Chapter 639 – Chapter 638: Succession

Most of the people in the hall had dispersed. The Sword King was about to leave when he heard Dudian’s words. He turned around and looked at the black-haired youth sitting on top of him, he smiled: “It is his good fortune that the chairman likes him. I am very willing to offer him to you. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Thank you.”

Sword King turned to the servant: “Black Crow, since the chairman thinks highly of you, you should follow the chairman. Don’t lose my face. Do you understand?”

Black crow nodded: “I understand.”He turned to Dudian: “Black Crow is willing to follow the chairman to the death.”

Dudian nodded and waited for sword king and the other elders to leave the hall, dudian turned to face Firan: “Patriarch Firan, I have to trouble you to deal with the military affairs. I will promote you after this matter is done!”! At that time, underworld king wasn’t satisfied with the position of vice-chairman. He wanted to assassinate me. But now he is dead. The position of vice-chairman has been vacant. I have to personally preside over many matters of the dark church. Sometimes I have no energy to spare!”

Ferran-kes was startled. Her heart was pounding as she suppressed the excitement in her heart. She bowed her head and said: “My Lord Chairman, the Ferran family will do their best to fulfill your orders!”

Dudian nodded: “You can go first.”

“Yes.”Ferran-kes nodded respectfully.

Dudian glanced at Black Crow who was quietly lowering his head after ferran-kes left, suddenly he said: “The code name given to you by Richelle is not bad. ‘Black Crow’is the fastest species among the birds. The meaning is good.”

Black Crow’s body trembled as he slowly looked up at dudian: “Black Crow doesn’t understand the words of the speaker. I hope your excellency can clarify.”

“Didn’t the previous meeting say that the Pope was kidnapped by me? He has confessed everything.”

Raven’s face slightly changed. She looked into Dudian’s eyes: “So, are you going to kill me?”

“If I want to kill you, why bother to talk to You?”Dudian indifferently said: “Richelieu has abandoned you. Your life should have ended but I’m willing to give you another life to be loyal to me. How about it?”

Riley’s eyes slightly moved as he stared at dudian: “I am willing.”

“Very good.”Dudian smiled and gently clapped his hands.

Sergei who was next to him turned back to the back of the hall: “Come Out.”A moment later, a group of footsteps was heard. Sergei was followed by a group of men, women and children who were wearing satin clothes, they were wearing satin clothes that were commonly worn by nobles. However, they couldn’t cover the dark brown scars on their face, arms, neck and eyes.

Riley’s face changed when he saw these people. His figure flashed as he rushed to the front to support the middle-aged man. He looked at the ugly scars on his arms and neck. His eyes turned red, his body slightly trembled as he turned his head to look at Dudian. He growled: “If you want to kill me then kill me. Why are you torturing my clansmen?”

Dudian didn’t speak but the middle-aged man who was supported by Riley quickly said: “Riley, don’t talk nonsense. We are lucky that this Lord saved us. He is our benefactor!”

Riley was stunned. He looked at him and then looked at dudian. He knew that he had misspoken. His body was covered in cold sweat, he looked down at dudian: “Speaker, I’m sorry. Black Crow offended you. Black Crow should die. I hope that you can be magnanimous and forgive them. They are innocent…”

Dudian raised his hand and stopped him: “I will never hurt people who are loyal to me. I Won’t hurt innocent people either. You Don’t have to worry.”

“Thank you!”Riley bowed his head in gratitude.

“Child, it’s great to see that you are alright.”The middle-aged man looked at Riley. His face was full of heartache as he covered his face.

Riley looked at him with red eyes: “Father, how did you get hurt? Who Hurt You?”

“I don’t know.”The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed: “We have to thank this adult. If it wasn’t for him, we would have suffered more torture!”

Riley nodded. He suddenly thought of something. He looked back at the crowd and his face turned pale: “Mother, where is Mother?”

The middle-aged man opened his mouth but stopped. His face was ugly as he clenched his fist and bowed his head.

Dudian slowly opened his mouth: “Sorry, we were a step late. Your Mother is dead.”

Riley was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

The middle-aged man bowed his head: “He is right. Your Mother… She couldn’t bear it and has gone.”

Riley felt that his body was on the verge of collapse. He took a few steps back and tripped on the legs of the chair. He sat on the chair of an elder but he didn’t feel anything at the moment.

