Chapter 798 – Chapter 788: Bloody Day (Part Two)[ First Update ]

The Old Man’s face turned ugly. If it was any other pioneer expert, even if he knew that he was no match for them, he would not allow them to be so rude. However, three days ago, the Count had mentioned to him about the changes in the imperial city. He knew that.., the young man in front of him was not just a verbal threat. Even the princess had been defeated by him. Now that his whereabouts were unknown, if they resisted, they might really be killed by him!

The knights behind him were angry. They clenched their fists but didn’t dare to say anything.

The old man looked at Dudian: “Please wait for a moment. I will ask the Earl.”

“Don’t make me wait for too long.”Dudian coldly said.

The old man quickly entered the castle. After seven or eight minutes Dudian was tired of waiting. He rushed out of the castle and came in front of dudian, dudian smiled: “My Lord, the Earl’s body has improved a lot. He will attend your coronation ceremony.”

Dudian saw the old man enter the castle to discuss with another ordinary heat source. He knew that the person was siming. He nodded slightly, “Remember to let Siming inform the whole city that the traitor Ulita is wanted. In addition, I don’t want any bad rumors to spread in the city. Otherwise I won’t greet you the next time I Come!”

The old man looked embarrassed: “Yes, yes.”

Dudian didn’t delay any longer and turned to leave.

The old man saw Dudian’s back disappear into the horizon. He was relieved. He felt like he was facing a huge monster when he stood in front of Dudian, the killing intent emitted from the youth’s body made his heart tremble. Even if they didn’t fight, he knew that he wasn’t his opponent. He was afraid but also a bit lonely.

“Sir, who is this person? What is the coronation ceremony? Isn’t she wanted by her highness? Her Highness is the princess and we want her. Isn’t she going against her superior?”The Knights saw Dudian leave and immediately said to the old man.

The old man turned to look at them and sighed, “The situation has changed. Her Highness has been defeated by this person and occupied the throne. Her whereabouts are unknown. We can only pretend to submit to him before he comes back. I hope he won’t blame us…”

The knights were stunned as they heard Dudian’s words.

A few hours later Dudian arrived at another Earl City.

He flew into the city and killed the guards who came to stop him. Soon he arrived at the center of the city. There were people on the ground who seemed to have noticed him. They looked up and pointed at him.

Dudian flew down and landed in front of the castle on the hill behind the busy street. The castle was arranged into several tall buildings. It was magnificent. There was a large manor outside the castle. A large number of servants were pruning the fruit trees in the manor, there were hundreds of guards patrolling around the manor.

He landed in front of one of the largest buildings in the manor.

The ten knights in silver armor saw Dudian and were shocked. They pulled out their guns and shouted: “Who are you? How dare you trespass the Earl’s Manor!”The guards were startled, dozens of spears were pointed at Dudian.

“Let visitrin come out to see me.”Dudian ordered.

The dozens of guards were angry. One of them waved his hand and shouted: “Take him down!”

Everyone rushed forward.


The next moment, the spears in their hands were broken and fell to the ground. The sound of Clanking was heard. Their arms that were holding the spears fell to the ground, blood flowed out from the broken arms. Before they could scream in fear, their bodies fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, there was a pile of neatly cut stones around dudian, blood quickly flowed out from the stones and dyed the steps red. A large amount of warm internal organs rolled out and fell to the ground along with the sticky blood.

The solemn door was like a purgatory.

Dudian’s expression was calm. His body was still in the original position. Blood slowly spread to his feet and dyed the soles of his shoes red.

The sound of air breaking came from the back of the building. The first person who rushed over was a handsome middle-aged man with long hair. His hair was draped over his shoulders. He was wearing a dirty robe. The robe was stained with colorful paint, he looked like a painter who had lived at home for a long time. But at the moment he was emitting a powerful aura. He was like a huge rock that landed in front of Dudian.

The steps slightly trembled and cracked.

Dudian calmly looked at him: “My Name Is Dudian. Ask vicitrin to come out and see me.”

“Fuck off! You Dare to kill my people? Go To Hell!”The middle-aged man looked at the corpses around dudian. His eyes were full of anger as he roared and punched.

Dudian frowned. He didn’t expect the man to be so bad-tempered. His body swayed as his nails cut through the ground. He went behind the man and naturally put down his arm, blood was dripping from his fingertips. The middle-aged man’s back had a huge hole which happened to be in his heart.

The next moment, the middle-aged man fell to the ground.

At this time, several other figures rushed over. They saw the middle-aged man who had fallen to the ground.

“Let vicitrin come out to see me.”Dudian repeated.

One of them was a well-built noble woman with a dignified face: “Are You Dudian who took advantage of the chaos to attack the Imperial City? Since you are here, don’t think about leaving!”

Dudian slightly raised his eyes: “So the Count has told you about me?”

“Of course I have. The count is deeply regretful that he didn’t go to the Imperial City to help His Highness kill the rebels. Since you took the initiative to come to his house to die, we will accept the head for His Highness!”The woman said as black substance spread out from her body, she activated her magic body and rushed towards Dudian like a half-man half-scorpion monster.

“Stupid…”Dudian’s eyes revealed a deep look. He also activated his magic body. Terrifying sharp limbs were growing out of his body, the light in front of the castle dimmed down.


Blood splattered and broken limbs flew.

There was no fighting scene. It was a one-sided massacre.

Screams echoed out. Dudian killed one of the noble women who was half man and half scorpion. The gate of the castle was knocked away and blood spread into the castle.



Half a day later, the news of Count Vicitrin’s death spread out to the cities and caused an uproar.

All the nobles in the cities, from the count to the Viscount, were stunned. Even if the wall master came back, he wouldn’t kill an earl for no reason. Even if there was a clear crime.., they had to pass the vote of the other earl before they could be punished. After all, they weren’t fake nobles from the outer wall but the Earl who was rewarded by the Kingdom of God.

Although they didn’t have the ability to connect with the Kingdom of God, but as long as the Kingdom of God existed, their status would be guaranteed!

However, Dudian’s violent action of killing Count Vicitrin and washing his manor with blood was like a heavy slap that woke up all the nobles.

“My lord, there is news that several dukes are going to join forces with other nobles to crusade against the Imperial City.”Saul carefully said to Dudian.

He had expected such a possibility. He was afraid that these nobles would anger Dudian again and lead him to kill.

Dudian’s expression was calm, “If they are planning to attack the city then you should deal with them. Don’t let them go back. But I think they won’t be able to call for long. The other counts aren’t fools. They will soon understand how weak and weak they are. There is no need to worry about this matter. I will be the chief of the wall for half a month. During this time, you will let those prestigious writers, poets and musicians to spread my positive image.”

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