Chapter 687 – Chapter 677: The Beginning Of Hell [ Two In One, Ggg ]

The dagger immediately entered the body of the black monster without much resistance. At the same time, Dudian felt a sticky suction force from his chest. It was pulling him into the body of the Black Monster.

“Do you want to swallow me?”Dudian’s face slightly changed. He immediately slapped the surface of the black monster’s body. At the same time, he activated the broken wings on his back. He flapped them and pulled the body out inch by inch.

However, the black monster seemed to be aware of his intention. Its body suddenly secreted a large amount of sticky and smooth liquid. The suction force from its body was even stronger. It was like a wriggling swamp.

Dudian’s palm was stuck on the surface of the black monster’s body and slowly sank into it. His face changed. He wanted to pull his hand out but his palm was firmly held by an invisible suction force from its body. It was difficult to pull out just by relying on the pull force from the broken wings, if he used the power of his body, it would instead create a reverse thrust force that would cause his body to sink faster.

At this critical moment, he forced himself to calm down. He glanced to the side and saw Aisha’s body sinking deeper into the monster’s body. She was struggling violently, struggling left and right in her body, however, it seemed to have no effect. Instead, he let his body sink faster and slowly approached the center of the monster’s body.

Dudian’s heart tightened. He felt a bit of danger. The monster’s heat response was average, but its body structure was extremely special. He felt that he had nowhere to use his strength. Even Aisha, who was far stronger than him.., couldn’t do anything about it.

Could it be that only by letting her release all of her strength could she have a chance to escape this disaster? Dudian’s heart was filled with killing intent. He didn’t expect to encounter such a troublesome monster in such a place close to the giant wall. If it wasn’t necessary, he didn’t want to see Aisha release all of her strength, moreover, she frequently released her strength. It was easy for her to lose control in the absence of deep reflexes training.

While he was hesitating, he suddenly felt that the palm of the monster’s body was slippery. No matter how he clenched his fists and scratched, it was useless. The tissues in the monster’s body were not like the flesh of ordinary creatures, it was like a soft mud.

He turned to Gwyneth who was squatting in the dark grass and shouted: “Come on, use fire!”

Gwyneth didn’t expect that dudian would ask her for help. She was surprised and rushed out of the grass. She took out a match and lit it. She took out a kerosene torch and ran to fifty meters away from the black monster, “What should I do?”She shouted

“Throw the torch to me!”Dudian shouted.

Gwyneth looked at the monster with black limbs. She hesitated for a moment but still rushed out.

The black ball monster felt Gwyneth’s approach. Its body suddenly trembled as it crawled forward.

Dudian was happy to see its reaction. He knew that there was a chance.

Gwyneth quickly approached and threw the torch at Dudian.

Whoosh! The black body of the black ball monster suddenly swung the torch. Sparks flew as the torch was extinguished. Its black body shrank back as if it was scalded.

Dudian’s face slightly changed as he saw the extinguished torch. However he shouted at Gwyneth: “Give Me the match!”

Gwyneth was aware that the monster was afraid of fire. She looked at the messy black limbs. She was scared but she mustered up the courage to jump towards Dudian.

The black ball monster waved its limbs and hit the black limbs of the previous torch. It looked like a scalded child who was holding his fingers and blowing. Gwyneth didn’t care about it.

Gwyneth jumped accurately and landed under Dudian’s feet. She immediately threw the match to Dudian.

Dudian quickly grabbed the match box. His fingers nimbly opened the box and took out a match. He pinched the match box with two fingers. The two fingers rubbed the match.

The black ball monster was shocked as it felt the temperature of the match. All of its black limbs were attacking Dudian.

Dudian didn’t give it a chance. He put his finger on the flame of the firewood. The flame immediately ignited his finger. The Hand had been sucked into the monster’s body and was stained with a wet liquid, at this moment, it was on fire. The flame burned the entire palm. It looked like he had practiced the flame palm.

Dudian didn’t feel pain. His face didn’t change. He took advantage of the time when the palm was burning to stick to the body of the Black Monster. His fingertips slightly bent and pierced into its body.


As his fingers pierced into the monster’s body, a fierce flame suddenly burst out and lit up Dudian’s eyes. The next moment, there was a loud bang and the black monster’s body suddenly exploded, the hot air wave and the impact of the explosion sent Dudian flying. The world was spinning rapidly and the burning sensation spread throughout his body. It was as if he was in a sea of fire. The intense pain came from his face and chest.