Dudian looked at him and turned to the middle-aged man: “You guys have a good chat. I will leave first.”

The middle-aged man saw him speak and said in awe: “Thank you, Sir!”

Dudian immediately took Aisha’s hand and left. Sergei followed closely behind.

After a long time, the wooden look in Riley’s eyes gradually recovered. He stood up and rushed to his father. He stared into his father’s eyes, “Father, did he send people to harm you and pretend to save you?”

The middle-aged man was stunned, and his expression changed. He frowned and said, “It shouldn’t be, right?”

Riley immediately asked, “When were you killed?”

“The 15th of last month. It’s a month from now,”the middle-aged man said immediately.

Riley was slightly startled, and he heaved a sigh of relief. He said, “Looks like it’s not him.”

“How do you know?”

“He knows my identity. He got it from the pope. He only kidnapped the pope a few days ago.”Riley narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of cold killing intent flashed through them, “There is someone else who harmed you. I will definitely find out who is the murderer!”

The middle-aged man came to a realization. He nodded and said, “This lord has captured a person alive and is interrogating him for us. There should be news.”

“Is that so?”Riley was stunned.



It was noon.

In the outer wall area, the civilian area, and other streets and taverns, everyone was talking about the succession of the Pope of the radiant church. Especially about the origin of the new pope. This was the most curious place for everyone. As for why the Pope had been replaced.., on the contrary, they were not too concerned. Firstly, they had not thought about it so deeply. Secondly, even if they had thought about it, they knew that with their own abilities, they would not be able to know the reason behind it.

As for the established facts, everyone was more curious about who would be the next pope. would it be the red-robed cardinal they were familiar with, or a secret figure hidden by the radiant church?

“I heard that the new pope is very young. He must be a genius.”

“To be able to become a pope at such a young age, it must be an order from God, right?”

“Why doesn’t the god of light favor me? I don’t want to be a pope, I just want to be a Knight of Light.”

“Your faith is a woman. It’s already good enough that the god of light didn’t purify you, you scum!”

Amidst the discussions in the tavern.., suddenly, a clear voice said, “As far as I know, this new pope is a once-in-a-century genius of the radiant church. He displayed extraordinary talent before the age of ten and received the instruction of the god of light in his dreams. Later on, he was secretly protected by the radiant church and was groomed as the successor of the Pope. It is said that not only is he proficient in poetry and music, but he is also outstanding in swordsmanship. Ever since he was young, the great radiant king secretly taught him swordsmanship. I’m afraid that he has already finished his apprenticeship, right?”

Hearing this, the rest of the people could not help but look over. A burly man who was holding a cup and drinking until his face was red said in a rough voice, “Who are you? How Do You Know All This?”

This person raised his head and drank a mouthful of wine, he laughed loudly and said, “You didn’t read the special report of the Radiant Church, right? It’s all written on it. And today, I read Master Antonia’s new poem. The whole article is full of praise for the new pope! “Tell me, if he’s not a virtuous person, why would master Antonia Praise Him Like This? “You have to know that Master Antonia is famous for his arrogance. He never fawned on anyone. He even wrote a poem to scold a certain general in the Military Region!”

Hearing his words, the others were a little surprised. They looked at each other. The strong man from before stared with his bell-like eyes and said, “Have you read the special report of the Radiant Church? Are you a member of the Radiant Church?”

The man said proudly, “Although I’m not, I have a friend who is. I heard it from him. This matter has long shocked the entire radiant church.”

Everyone was enlightened and could not help but be a little surprised.

“Awesome! I didn’t expect a master like Antonio to write a poem to praise this new pope. I remember that when the previous Pope succeeded the throne, master Antonio did not even write a poem, right?”

“Nonsense! Master Antonio was still wearing pants when the previous Pope Richelieu succeeded the throne!”


“Who is the master Antonio you are talking about?”

“You are illiterate! You Don’t Even Know Master Antonio? You have read the poem for Nothing!”

“You said that he is illiterate. How can an illiterate read a poem?”

The pub was in a mess again. The man who had spoken earlier was drinking and paying the bill. He quietly left the pub and walked towards the end of the street, he went into another tavern.

Dudian left the Felan family and suddenly thought of something. He told Sergei: “Go and inform Hawkeye to do something.”He whispered to Sergei.

