Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 387: Triumph (1)

The leader of the Church of Light and Pope of the Holy Empire of Yuras, Aeuryus.

The Crusader Raphael, the Blood Cross Knights, and the secretly trained Battle Clerics.

If the Pope were to utter a word, all believers in Yuras would gladly become his warriors. Yet, the Pope departed the Papal state with only a few hundred at his side.

The emperor of the Kiehl Empire was making his move as well. Straut the Second summoned Alchester with a sour expression. The White Dragon Knights were assembled merely ten minutes into their audacious conversation. The emperor maintained a sour expression throughout the meeting, and after its conclusion, he left the imperial palace with heavy sighs.

Aroth, too, was taking action. King Daindolf, Crown Prince Honein, Chief Court Wizard Trempel, and the elite wizards under his command all gathered. In addition, three Tower Masters were making their move as well.

The whereabouts of Balzac Ludbeth, the Black Tower Master, were still unknown. Moreover, the Green Tower Master Jeneric Osman had stepped down in shame after his encounter with Sienna, and a new Tower Head had yet to be appointed in his place. As such, it meant that all existing and available Tower Masters of Aroth had been mobilized.

In the north, Beast King Aman Ruhr gazed at the distant Lehainjar.

The founding king of the kingdom and his ancestor, the Brave King, remained in seclusion. However… if the Brave King had heard the news and been free to act, Aman believed without a doubt that he would have left the kingdom. Armed with this conviction, Aman ventured out of the tundra with the White Fang Knights.

The nations weren’t the only ones affected. A great warrior was aroused in the depths of Samar Forest, a place untouched by civilization. Having decimated the Kochilla Tribe, the Zoran Tribe was on the cusp of dominating the great forest. Ivatar Jahav, the young chief of the Zoran Tribe, rallied his warriors with his spear. Unlike other nations, there was no warp-gate in their forest. However, the blessing of the forest imbued with Ivatar opened a path through the forest to hasten their steps.

The whole continent was in motion.


The monster had wreaked havoc as the leader of a pirate fleet in the Southern Seas for over three hundred years. However, the subjugation of Iris, the Abyssal Princess, or the Pirate Empress, though watched closely by the continent, wasn’t quite enough to stir the continent.

But then, that Abyssal Princess became the Demon King at the southern end of the continent. Eugene Lionheart, Kristina Rogeris, and Sienna Merdein, who had not participated in the initial expedition, became the spearhead in vanquishing this Demon King. A tale fit for legends and myths was unfolding in reality.

It was... unbelievable. How could the Abyssal Princess, a dark elf, become the Demon King? No, that much could be understood.

But vanquished?

"What is happening...?" King Oseris Animus of Shimuin clutched his aching head while sighing deeply.

‘I sent them to deal with a pirate, and they return having defeated a… Demon King?’

He had called for the expedition in haste because Iris had kidnapped a large number of dwarf craftsmen. Only twenty craftsmen had been kidnapped, yet they had been master craftsmen. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the twenty represented the very legacy of their race. Oseris had been feeling the need to curb Iris since she had been growing increasingly aggressive. However, the actual push for the expedition had been to appease the dwarfs’ strikes and protests.

One small relief was that the expedition had rescued the kidnapped dwarf craftsmen... though at great cost. King Oseris let out another deep, weary sigh.

‘Helmuth,’ King Oseris’ thoughts naturally turned to the Devildom.

The vanquishing of the Demon King was a matter that Oseris couldn't find joy in. The mere idea that "Iris had become the Demon King" was too surreal to grapple with.Please visit https://novel-next.com website to read fastest update

Instead, fear gripped Oseris.

What if the Demon King of Incarceration, the ruler of Helmuth, felt something extraordinary about this newly risen Demon King. What if the death of this Demon King provoked Helmuth's ruler? Regardless of the reason, what if the Demon King of Incarceration had a change in sentiment?

