survive’to describe it. However, from the dirty degree of his body.., it wasn’t difficult to see that he had lived in the harsh wilderness for a long time. It was very likely that he was born here!

“There are people living in the abyss. Moreover, they are not abyss walkers but such a weak person. They must have a special method to live in the Abyss and know how to avoid the monsters.”Dudian thought, his heart was boiling. If he could find these people and learn from them how to survive in the Abyss then it would be helpful to increase his success rate in crossing the abyss.

His mind became active as he carefully checked the things on the corpse. He opened the backpack. There were some leaves and flowers inside but they were squashed, there was also a corpse of a worm wrapped in a cloth.

Dudian’s heart slightly moved as he thought of the worm. However, there was no smell of the worm powder.

He thought for a moment and put away the worm’s body. He put away his backpack and searched his body. He didn’t find anything that could avoid the monsters.

He thought for a moment and squatted down. He took the vertical bone necklace from his neck and dug a deep pit to bury his body.

He looked around and saw a lot of red dots between the flowers. They were about the length of a finger. They were poisonous insects in the jungle. Other than that, there was no other large-scale heat reaction.

“This person’s strength is low. He shouldn’t dare to move too far away from his residence. Most likely, he came out to look for food. A hunter’s pace shouldn’t be too fast. His residence should be around here.”Dudian thought, he held Aisha’s hand and controlled the two undeads to lead the way. He was ready to search within a hundred miles radius of the corpse.

He was very cautious. He was constantly checking the heat source reaction in his field of vision. It should be known that this person had died not long ago but was trampled to death by the giant footprint, it meant that the owner of the footprint was probably still wandering around.

Dudian followed the footprint forward. Along the way, he saw many traces of trees being trampled and some monsters being trampled to death. After seven or eight miles, Dudian finally saw the owner of the footprint. He looked at it from afar, it was like a 20-30 meter hill. It was crawling on the wilderness. Its body was dark and full of hair. It looked like a lump of fat meat. At the moment it seemed to be resting and sleeping.

Dudian didn’t dare to move forward. The heat source emitted by this thing was the most terrifying one he had seen so far. It was more than twice as strong as the rock scale python. It was estimated that it was at the peak of the master level.

Fortunately, this thing seemed to be sleeping. There was no movement.

Dudian didn’t dare to stay any longer. He controlled the two undeads to take a detour and leave from another place.

Dudian followed the mountain where the man’s body was buried. He searched the surroundings in a carpet-like manner. In addition to the monster that looked like a huge mountain of flesh, he also met two monsters of the same level as the rock scale pythons, however he avoided them and didn’t notice them. After all, he was too small compared to these monsters. Ordinary Monsters wouldn’t be interested in hunting him even if they noticed him.

It was the same reason why Lions wouldn’t catch ants and insects.

Moreover Dudian’s breath was restrained and the heat emitted from him was very low. Moreover he was covered in undead powder so he was able to disguise as an undeads. Therefore the three master level monsters didn’t take the initiative to chase him, he was far away from them.

On the contrary, some pioneer level or even lower level monsters directly chased after him and the two undeads he controlled.

Dudian didn’t show any mercy to these monsters that could be killed in an instant. He quickly killed them and moved to other places to avoid the smell of blood that would attract more monsters and cause unnecessary trouble.

On the third day, Dudian came to a lake.

The lake was blue and vast. Dudian was surprised to see such a pure water source. No wonder he followed the trail to this place. It was not strange that there were people living in such a pure water source.

He searched around the vicinity for the past three days. Although he didn’t meet the man’s companions but he found some footprints of their companions. The reason why he determined that these footprints belonged to their companions was because the shape of the footprints was similar, he remembered the shape of the man’s boots. These footprints were made by the same boots.

The number of footprints was messy. There were big and small footprints. It meant that there were more than one or two people. Dudian found at least eight people from the footprints.

“I should be able to meet them here to get water.”Dudian glanced at the lake and thought.

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