Sergei bowed his head and replied: “Yes.”

Barton and the other trainee knights were on duty on the hill next to the Utoto Mountain. Suddenly, more than ten horses galloped over. They were Snow White horses of good breed. Their speed was extremely fast and their teeth were sharp, they were the exclusive steeds of the official knights of light.

On the back of the horses were all figures in bright silver armor. In front of these official knights of light armored figures was a figure in a bright red robe. It was like a thick flame blooming in the snow, filled with a sacred feeling.

Seeing this blood-red robe, Barton and the others who were on duty were stunned. They could not help but rub their eyes. That’s right, it was the clothes of the Red Bishop!

There was actually a cardinal here!

Everyone was stunned and quickly reacted. They held back their excitement and straightened their backs.

Ernorin rode to the front of the hill. According to the portrait, he saw a familiar face in the crowd at a glance. A hint of jealousy flashed in the depths of his eyes, but he knew that things had already come to this. He could not change it and immediately got off the horse, he came in front of this person, bowed slightly, and said, “Is your excellency Mr. Barton?”

Barton was stunned.

The other apprentice knights beside him were also dumbfounded. Their eyes were wide open, and their jaws were about to fall to the ground.

Mr. … Barton?

The Red Bishop… actually called him that?

Barton reacted and was so nervous that he stuttered, “Yes, it’s me.”

Ernorlin sighed in his heart as he saw such a reaction. He thought that the people in the holy church were better than him, he didn’t understand why Richelieu chose such a waste.

He maintained his politeness: “Mr. Barton, are you free? Please come with us.”

Barton was stunned. He suddenly remembered what Dudian had said. His heart jumped. Wasn’t that a joke? !

“Yes, I’m free.”He replied.

“Please come with me.”Ernorin turned back to the horse.

Barton was stunned as he followed behind him.

The other trainee knights wanted to poke their eyes out when they saw this scene. This wooden kid from a down and out noble was actually appreciated by the bishop. It was unbearable!

They knew that from now on, they would lose a free laundryman, and they would have to look up to this person.

When ernorin saw Barton’s stunned look, he pointed at an empty horse and said, “Mr. Barton, please get on the horse.”As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that an apprentice knight was still unable to tame the snow wolf horse. Just as he was about to step forward and make a move.., he suddenly saw Barton turn his body, grab the horse’s fur, and jump onto the horse.

The Snow Wolf Horse raised its head to the sky and roared twice. It spun several times on the spot, wanting to shake off the person on its back. However, the horse’s rope was tightly held by Barton. Under his control, the snow wolf horse soon quieted down.

When ernorin saw this, he was slightly stunned. His eyes flashed slightly, and he turned around to get on his horse. He said, “Mr. Barton, please follow me.”

“Yes.”Barton nodded.

After a moment, Ernorin led Barton to the top of Uto Mountain. They got off the horse and walked through St. Mark’s Square.

It was the first time Barton came here. He looked at the huge white square. He felt very small. His heart was full of tension but there was a trace of fear and anticipation. Dudian had told him that seven days later.., he would become the new pope. He would take care of everything. It seemed that the joke had come true.

It was like a dream that had come true.

“Is This a dream? Is this not a Dream?”Barton pinched his fingers, the pain made him feel calm and excited. However, he was more afraid. In his heart, the Pope was supreme. He was unknown. could he really become the pope? Would the others agree? Would they laugh at him? After becoming the Pope, would he be able to manage the Holy See? And how would he manage it?

These thoughts flashed through his mind repeatedly.

If ernorin knew what he was thinking at this moment, he would most likely feel speechless and say two words: ignorant.

Barton did not know that the status and significance of the pope far exceeded his imagination. If someone knew the true situation, they would never believe that a trainee knight with no background and no achievements could become the pope.

However, reality was rolling in an unbelievable direction. Even the El norin who led the way for Barton felt that he could not see clearly. He could not believe that the other seven cardinals.., would agree to such an unbelievable thing!

The reason why he agreed was because the order was passed down by Richelieu. He was Richelieu’s confidant, so he could not reject it. However, the others were not like that. However, after the conference of Cardinals began.., the votes were completely different from what he had expected, and everyone actually agreed with a high degree of agreement!

No one vetoed this trainee knight, jumping from the lowest level to the highest level of Pope!

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