Chapter 395: Dream

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“No, wait a time, so what kind of formation is this? Why have I never heard of it? Is there such a thing in the northwest desert?” The doll frowned and listened to their conversation full of doubts.

Ji Jing shook her head, “I can only interpret from its runes that it is a repressive array, but I have never seen such a huge array…”

She looked up at Xu Tian. It turned out that there was so much information piled up in his office to investigate this matter. I thought there should be a lot of new information.

“Good question, don’t say you don’t know, I don’t know either!” Xu Tian looked bitter, “I haven’t slept for eight hours in the past few days just to check this! And you can also see that this is a repressive array. I can’t see anything, and I can’t see some wine bags and rice bags in the Taoist Association, which makes me have no clue. I can only find all the relevant information in a mess!”

Xu Tian waved his arms, with a large number of books behind him and a computer with a bright screen, and even had the pride of “this is the country I laid down”.

The doll smiled cooperatively: “What did you find out?”

“This!” Xu Tian patted a scanned copy of an ancient book on the table and said,

“Check it around. It turned out to be on our ancestors.”

The doll raised its eyebrows and glanced at the scanned copy of the ancient book. OK, what kind of ghost symbol? She can’t understand a word!

Ji Jing picked up the scanned copy, but felt that the text on it looked very familiar: “The legend of the Zhenwu Emperor?”

Due to the age, the stories of many Taoist ancestors are scattered, and the legends about the Zhenwu Emperor are also different. Only his deeds of sweeping demons in the north have become a story that agrees to spread.

The doll looked at Ji Jing in surprise: “Do you still understand this?”

“This is a rubbing of Taoist books. I’ve been reading these since I was a child, and I can understand them more or less.” Ji Jing explained.

Xu Tian nodded in agreement: “That’s right, I think this legend should be the one that can best correspond to this strange array.”

“Crudge against the north and sweep the demons,” Mingze glanced at the picture and looked up at Xu Tian. “Do you mean that what is suppressed here is the demon that he failed to eliminate at the beginning?”

Somehow, Xu Tian was shocked by Mingze’s eyes.

What’s wrong? Did he guess wrong? Why doesn’t the owner look happy? Moreover, the owner has been silent since he came in. I haven’t seen him like this in front of Ji Jing before… Suddenly, a mess of speculation surged up in Xu Tian’s heart.

“What’s the matter?” Ji Jing looked at Xu Tian, who was suddenly stunned doubtfully.

“No, it’s okay. That’s how I guessed,” Xu Tian took a careful look at Mingze and found that he looked as usual, as if it was Xu Tian’s illusion just now. “But I don’t know if it’s right…”

“That’s right.” Ming Ze nodded, “The position of this array does correspond to the legendary record.”

“So, I’m afraid what you guessed before is also related to the loosening of this array?” The doll seemed to be ignorant of the subtle atmosphere of the moment and continued to speak.

“Which one? What does it have to do with it? Xu Tian chose to forget what happened just now and asked curiously. Did Ji Jing encounter any new clues?

Ji Jing told him what the painted ghost on the cruise ship had in common with Sun Luo, Wu Tian and others.

“You said that… It seems to be true. The people in the interrogation team went to ask where Wu Tian came from, and he actually replied that it was from a dream! A few days ago, when he interrogated Sun Luo, he seemed to have said that there was a dream that guided him to find the information in the corners. Xu Tian frowned and recalled.

“Dream?” The doll sneered, “It’s ridiculous. It’s just to avoid covering up the lies. Do you believe it?”

“I definitely don’t believe it!” Xu Tian was helpless, “I also think they said this just to avoid tracing, or to hide who’s existence, but now think about whether it will… Did they really know from a dream? However, this dream is not a natural dream, but manipulated..

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