Chapter 393: Goodbye

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The doll sat on the table, tapped the table with his fingertips, thinking and said, “So you mean that there is someone or some kind of existence trying to destroy such peace?”

“Haha, let’s laugh. It feels like the end of the world.” The bearded man smiled and said, “There are so many people in the world who maintain it. How can it be chaotic?”

The doll glanced at him with disgust, “Yes, there is a tall man when the sky falls. What are you afraid of? The painter uses your appearance just to make trouble for us. Now you’re fine. Go back.”

After saying that, she took the sickle and cut the rope on the bearded man’s body and pushed it with the back of the knife. The tall man was easily sent out of the door by an irresistible strong wind.

“The ignorant have no fear.” The doll hummed coldly.

“Don’t blame him. Those things are too far away for the world.” Ming Ze shook his head.

The world has only been at peace for more than a hundred years. Such a time is the length of a lifetime for ordinary human beings. Although people like bearded men can walk between the three worlds and even participate in the auction of the mermaids, they already know more about metaphysics than many people, but they still know what happened hundreds of years ago. There is a lot less deep perception.

For too long, it has almost become a legend for them, and will even be questioned by some nihilists whether the original tragedy is true. No one would have imagined that such chaos would happen around them.

“I only saw the war in the records in the corners of the Taoist temple. Too many people, demons and ghosts died because of being involved. I heard that until now, the hell has not sorted out the records of death that year. Ji Jing said.

“That’s because they are too inefficient!” The doll rolled its eyes speechlessly,

“The last king of the city fell in that war, and the newcomer took office, and the management was messy.”

Mingze smiled helplessly. He remembered that Huai Meng had a lot of friendship with hell. No wonder the doll was so disgusted: “Well, well, back to the point, we have to find out who is creating these chaos.”

Ji Jing nodded energetically, “The painting ghost here has disappeared. Xu Tian is in charge of Wu Tian and Sun Luo’s affairs. He should have more clues there.”

“And the Taoist priest who laid a maze and disappeared downstairs of my house,” the doll added, “It should also be related to these things.”

“That’s right.” Ji Jing nodded.

“Bum!” Suddenly, there was a noise outside the deck, and the cruise ship began to set off fireworks.

The gorgeous fireworks on the deck and the lively crowd were so far away and close to Ji Jing, but Ji Jing couldn’t help recall the words she said to her when she saluted her teacher at a young age: “As a Taoist priest, the pursuit is nothing more than ‘begetting immortality and saving the world’. You have to remember.”

Ji Jing looked at the crowd on the deck and thought that she would not allow anyone to try to disturb the peace of the world, even if she did everything for it.

The lively activities of the cruise ship will continue for three days, but it seems difficult for those activities to really enter Ji Jing’s heart. She is always thinking about unresolved things.

Mingze looked at Ji Jing’s always worried look and sighed secretly, knowing that these superficial joys would not make Ji Jing happy. The only thing she was really happy was to save the world.

So he privately discussed with the mermaids, and on the third day, the cruise ship returned to the port of C.

When Ji Jing got off the boat, she suddenly found a sense of down-to-earth stability.

“Are you going to find Xu Tian now?” The doll asked angrily.

There were too many people coming and going in the port, so the doll had to nest in Ji Jing’s arms to disguise the real doll.

Ji Jing looked at Ming Ze as if asking, and Ming Ze nodded, “I have asked. Xu Tian has been staying in the Taoist Association these days. Let’s just go there directly.”

Stay? Ji Jing thought, she was probably working overtime in pain, right?

Sure enough, Ji Jing and his party stepped into the door of the Taoist Association, and a familiar and strange figure suddenly rushed over: “You are finally here!”

Mingze silently stood sideways in front of Ji Jing: “What’s going on with you?”

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