Cursed Immortality

Chapter 714: Hunters or Preys? (2)

Jacob sat cross-legged in a lavish room, which belonged to the Church Priest, Percy, and he was naked. However, if anyone saw his appearance right now, they would be shaking in their boots and think of him as some demonic abomination.

Because below his chest were nothing but gray bones sculpted with crimson runic lines, this also includes both arms.

However, Jacob didn't seem to care since he had already accepted the reality. In fact, he felt extremely refreshed and powerful like never before.

It's been a little over a month since he took over the Cardinal Spirit Church, and the moment he was able to summon Immoritka, he instantly continued the Cursed Bone Marrow Amalgamation.

However, while he was waiting for Immoritka's cooldown period to end, he wasn't sitting around and doing nothing. He spent over three weeks studying Percy's knowledge about the Spellbind Eyes.

However, he stopped in the middle because Percy (Autarch) reported to him that some people from the main temple had arrived to escort Rudolph back to the main temple for the preparation of the final trial to select the Holy Son and Holy Daughter.

Although it was unexpected, Jacob 'handled it' without any misgivings as he had no intention of leaving the Unique Plains right now. However, he didn't return to study the Spellbind Eyes afterward since he knew it required more time and decided to collect more Blood Vitality.

After all, he wasn't here just to learn about the Faery Humans; it was just one of the reasons he selected such a crowded place. Furthermore, after acquiring Percy's memoirs, he knew how the Faery Humans' faith and holy power worked.

He knew that the more followers the Temple had, the more powerful the high-ranking members would become without any limit. Furthermore, he found that his hex mana was extremely vulnerable to the mysterious power of faith but not against Holy or light magic. But if they were imbued with faith power, they worked even more fiercely against his hex


That's why he knew he had to get rid of this faith power for good or at least weaken it as much as he could. This instantly aligned his intentions of collecting blood vitality while giving a blow to the temple's reputation and their faith.

Jacob instantly launched a massacre by using Autarch's ability to turn high-ranking members of the church into puppets and dyed the entire holy mountain range with blood, staring from the inside, and didn't even spare those people waiting outside.

Furthermore, Jacob even recorded this entire slaughter performed by high-ranking church members, including Percy. Just a day ago, he had Autarch use Percy's star ID to post it on the Star Network with a single sentence: 'We no longer need ants to empower ourselves, death of all lowly beings!'

Although this sentence was somewhat of a cringe, who is going to care about it when they would see the bloody slaughter in the Holy Mountain Range done by none other than the Priest and his followers themselves?

The video instantly trended to number one on Star Network News, and right after that, people instantly stopped coming to the Holy Mountain Range and even started to dread the Faery Humans while publicly condemning them and even imploring the factions to act against the Faery Humans inhumane slaughter against all those innocent ill people.

Jacob wanted to achieve this with this video because he knew those high and mighty factions wouldn't sit still because of public enrage and had to act against the Faery Humans. In fact, he presumed that they would send huge forces to this place to apprehend those involved in that bloody massacre and include the main temple as well since they had to give an explanation to everyone, or they'd never be able to recover from this scandal.

The temple naturally reacted strongly and immediately contacted the church, but he didn't even bother to respond and waited for this matter to escalate even further.

As for why Jacob was still here after causing such a ruckus, it was quite simple: he wanted to refine more blood vitality, and he knew no one was his match as long as he stayed in the Conflict Plains. Also, if he included the incoming locust army, this would cause a huge storm in the entire conflict plains. This is what Jacob wanted to begin with; he wanted the entire conflict plains to be dyed in blood and collect it all and raise his power in one fell swoop!

Once he was able to summon Immoritka, he instantly started using all the blood vitality he had collected from different races, especially the Faery Humans, who gave him the most blood vitality despite most of them only having a unique rank.

Jacob didn't know if he had noticed it wrong, but those with faith energy seemed to have far more blood vitality than normal people, which was nothing but good news for him.

It took him four days to exhaust the blood vitality he had collected from the ocean and the church, but it seemed all worth it as he saw how much progress he had made.

[First Phase of Body Transformation: Cursed Bone Marrow Amalgamation (Third Stage)]

-Cursed Bone Marrow Amalgamation: 78.64%

[Description: Amalgamate your Cursed Blood into Bones to change your Bone Marrow into Cursed Bone Marrow by Sculpting Longevity Schema on your Bones.]

[Longevity Schema: Picture]

-Completion of this stage will result in 5000 Years of Lifespan & Genesis of Cursed Immortal Bloodline

Jacob's lips rose upward in a content yet cold smile. He was very pleased with this progress, and it was going quite fast compared to what he had expected. As long as he could gather the same amount of blood vitality, he would be able to complete the final stage.

But he knew the closer he completed the longevity schema, the more blood vitality he needed from before, and he was afraid that the unique rank beings might lose all effect on him. Nonetheless, he knew a huge blood bank was coming, so he wasn't overly worried.

At this moment, he turned the page and asked Immoritka, now that he finally had the time, "You should know about that elf girl that I encountered when I came here. Don't try to deny it. I know since I can't summon you, it doesn't mean you fall into some slumber. Just give it to me straight. Why would the hex core react to her, and what kind of curse is she afflicted with?"

"Hahahahaha..." Immoritka suddenly started laughing, which made Jacob iffy for some reason. But he knew it was normal for Immortika, so he waited for it to stop.

However, what Immortika wrote afterward wasn't what he expected, "...hah... are you sure you want to know this right now when you have so many guests approaching?"

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