He felt his body hit the ground and almost fainted from the pain. However, he didn’t care about the pain. He quickly opened his eyes and saw that the body of the black monster had exploded into pieces, it scattered on the ground and ignited the nearby weeds into a pile of fire.

There was a rare panic on his calm face. He looked around anxiously and soon saw a figure climbing up from the grass. It was Aisha.

He rushed over and didn’t notice that his body was also burning.

Aisha turned her head to look at Dudian. She roared and pounced on him.

Dudian was shocked and quickly shook the bell. Aisha’s body stopped. The next moment, Dudian threw her down and rolled on the ground. He carried her and drilled into the sand. Soon, the flames on his and Aisha’s bodies were drowned by the sand and gradually extinguished.

Dean stood up and saw Haisha lying in the sand motionlessly. He slowly helped her up and saw that her clothes were charred black and tattered. There were many burns on her pale skin.

His heart ached and he held her in his arms.

Haisha stood in a daze and let him embrace her.

After a moment, Dean’s mood gradually calmed down. The burning pain in his body made him slightly grimace. He looked down at himself and found that his condition was also terrible. His chest was charred black and his clothes were burned, there were different degrees of severe burns on the skin of his chest. His body was trembling in pain and his face was pale.

At this time, he suddenly thought of Gwyneth. He quickly looked around and saw a weak heat source lying on the grass. He rushed over and saw Gwyneth lying on the ground like a Burning Man, her whole body was burning.

He quickly covered her body with sand and put out the flames. After he put out the flames, he saw that Gwyneth’s body was almost charred. She was on the verge of death and had already fainted.

Dudian saw that her heart was still beating weakly. He was relieved and turned her body around. He saw that the first aid kit on her back had been burned and the things inside were scattered all over the ground, only a few bottles and jars were still intact.

He picked up the bottles and jars. They were boiling hot. He opened them and poured out the powder. He sprinkled it on Gwyneth’s body as if he was sprinkling cumin on barbecued food.

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. After he finished sprinkling the powder, he picked up Gwyneth and returned to Aisha’s side. He gently put her down and turned to look at the place where the monster exploded. There were only some fur and black limbs on the ground, these black limbs were not stiff. They were still wiggling like a poisonous snake with its head cut off.

Dudian’s face slightly changed. He didn’t expect to meet an unknown monster and almost lose his life. Fortunately, his guess was right. The greasy things in the monster’s body were mainly made of fat. It was best to attack with fire, if it was a one-on-one encounter, once it was sucked into its body, even a pioneer wouldn’t be able to escape death!

Although the monster’s movement speed and strength were average, but being able to flexibly dissolve all of its strength was the most terrifying thing. He couldn’t help but think of an old Chinese saying, ‘good is like water’, this monster was obviously using the flexibility of water to the extreme. Even if its strength was as strong as Aisha’s, it would be difficult to hurt it. Instead, it would be trapped and slowly digested in its body.

“What a terrifying monster…”Dudian was secretly afraid. He didn’t know how the new species evolved or how it crossed the wasteland and came to the area that had been cleared out.

He took a gentle breath and endured the burning pain in his body. He slowly came to the center of the explosion. The monster’s body had completely exploded. There was a big pit on the ground. It was charred black and nothing was left.

He took a deep look and remembered the appearance of the monster.

Gwyneth woke up. She snorted and wrinkled her face in pain.

Dudian immediately went back to her and picked her up. He took Aisha and went back to the tungsten cage. He looked at the two little splitters who were struggling in the cage. There was a trace of sigh in his eyes, “Since it is so painful to live, let’s end it.”

He once again activated the power of magic marks. White bone armor emerged from his body. He put Gwyneth down and went straight to the cage. He opened the cage but the two splitters seemed to have grown in the cage, there was still no reaction and he didn’t know how to climb out.

After being imprisoned for a long time, he seemed to have forgotten what freedom was.

Dudian clenched his teeth. He endured the injuries on his body and quickly took action. He pulled the two young splitters out of the cage and quickly killed them.