During the Knight March, the Demon King of Incarceration had spoken about the end of the Oath. Oseris had been present. The end of the promise would mark the cessation of three centuries of peace…. Oseris shuddered while anxiously gnawing at his nails.


Although a pirate had turned into the Demon King, the expedition had achieved a legendary feat. Should they prepare a grand celebration for their return? But wouldn't such an event provoke the Demon King of Incarceration?

Countless festivals were held and celebrated each year on Shedor Island. The citizens were addicted to vibrant festivities. They were sparked with an enthusiasm that even the king couldn't quell.

Word had already spread across the island about the return of a fleet of dozens of ships. Even without Oseris’ decree, the citizens were preparing for a grand celebration. So should he, fearing potential wrath from the Demon King of Incarceration, order the citizens to stay locked up in their homes?

Oseris had no answer to this question.

However, he was faced with reality before he could even make a decision regarding his dilemma.

Shimuin could not be considered a small nation. Although its territory consisted mostly of islands, it could be viewed as a formidable power, even if it could not rival empires.

Yet, it wasn't among the continent's most powerful. Speaking from a militaristic perspective, Shimuin could not compete with the two empires and the Magic Kingdom of Aroth. In fact, Shimuin could not even compete with the barren northern kingdom of Ruhr or the desert kingdom of Nahama.

No matter how mighty the nation, it couldn't declare isolation in these circumstances. Facing the arriving dignitaries from various countries, Oseris felt cornered.

It was the same against the barbarians of Samar Forest, let alone the different nations. Shimuin's main sea trade customers were the outer islands and the various tribes of Samar Forest due to their lack of warp-gates.

Eventually, Oseris had no choice but to open the palace gates. Leaders of various nations, each with hundreds of soldiers, entered the capital of Shimuin as if it were only natural.

"Even the barbarians from the Great Forest have come,” Emperor Straut the Second sneered at the warriors from the Zoran Tribe.

The Kiehl Empire and the Great Forest of Samar were far from allies. Kiehl had long desired to conquer the vast forest. If the Demon King of Incarceration hadn't supported the freedom of the forest's inhabitants, it would have been annexed by Kiehl long ago.

‘Such brazen and selfish people,’ Emperor Straut II thought contemptuously.

Emperor Straut the Second despised the natives of Samar Forest.

Alchester fully acknowledged Carmen’s strength and her steely resolve.

Those who only had a few chance encounters with Carmen would deem her a freak or a crazed woman, but those fortunate enough to have a relationship with her all acknowledged and respected her. Alchester had also received Carmen’s guidance during his younger years and thus respected her.

However, his respect for Ortus was virtually non-existent. Despite recognizing Ortus’ capabilities and talents, Alchester knew that Ortus Hyman wasn't an individual of high moral standing.

"Those priests… could they be the mysterious battle-priests that Yuras secretly trained?" pondered Emperor Straut II.

"Most likely. Their purpose remains unclear, but given the circumstances… they could be the personal guards of Saint Kristina Rogeris," Alchester replied.

"And even the Tower Masters of Aroth have gathered…." Emperor Straut II's eyebrows furrowed as he glanced over the dignitaries from Aroth.

Traditionally, Tower Masters weren't part of Aroth's court wizards. They were under a vow to remain neutral during Aroth's wars with other nations. The only time the Tower Masters participated in battles was when their towers transformed into battlefields.

Yet, here they were — three Tower Masters, excluding the reclusive Black Tower Master and the retired Green Tower Master. Considering the King of Aroth had no authority to summon them, they must've arrived of their own volition.

The Wise Sienna had participated in this expedition, and the foe they had vanquished was none other than one of the Demon Kings. That was reason enough for their gathering.

"The Beast King Aman Ruhr…. Is he here because of the will of the Brave Molon? Or is it because he recognizes himself as the descendant of a great hero? If not either of those, then…’ Straut II mused as he looked over at the delegation from Ruhr.

Was it possible that the Beast King knew of Eugene Lionheart’s true identity as the reincarnation of the Stupid Hamel? Perhaps there was an unknown relationship between the Beast King and Eugene….

