Chapter 820 – Chapter 800: “Living Forest”

“Are there no monsters living in the outer regions?”Dudian thought. He thought of the other members of the family who had entered the ‘Forest of despair’. Most of them had checked the forest through the heat source reaction, but they didn’t come out.

“Although heat source tracking vision is a rare perception ability, but at least one out of ten pioneers have it. There is no reason that the ancestors of the Hunter family wouldn’t bring people with strong perception. Especially after so many people died in the forest. In this case, the things that are really dangerous may not emit heat source reaction or smell. The latent ability is probably as strong as the shadow hunter. Moreover, there are far more than the shadow hunter.”

Dudian had a trace of fear in his heart. So many pioneers had been buried here. It meant that the hidden dangers were extremely terrible. He wasn’t a master who could easily take risks.

However, flying at high altitude in the abyss was undoubtedly more risky.

The wings were good at flying but they had only explored the ‘Forest of despair’before stopping. It was clear that they had already tried flying.

“It seems that the first step to cross the Abyss is very difficult…”Dudian’s eyes slightly flashed. He looked up at the sky. The Sun had completely set. A crescent moon was visible on the edge of the clouds. The cold light shined on the Earth, the weeds on the hillside were fluttering in the wind. The air seemed to be filled with a faint smell of blood. At the same time, he heard the roar of a beast coming from far behind, it was a terrifying beast.

Night came.

It was time for the monster to move.

Dudian glanced at the undeads that were wandering around. He found that a few of them were attracted by the roar. The others were still wandering around unconsciously. It seemed that they would approach at any time.

Dudian wasn’t worried. He leaned back and lay on the rock. He crossed his legs and looked at the night sky. He was deep in thought.

There were more and more roars coming from all directions. However the ‘Forest of despair’in front of Dudian was silent, the moonlight seemed to be unable to penetrate through the forest.

Dudian stared at the forest. He still couldn’t see anything strange in the forest.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed.

Dudian took a few naps but was woken up by the roars of the beasts. There were many monsters wandering in the wilderness behind the hillside but they didn’t dare to approach this place. Instead, a few undeads slowly wandered over, however, they seemed to have sensed the smell of Aisha. They stopped two or three hundred meters away from Dudian and turned around to continue to wander in other directions.

Dean woke up at dawn. He took out the food and ate breakfast. He stood up and stretched his body. He looked at Aisha who hadn’t slept for a night and felt a bit of pity in his heart, although he knew that she didn’t have the habit of “Sleeping”.

“It’s time to go.”Dean held her hand and whispered: “Find something to help us open the way.”

As he spoke his eyes fell on the few wandering undeads behind the hillside. He bent down and picked a rock and threw it at one of them.

Bang! It hit.

The undeads were four to five meters tall but extremely thin. Its body was like skin and bones without any flesh. Sharp blades protruded from the joints of its bones. In terms of fighting strength, it was not inferior to ordinary pioneers.

Even the undead king who had bitten Aisha didn’t have such a high-level undead.

After being hit by the stone, the undead quickly noticed Dudian. Originally, Dudian had the undead powder to cover the smell, and Aisha’s smell field made the undead not dare to come close. But at this moment, he took the initiative to attack, suddenly, it showed a difference, so that the undead recognized that it was “Not my kind”.


The zombie roared and rushed over. Its running posture was extremely strange. It was as thin as a bamboo pole and had long arms and legs like a strange insect. However, its speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of dudian.

Dudian immediately shook the bell.

Aisha’s pure black eyes suddenly shot out a cold light. She turned her head to look at the zombie.

When the zombie was looked at by Haisha, its body suddenly stopped as if it had been struck by lightning. The next moment, it suddenly let out a scream and curled up on the ground, shivering.

Seeing that the enslavement was effective, Dean’s heart was relieved. For the past two years in the inner wall, he had been staying with Haisha every day. He had repeatedly consolidated the conditioned reflex training for her, especially half a year ago, when she awakened seven times.., he had almost lost control. Although he was barely controlled at that time, but after this, he had strengthened her conditioned reflex training. In addition to the basic instructions, he had also extended other training.

For example, the servant undeads now.

As early as when Dudian brought Aisha back from the wasteland to the giant wall, he knew that undeads were afraid of Aisha. Later, through experiments, he found that all the undeads that could be captured outside the giant wall would tremble in front of Aisha and would not dare to come close, however, Aisha was not like the king that bit her. She could control the undeads, gather the tide of undeads, and even arrange for the undeads to be buried underground for sneak attacks. This kind of consciousness did not exist in Aisha’s body, dudian could only rely on himself and try to let her learn how to control the undeads step by step.

Fortunately, controlling the undeads seemed to be the instinct of the king. Although Aisha did not show the intelligence of the undeads like the other kings, but when she was with the other undeads.., she seemed to slowly learn how to control the undeads.

After a long period of training, Dudian was finally able to use the conditioned reflex training to drive the enslaved undeads. In this way, he didn’t have to let Aisha fight in person anymore.

Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang!

In a series of bell sounds with a specific rhythm, the enslaved undeads slowly moved forward. They passed by Dudian and walked towards the “Forest of despair”.

Dudian cut down the rock and hit the other undeads.

These undeads were angered by Dudian and immediately roared and rushed over.

Dudian immediately let Haisha control them.

When the undeads rushed in front of dudian, they were like the previous blade undeads. They trembled and didn’t dare to go forward.

