Chapter 679 – : Chapter 669: “Everyone Is Equal”

“I know, I will do my best to complete the task!”Glenn said. She didn’t have a good impression of the inner wall. Even if a lot of people died, she wouldn’t have the slightest sympathy.

“The Red Circle on the drawing is the place I marked. These places must be poisoned! “Anyone who doesn’t poison the marked places will be executed!”Dudian said in a cold tone: “In addition, you have to be careful that some of them will take the opportunity to sneak into the inner wall and live in peace. You have to grasp their weaknesses!”

“Yes, Young Master.”Glenn nodded.

“I will give the poison to Neuss. Gather your men and collect it.”


After Glenn left, Dudian went to another side hall. It was originally a place to store the scriptures of the Holy See. Now the scriptures had been emptied and all kinds of experimental tools had been set up. It had become Dudian’s alchemy room.

Dudian took Aisha to the side hall. Neuss was waiting outside. He went to a cabinet and used the key hidden in another cabinet to open the cabinet. He took out a head, it was the head of the King corpse that had bitten Aisha!

Dudian put on gloves and held the head of the King corpse to a bubbling water tank. He slowly put the head into the water and soon it sank. At the same time, the water in the water tank slowly changed color. Traces of black liquid flowed out from the mouth of the King Corpse. It mixed with the water and dyed the water.

The virus that he chose to release this time was not the strong poison made by the pharmacist but the zombie poison! His aim was not to kill but to create chaos. The King Corpse’s virus was the best choice.

By the time Glenn gathered her people and came to the temple, Dudian asked Neuss to give her the refined zombie poison. The zombie poison had been put into water sacs, he said again: “Be careful. I have prepared some gold for you. If there is a need then you can bribe others to do things for you. But remember not to leak any information.”

“I know.”Glenn solemnly said.

Neuss said to Dudian after Glenn left: “Master, can they throw all the poison into the cities in the inner wall? The defense of these cities should be very tight right?”

Dudian said: “As long as they don’t do anything bad, then they don’t have to do anything else.”

Neuss was speechless.

“As long as they have the courage, they can do it. Many people don’t do it. It’s not that they don’t have the ability, it’s that they don’t have the courage. They are afraid of being traced back to them.”Dudian said.

Neuss nodded as he heard Dudian’s words.

“When the inner wall is in chaos, the military’s priority is to stabilize the chaos in the inner wall. There will be no time to send out too many people to control us. Even if the scope of chaos is expanded, even the families of the witchers might be forced by His Majesty Aristotle to suppress the Chaos.”Dudian said.

Neuss understood that Dudian was using offense as defense. He couldn’t help but admire him. He was the only one who could calculate the inner wall in such a way.

“The world is chaotic. If there is no chaos then we will create chaos.”Dudian narrowed his eyes: “We must seize the opportunity to accumulate strength as soon as possible to deal with the upcoming war!”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Dudian calculated the time. It was time for barbarians to enter the wall. It would be a waste if he didn’t use a lot of manpower.

“Call Sergei to call Richelieu and Barton to come in.”Dudian said to Neuss.

Neuss left.

The undercurrent was surging. The civilians living in the commercial district were still living a peaceful life. The young masters and young ladies of noble families were drinking afternoon tea. They were talking about which family’s snacks were delicious and which family’s Moulin Rouge was beautiful. The farm owners were also conscientiously encouraging their serfs to work hard in growing food. In the mines that the nobles had contracted, the foreman was beating the miners and making them work hard in mining..

Some wealthy merchants and consortia who had smelled a certain scent were secretly using their connections to secretly inquire about the movements of the military and the Holy See. They wanted to know some internal information so that they could see clearly the current situation in the outer wall region.

However, before many people could find any useful information, two pieces of news from the Holy See and the military made the entire outer wall region explode.

The military and the Holy See issued a notice at the same time, deciding to cancel all the household registration of the poor so that they could become ordinary civilians and have relative freedom. They could not be slaves and were exempted from slave recruitment. Moreover, they could also enjoy the legal protection of the Court of Justice.

Once this news was released, the entire outer wall region was turned upside down.

Among them, the most excited were the poor in the slums. To them, this reform by the Holy See and the military was simply a great blessing from the heavens. It had completely changed their lives. Such a thing was something that they did not even dare to dream about, but it had really happened!

And the most intense reaction was from the nobles and civilians in the business district. All of them voiced out their opposition! For the nobles, if they were to abolish the household registration of the poor, it would mean that they would lose the cheap labor force of the poor. In the future, if they wanted to hire workers, they would have to pay the price of the commoners! For them, this was equivalent to losing a large amount of money for no reason!

For the commoners, it was the same. If the poor became commoners, then they would have fewer opportunities to work, and their competitiveness would increase. Correspondingly, the wages would inevitably decrease. This was inevitable! Moreover, the existence of the poor for a long time made them more or less have a sense of psychological superiority. They couldn’t tolerate the dirty smell of the poor!

When the news spread through the newspapers, it didn’t take long for people to come to the front of the Holy See and the military. They paraded in front of the streets and held signs to protest. The scene was chaotic.

Dudian didn’t pay attention to Neuss when he sent the news back to Dudian. He had taken these two major obstacles into account when he introduced the policy to abolish the household registration of the poor, it was equivalent to fighting against all the people in the outer wall! It was as difficult as a national leader to carry out a policy that all the people in the country were opposed to!

After all, 95% of the wealth of the entire outer wall region was in the hands of the nobles and commoners. The poor could barely fill their stomachs, but they had almost no savings. After all.., the poor had always been a cheap labor force. Some were even treated as slaves. It was already good enough that they could eat their fill. There was no such thing as a salary at all. Most people knew that some black-hearted aristocrats specialized in abducting and selling the poor as coolies. However, they tacitly acknowledged that there were no poor people in the high-level forces. No one would complain for such a group, they would cry for injustice.

But now, Dudian had done it.

Of course, he wouldn’t go against the aristocrats and civilians. Even if he had more force, he wouldn’t be able to suppress the riots.

“Master, do you want me to send people to chase those people away?”Neuss carefully asked.

Dudian waved his hand, “Don’t worry. These people are just pawns sent by us. The people behind them are waiting to catch us. We can’t escalate the conflict. Let Barton release the news that he will give a reasonable explanation to everyone tomorrow. Let them adapt to this matter today.”

Neuss couldn’t help but ask: “What if there is a disturbance today?”

“Let the Dark Church deal with it. If there is a disturbance then it won’t appear today.”Dudian calmly replied.

Neuss understood and immediately turned away.

After he left Dudian was ready to write a speech. The title of the speech was: Everyone is equal!

At the same time, the outside world was shocked by the sudden policy.

Some of the literary writers stood out and publicly supported the policy of the Holy See and the military. However, the glass of the house was smashed by the mob, the publishing co-operative had issued a ban notice.

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