‘One man is moving the entire continent,’ Straut II realized.

In the end, all these ripples were caused by a single man, Eugene Lionheart. Emperor Straut the Second sighed deeply as he contemplated this.

Whether Aroth had come for Sienna or Yuras for the Saint, Eugene Lionheart stood at the heart of it all. Even the barbaric tribes of Samar Forest had come here for Eugene's sake.

"Nahama hasn't shown up, nor has the Anti-Demon Alliance," Emperor Straut the Second noted.

"They're probably wary of Helmuth's reaction," Alchester replied.

The desert kingdom of Nahama had long-standing ties with Helmuth. Traditionally, the underground dungeons of the desert were inhabited by black wizards. Nahama had always been home to the second-largest concentration of black wizards, following Helmuth and Aroth.

After the return of the Wise Sienna, the black wizards left Aroth. They either returned to Helmuth or the underground dungeons of Nahama. As such, Nahama now boasted the largest concentration of black wizards, second only to Helmuth. And at the center of their power stood Amelia Merwin, the trusted advisor to the Sultan of Nahama.

"Nahama, I might understand, but what about the Anti-Demon Alliance? Their absence is telling. All talk and no action," the emperor grumbled.

The Anti-Demon Alliance was a group of smaller, northern nations. The nations belonging to the alliance had their military posturing at Helmuth’s borders. Moreover, they were rallying their soldiers to train for demonstration purposes. However, not a single representative from the alliance had shown up, save for the Holy Empire of Yuras. It was clear that they feared repercussions from both Helmuth and the Demon King of Incarceration.

"…Do you think the Demon King of Incarceration might act?" Straut II inquired.

"I hope not," came Alchester’s terse reply.

It wasn't just a celebration of the Demon King's defeat or a gathering for information that brought them to this island.

The fact that the Kiehl Empire had brought the entirety of the White Dragon Knights signified a readiness for conflict. If the Demon King of Incarceration attempted to target Eugene for having defeated a Demon King, or if tensions escalated into a full-blown war between the Demon King, Helmuth, and the continent during the time on the island, they needed to ensure Eugene's safety amidst the chaos.

"Seems like others thought the same," Straut II observed.

There was no need to bring armies to a mere celebration. But Yuras, Aroth, and Ruhr had all brought elite troops. Even the tribal chieftain of Samar had come with his warriors. Their shared intent seemed clear: protect the Hero at all costs in any unforeseen situation.

"We would have been a laughing stock if the Kiehl Empire hadn't shown up," Emperor Straut the Second muttered while clicking his tongue.

He firmly believed that the Demon King of Incarceration wouldn't act. He couldn’t be absolutely certain, but he was pretty sure.

There had been numerous chances in the past, reasons aplenty…. But reasons? Had the Demon King of Incarceration ever needed reasons or opportunities?

‘The Hero hasn't yet headed to the Demon King's castle.’ Straut II pondered, his face a complex mix of emotions.

Ideally, he would've wished that Eugene never approached it. But that hope had already been dashed. He could only hope that the Demon King of Incarceration would remain silent until that moment came to pass, keeping true to his promise.

"Ehem…. Ehem...."

The rulers of the great empires were sizing each other up. A tense atmosphere permeated the area. Oseris was hesitant, reluctant to step forward amidst such an intimidating company. After a while, he finally mustered up the courage and stepped forward.

He suggested, "Perhaps… instead of staying here… should we first head inside…?"

The emperor, the pope, two kings, and the grand chief, as well as their respective elite troops, were all standing around in the garden of Shimuin’s palace.

Each nation brought with them no more than two or three hundred knights. Still, every group was renowned and mentioned in any discourse on the finest knightly orders of the continent. Any of these factions could easily devastate a minor kingdom.

Oesris felt extremely burdened simply having to stand in their midst.

Suddenly, a panting royal guard rushed in, bearing news that made Oseris’ eyes widen in surprise.

"The Lionhearts have arrived."

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