Chapter 718 – Chapter 708: Abyss [ Second Update ]

“The rules of the Bureau…”

There was a trace of dullness in Lucius’eyes. Although he didn’t want to admit Dudian’s words, but Dudian had let him see a bigger world. He recalled the many beliefs in his heart, even when he wanted to say it, he felt that he couldn’t stand because he couldn’t completely believe it.

Dudian saw the change in Lucius’expression. He knew that half of the ideas that he had instilled into him had succeeded. This was completely within his expectations. After all, the world described by the monastery was too beautiful, but what he was talking about was a real bloody world. Secondly, he believed that even if Lucius had a noble identity, his life would not be smooth sailing.

“Your monastery used the name of God to beguile the civilians. You claim to be the spokesperson of God but you can’t prove the existence of God.”Dudian continued to press, “They are the subordinates of the wall master. If the wall master does bad things then they are accomplices. You are also accomplices…”

“Enough!”Lucius Interrupted Dudian’s words. He took a deep breath and calmed down. However, his expression was solemn and solemn, “I admit that I lost this time. Even if I win in the end, you will not be easily persuaded by me. However, I will not let this matter go. I will come again.”

From what Dudian had said, he had seen that this teenager was completely different from other teenagers. He was even more terrifying than some wily old men. He had a firm belief and a set of his own thinking, moreover he was very thorough. Unless he could refute the other party’s thinking and completely destroy the other party, it was impossible to persuade him to surrender.

“See you later!”

Lucius suddenly got up. He shook like a hurricane. Bang! The door of the temple was suddenly pushed open. The Breeze swept Lucius’body and disappeared from the square.

Dudian was stunned. He wasn’t electrocuted?

He knew that something was wrong when Lucius admitted defeat. He patted the lion’s head and activated the power system of the temple. However, the situation was unexpected!

Didn’t he use his own hand to open the door?

Or did his magic marks have a resistance to electricity?

“He ran so fast…”Dudian narrowed his eyes as he looked at Lucius who had disappeared at the end of the square. Lucius’s physique was definitely at the level of a pioneer. He was even stronger than Hiro and Ronon, he knew that his plan had failed. He didn’t delay and didn’t give Lucius a chance to capture him. Even the power system of the temple had been evaded by him.

“How did he know that the temple has electricity? Electricity shouldn’t exist in the inner wall. So it could only be unintentional. Or was he cautious enough to think that I would smear poison on the door so he didn’t touch the door but used something else to open the door?”Dudian frowned, he was puzzled. He looked down at his watch. It was almost fifteen minutes.

He sighed. He had wasted so much time.

However, it was not a waste. He believed that there was a seed planted in this person’s heart that could be used by him in the future.



“Elder, do you think that Lucius could successfully persuade that person? He took control of the outer wall without anyone noticing and took over the entire outer wall. Such a person is vicious, cruel, and scheming. I’m afraid he won’t listen to us, the missionaries, so easily, right?”In the monastery of the inner wall, a sixty-year-old man in a red robe stood in front of Mogran and said.

His face was full of worry as he said, “I hope nothing bad will happen to this child. Back then, his father went deep into a dangerous place and tried to persuade a heinous beast. In the end, he lost his life instead.”

Mogran smiled slightly, he said, “You don’t have to worry. This child is different from you. After his father died, although no one controlled him, his lobbying ability was not inferior to that of ordinary missionaries. Moreover, I sent him over because he had seen the darkness with his own eyes. Therefore, he knows better than most missionaries how to deal with these arrogant and evil people.”

“It’s hard to persuade these evil people just by explaining the stories in the Bible. Although the light of God is great, how can people who have fallen into the darkness see the light of God clearly?”

“You have to know that even a glimmer of light is very dazzling to people in the darkness. They don’t want to open their eyes to see it.”

The old man was startled: “It’s not that we are incompetent but too many people have abandoned their faith. They won’t listen to us no matter what we say.”

Mogran smiled: “We will wait for his good news.”

“I hope he can come back safely…”the old man was worried.



Five days passed in the blink of an eye.


Dudian injected the last tube of God’s marrow into his arm. He couldn’t help but sigh as he felt the surging power in his body: “I’m still a bit off.”He had consumed all of the god’s marrow. His physique was at the same level as a primary limiter, he had successfully reached the level of a senior limiter. There was a further change in his posture after entering the devil. He was closer to the splitter but he looked more ferocious than the splitter.

“It seems I have to go to the inner wall.”Dudian thought, “I should be able to collect God’s marrow and evolve into a pioneer by ransacking the Monster Research Institute.”

“I don’t know if my fighting capacity will be comparable to Aisha’s after I become a pioneer. Aisha’s fighting capacity should be ranked in the top ten of the inner wall…”Dudian felt a bit of pressure in his heart, he could only hope that his deified legendary magic marks would be able to exert power when he evolved into a pioneer. He would be able to surpass the ordinary pioneers and even the pioneers of the witcher family like Aisha who had the power of bloodline.

He had asked Poland. The strongest in the inner wall was the pioneers. There was no existence above the pioneers.

Although he didn’t tell him the question that Lucius had mentioned before, he asked Poland afterwards and got the answer from him.

The stage above the pioneers was called the Abyss Walker.

There were no people at this level in the giant wall because the evolution from the pioneers to the Abyss Walker required special energy, which was not available in the giant wall.

The Pioneers were also divided into several levels. Pioneers like Aisha who had bloodline power were usually the best among the pioneers.

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