Dudian let Haisha control them to move in groups and step into the “Despair forest”one after another. He and Haisha followed them from a distance of 1,000 meters. If they encountered any danger.., they would be able to escape in time.

“If we want to occupy other giant walls, it seems that Aisha’s gathering tide is the fastest way to attack them,”Dean thought.

At this time, the sharp-edged undeads at the front had already walked to the front of the forest of despair. It seemed to hesitate for a moment and then slowly walked in.

This short hesitation made Dean’s eyes slightly focused. He already knew that although these undeads didn’t have consciousness and intelligence, they still had instincts, including bloodlust, eating, and fear of the king of undead.., their fear seemed to be only for the undead king. Even if they were faced with monsters that were dozens or even hundreds of levels higher than him, they would still roar and pounce on them. They didn’t know what fear was.

At this time, the next few undeads also came to the front of the despair forest. They seemed to be hesitant but still stepped into it.

Dudian had a bad premonition but he couldn’t turn back to the giant wall. He could only move forward.

“Could it be that there is a zombie king in the forest? Right, zombies are cold-blooded creatures, there is no heat source reaction…”dudian guessed in his heart. If there was a zombie king, it was very likely that there was a tide of zombies buried in the forest.

He and Aisha came to the front of the forest. Looking at the dark branches and weeds in the forest, there was an inexplicable feeling of fear in his heart. It was as if waves of the aura of death were coming at him!

He hesitated for a moment but still stepped into the forest.

After entering the forest, Dudian felt that the temperature around him seemed to have dropped. He followed the undeads for more than 200 meters. The ominous feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger. He stopped, at the same time, he stopped the undeads. He looked around and saw that the trees and weeds around him were extremely quiet. There was no sound of wind. It was as if they were dying.

The hair on his back stood up. Suddenly, his heart moved. He immediately let Aisha control the undeads to make noise.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The undeads were under Aisha’s control. They roared as if they were angered. At the same time, they hit the surrounding trees. It was as if they were alive in the silence.

Dudian looked at them to see what they would attract.

A few undeads wantonly destroyed the trees and continued to roar for half an hour. Dudian lost his patience as he saw a scene that made his pupils contract. He saw that under the destroyed trees.., a few pitch-black vines which were about two meters in diameter shot out and quickly hit the undeads. The sharp undead was the first to be hit. It was obviously good at attacking but not good at defending.., the vines fiercely hit the ground.

When the vines were lifted, Dudian saw that it was growling and ready to climb up. But at this time, its body suddenly sank down as if it fell down.

Seeing this scene, Dudian didn’t turn back. He pulled Aisha and turned to run.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of wind whistled in his ears. In the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the forest and came to the plains outside the forest. He turned his head and looked. His vision was blocked by the trees in the forest. He used x-ray vision and saw that the undeads were standing where they were, there was only one undeads left. He saw that the undeads were hit by a vine and quickly sank into the soil under the forest.

It was as if they were frozen and couldn’t move.

Dudian was shocked. This was too shocking. It should be known that most of the undeads were comparable to ordinary pioneers. Although two of them were slightly weaker but the soil wasn’t enough to restrict their movement, unless the soil he saw was unusual. But from his perspective, the forest was covered with soil and sand. There was nothing strange about it!

“Fortunately, I didn’t go too deep. It was only 200 meters…”Dudian felt a trace of relief in his heart. He recalled the thick black vines and his heart throbbed. It was just a vine.., how Big and terrifying was the body of the undead? He used his X-ray vision and found that the black vines extended to the depths of the ground. However the distance was too far. His X-ray vision could only see a depth of less than twenty meters, it was more than forty meters in total. It might only be a small part of the vines..

Dudian’s eyes flickered. He thought for a moment and decided to test them again.

This time he let Aisha enslave the two undeads and controlled them to enter the forest. He and Aisha were standing 20 to 30 meters away from the forest.

He didn’t let the two undeads go too deep. He just entered about 100 meters and began to wreak havoc.

The destruction lasted for four to five minutes. Suddenly a strange scene appeared. The sand under the feet of the two undeads was swept up and wrapped around their bodies. Soon the two angry undeads were completely wrapped in the sand, then they slowly sank into the ground.

Dudian was stunned and his heart was cold.

He saw that after the two undeads were dragged into the ground for more than ten meters by the sand, they were completely silent.

Then their bones slowly slid down from the sand to the depths that he couldn’t see.

This sand… was actually alive?

Dudian looked at the vast forest in front of him and a terrifying thought emerged in his mind. Could it be that this entire forest was a living creature? !

In his previous encounters with monsters, monsters that were forty to fifty meters tall were already quite terrifying. However, if this entire forest was a living creature, then it couldn’t be measured by “Rice”, it would be more than a kilometer!

Dudian’s mind was filled with terrifying thoughts. After a long time he slowly calmed down. He thought that he was thinking too much. It should be some kind of mutated monster that was beyond his understanding, maybe there were records in the God’s kingdom which couldn’t be measured by normal monsters.

He wanted to reach the god’s kingdom as soon as possible.

“What is the world like now? The giant wall of Sylvia is just a speck of dust on the entire Earth. There are other giant walls and survivors. But how many giant walls are there? How Big is the God’s Kingdom?”Dudian’s eyes flashed, he pondered for a long time as his thoughts slowly returned to the despair forest in front of him. It was obviously impossible to walk from the ground so he could only fly.

But flying was too risky. He didn’t know if using the remains of the goddess would make this strange forest afraid?

Dudian felt that the horror of the despair forest was enough to understand the level of fear of the remains of the goddess.

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