Chapter 689 – Chapter 679: Corpse City [ Second Update ]

Dudian took out the undead powder that he had prepared in his Fanny Pack and smeared it on his armor. The strong smell of decay spread out and covered his own smell. He used the dragon blood spell to control the blood flow rate in his body to reduce the heat, then he held Aisha’s hand and walked straight to the fortress.

The undeads that were wandering outside the fortress seemed to feel something and slowly stopped.

Dudian looked at their pale faces. Some of the undeads had blood stains on their mouths. They were staring at him.

Dudian was calm. He had brought the highest level of undead powder. Even if the bodies of the undeads were different from ordinary people, they would be able to muddle through.

He directly walked over. At this time, the undeads suddenly moved. They didn’t pounce on Dudian but avoided him. They hid on both sides of the road as if they were afraid of something.

Dudian was startled. Suddenly, he thought of Aisha. were the undeads afraid of her?

When he came to the front of the fortress, a soldier fell from the front of the fortress. His body violently hit the ground. He spat out a mouthful of blood. There was a big bite mark on his arm. At the moment, he was seriously injured.

He saw Dudian and Aisha coming towards him. He was scared and quickly got up. He was about to make a move when he saw Dudian’s complexion was ruddy and white. It was completely different from the pale undeads. Moreover, his eyes were calm, dean wasn’t filled with bloodthirsty eyes. He was stunned: “You, you are a human? !”

His eyes slowly turned and looked at the trembling corpse behind Dean. His whole person was stunned. This scene was too strange.

Dean pushed his body and held Dean’s hand as they went through the open door behind him. He didn’t pay attention to the injured soldier. After he entered the fortress, the screams of the wounded soldiers echoed through the night sky.

Dudian and Aisha walked forward. From time to time, there would be a few undeads in armor rushing towards them. However, when they got close to them, they stopped and trembled.

Dudian noticed the strange reaction of the undeads. Obviously, the reaction of the undeads was probably because of Aisha. But what puzzled him was that the undeads had no consciousness or even thought, they didn’t know pain and fear, but why would they be afraid of Aisha? After all, having a “Commander’s consciousness”meant that they had thought!

However, the fact that the undeads had no consciousness had been proven countless times. Even if they were faced with monsters that were countless times stronger than them, they would still fearlessly pounce on them.

“Could it be that the only thing that can make them afraid is their own kind?”Dudian’s eyes flashed. He felt that there should be some deeper secrets hidden in the undeads. Perhaps this kind of secret had already been revealed.., it was just that no one was aware of it. It was like an era without technology. People could feel the air but they didn’t know what the composition of the air was. The only thing that was missing was the tools to explore it!

He wanted to see the monster research institute more and more. They had been studying monsters for years so he didn’t know how many secrets they had hidden.

“Help –”

There was a scream coming from the military camp. Dudian turned his head to look. The sound didn’t attract the help of other survivors. On the contrary, it attracted the nearby undeads and pulled them down. Soon, their intestines were thrown out.

Dudian didn’t make a move. He led Aisha forward. The surrounding world of slaughter seemed to be isolated from him. The two of them were like walking in the jungle of heavy artillery, but they didn’t touch a leaf.

They walked out of the fortress. The soil behind them had turned blood red. The sand of their footprints was mixed with blood.

There was a wide avenue behind the fortress. It led to the towering Carmen City. They could clearly see the wall lamps hanging on the city gate which was more than 20 meters high. However, there were a lot of figures moving on the city wall at the moment, from time to time, a few sharp arrows shot out from outside the city.

Dudian looked up and saw that the top of the city wall was also in chaos. It was occupied by the undeads.

He was silent as he took Aisha to the city gate. The gate was half-closed and he pushed it open with one hand. The sound of squeaking echoed out and the gate was suddenly filled with the roars of undeads.

Dudian was not afraid as he took Aisha’s hand and strode forward.

The undeads who were wandering around the city gate stopped as soon as they got close. They swayed their bodies and walked to the side of the road. Their bodies were trembling and they didn’t dare to approach.

Dudian glanced at the streets outside the city gate. There were shrill screams coming from the streets. Some of the houses were lit by overturned oil lamps.

He guessed that most of the other cities were in the same situation. He couldn’t help but ask himself: should I use other methods to restrict the action of the military and the monastery?

However, the moment this thought came out, he killed it.

He abandoned the softness in his heart. He had done everything, and now he sympathized with her. It was really hypocritical!

Thinking of this, he took out the map in his arms and looked at it. He immediately held Aisha’s hand and walked along a street on the left.

The street was in chaos. Some houses were tightly shut. Through the heat source captured by his vision, he could see that there were people hiding in the houses. They were curled up in a ball, shivering. It had always been when disasters erupted, not everyone was infected with the zombie poison. When the undeads rushed to the streets and caused a riot, most of the people who were playing on the streets had fled back to their homes.

Dudian walked along the street and saw the corpses of the people who were bitten. Some of them were girls who were less than one meter tall. There were also the corpses of women. There were also old people with white hair who had their chests torn open, he was lying on the ground.

Dudian glanced at the corpses and continued to move forward.

“Help! Help Me!”A woman suddenly jumped out of the alley and threw herself into Dudian’s arms. She cried and begged as she looked back in horror.

Dudian also looked behind her. There was a teenager who was about fifteen or sixteen years old. His face was ferocious and his mouth was stained with blood.

Dudian was about to kill him when the woman who had grabbed him suddenly came behind him. She pushed his back and took the opportunity to escape to the other side of the street.

Dudian’s body shook as he stood up. He turned his head and looked at the figure who was running away. His eyes narrowed and a trace of killing intent flashed through his eyes. However, it soon disappeared. He thought that such a situation was not strange.

He didn’t bother with this woman and continued to walk forward.

After the young undeads rushed out of the alley, they sensed the smell of Aisha. They immediately stopped and stood in the same place trembling.

Dudian followed the map. Along the way, he saw many people being bitten to death by the undeads. He didn’t deliberately attack. Some of them had been bitten. He was too lazy to care. Anyway, he would die sooner or later.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Dudian had entered the inner area of the city. He suddenly saw a square surrounded by a large number of soldiers in a neat formation. There were a large number of passers-by gathered in the square shouting loudly.

“Get out of the way, Bastard!”

“We are not infected. Why do you want to catch us! ?”

“Why don’t you kill those monsters? Why are you stopping us! ?”

These passers-by shouted angrily.

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