The two young splitters wailed and fought back. However, their strength was very different. Moreover, they had been imprisoned for a long time. Their limbs were extremely stiff. The sharp scythes outside their bodies had become extremely fragile, it seemed that the hard calcium inside the scythes had been grinded.

Dudian killed them and quickly dismembered them. Soon, he found two parasitic soul worms inside their bodies.

He sighed in his heart. The healthy little splitty had chased him into the wall and treated him as one of its own kind. This was an emotion that came from the blood. He could feel it from its body, but he also knew that.., after all, it was a ferocious monster. Violence and killing were its nature! He had once considered taming it. In the future, it would become a trump card in his hands to help him kill his enemies.

But looking at its current appearance, it was obviously no longer worth taming. At the end of the day, it was just a tool. It was just like how snake tamers, even if they had tamed a venomous snake, would prevent its bestial nature from acting up and bite them back. How many people would dare to sleep with a venomous snake or beast?

The difference in species seemed to mean that there was no trust from the very beginning.

Just like the difference in class within the wall, there was no fairness from the very beginning.

He put the two parasitic soul worms into the bottle that was floating in the air and prepared to change into a potion bottle that was specially used to store parasitic soul worms when he returned to the wall. He turned around and picked up Gwyneth. He shook the bell and returned to the wall with Aisha.

Before he left, he looked back at the explosion in the distance. There was a trace of darkness in his eyes. He had an inexplicable ominous feeling in his heart.

It was late at night. Dudian quickly moved forward. When he arrived at the outskirts of the fortress, he sneaked into a tailor’s shop and stole three sets of clothes. He changed them for Aisha, Gwyneth, and himself before continuing to move forward.

Dudian asked Neuss to call the priest to treat Gwyneth. He also prepared healing potions for her.

He soaked Aisha’s body in the wooden basin. He washed her body and helped her change into clean clothes. At the same time the priest came and took Gwyneth for treatment. He also washed her body with potions, while applying the healing ointment, he said to Neuss: “Ask Sergei to bring a few trustworthy people to the west side of the giant wall. There are two dead monsters there. Let him drag them back. Remember to keep it a secret.”

Neuss saw that Dudian was so cautious. He guessed that the two monsters must be extraordinary. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Dudian to be injured so badly, it was the first time he saw Dudian in such a sorry state. Moreover, Aisha who was able to kill the pioneers was also seriously injured. It was clear that the danger they encountered outside the giant wall was beyond his imagination.

He immediately accepted the order and turned around to find someone to explain.

Neuss returned to the temple after a moment. He looked at Dudian who had applied the ointment and wrapped his body. He saw that Dudian was still sitting in front of the desk, he couldn’t help but worry: “Master, it’s late. You are seriously injured. You should rest early.”

“The enemy hasn’t rested. I don’t have time to rest.”Dudian said. He really wanted to lie down and sleep. But he couldn’t afford to be careless at the critical moment, he asked: “Is there any news from the inner wall?”

“Ten minutes before you came back, Nuria came and said that the inner wall was in chaos. There was an outbreak of the undead plague. Many people were infected and turned into undeads. The streets were in chaos.”Neuss immediately reported, he couldn’t help but look at Dudian. It was obvious that this result was caused by Dudian. It was what he needed. It was just that he was too generous. He didn’t care about the lives of countless people.

Dudian nodded slightly: “Call the two best priests and doctors. I have to fully recover by tomorrow night.”

Neuss was startled: “Master, what are you doing?”

“I wanted to sneak into the inner wall and catch some people from their research institute. But it seems that it won’t work.”Dudian said: “I can’t Wait for Tomorrow!”

Neuss thought of the last time Dudian mentioned about the witcher. He immediately knew his intention: “I will go.”

“Chaos…”Dudian looked out of the window as he muttered: “Nobles have become undeads. Let’s see how you will respect them.”

The towering wall of sighs separated the two places. The city stretched for hundreds of miles. There were chaotic screams and screams. Some of the wooden houses were burnt down and collapsed. The women were running away in panic, the children were pressed down. The children’s painful voices were particularly loud in the night. Beside them were figures who were running away in panic. No one reached out to help, but the cries attracted the ferocious figures who were walking behind them, they pounced on the survivors like evil ghosts.

The once prosperous streets were now completely in chaos, like hell on Earth.

The night quietly spread over the cities, and the moonlight coldly shone on the land.

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