"Colonel Shrek, at this speed, how many days will it take to reach the fourth colonial satellite of the Stonek Kingdom?" Long Fei frowned, looking at the map displayed on the screen.

Colonel Shrek replied: "According to this speed, it will take six days at the fastest, and what makes me more headache is that we have to pass through the Sixth Colonial Satellite of the Stonek Kingdom, which has become a hidden reef."

"Become a hidden reef, Colonial Satellite No. 6? What do you mean?" Long Fei asked a little puzzled.

Colonel Shrek explained: "It's like this. In the war at that time, when the country of Stunk received a fierce counterattack, the No. 6 colonial satellite was the first to bear the brunt. Repelled, but the No. 6 colonial satellite was also destroyed in that war. Fortunately, the local people evacuated early, and only the soldiers died."

"It seems that this country still has a conscience, and will evacuate the people to a safe place first." Zhang Junhao said with a playful expression.

Colonel Shrek shrugged: "The main thing is that I just don't want to talk about infamy, especially these democracies, who keep talking about human rights. If this is not done well, they will probably be scolded by other regimes that they regard as dictatorships." pause."

"But having said that, Colonel Shrek, the reef area we are going to cross, shouldn't be safe there?"

"Yes, it is said that it has become a hiding place for many pirates. Passing through there, we have to play 12 points of mental alertness."

"Yeah." Long Fei suddenly thought of something, patted his forehead, and said, "By the way, I almost forgot, when will the resources you call from the headquarters come?"

"If there is no accident, they will catch up with us in two days."

"Okay, remember to let me know when you arrive, I have to adjust the Barbatos and Astaroth Gundams myself."

The Colonial Satellite No. 4 of the Dunk Country, which was destroyed and turned into a reef, was partially torn and shattered into pieces, but some parts remained intact, and some of the equipment was still usable.

In Colonial Satellite No. 4, there are three old refitted warships gathered together. These three warships all have different flags, but the patterns on the flags are mostly skulls.

In the command room of a warship, a middle-aged man with gray hair looks very gloomy at the dark-skinned and brown-haired middle-aged man on the left side of the split video on the screen.

The middle-aged man with brown hair in the video asked, "Brother Sam, do you really want to do this?"

The pirate leader named Sam didn't answer, but asked instead: "What are you doing, Sendak?"

"If it's possible, I really don't want to do it. It's simply sending me to my death." Sendak looked like his mother had died.

Sam looked at the black-haired one-eyed young man on the right side of the split screen and asked, "Brother Fukada, what about you?"

"Using the ms given to us by the Tengu organization, even if we want to attack the military base of the Stunk country, I can do it without saying a word, but if we are asked to capture the Gundam of the Tianyi mercenary group, wouldn't it be let us die Is it?" Fukuno said in a very embarrassed way.

Sendak continued: "Recent news, look at what those experts commented on the Gundam, it is an unprecedentedly powerful mobile phone, and there are videos to prove that the Gundam has achieved the performance of stopping a hundred. With our three pirate groups, Even if we throw all our wealth into it, maybe we will still be wiped out."

Sam didn't speak. He was very annoyed by the order of the Tengu organization to embarrass them, but he didn't dare to refuse or resist, because another pirate group was no less powerful than him, and because he refused the order of the Tengu pirates, the result was It was annihilated by the troops sent by the Tengu organization.

Sam thought to himself: "We bear all the bad points, and you take all the good points. If it wasn't for my lack of strength, I really want to kill you."

"It's bad, our line has been hacked." The pirate announcer reported to Sam in a panic.

The announcers of Sendak and Fukada also told the same thing.

On the huge screen in front of Sam, another segmented video popped up suddenly. In the video, there was a ghost mask, whose gender could not be distinguished, and even the voice was processed by a voice changer.

"The three gathered together at the same time, do you want to betray my Tengu organization?"

"No!" The three loudly denied in unison.

Sam reacted the fastest, and immediately explained: "We are discussing how to complete the task you gave us."

"Yes, yes, yes." The other two responded flatteringly.

"Oh, that's good. What I'm here to inform you is that two days later, the fleet of the Tianyi Mercenary Group will follow the fleet of the Kingdom of Stunk to **** the space fleet that the citizens took to the fourth colonial satellite. Just passing through your area, your mission is to capture Gundam."

Fukada asked, "My lord, do you want us to capture all the Gundams?"

"Hmph." The ghost-masked man sneered, and said, "It's too difficult for you to capture all the Gundams. You only need to capture one Gundam, and your mission is considered a complete success."

The expressions of the three of them were gone. They were so embarrassed before. If they just captured a Gundam, they should be able to do it.

The ghost masked man continued: "If you can capture a few more Gundams, the organization will give you unexpected rewards."

After hearing the words of the ghost masked man, the three of them did not feel any disturbance in their hearts. For the three of them, as long as they can capture one Gundam, it is already an over-performance task. They dare not expect to catch a few more Gundams Gundam.

"I look forward to your good news." The ghost-faced giant disconnected after finishing speaking.

Sendak asked Sam, "Brother Sam, what are you going to do?"

"What can I do? I can only fight. As long as I can capture a Gundam, I will immediately withdraw from the battlefield."

Fukada seconded: "We can only do that."

"Your Excellency, another fleet has arrived from the Tianyi Mercenary Group."

"What is this fleet here for?"

"Responsible for supplying the escorting fleet."

"Aren't they going to stop for supplies?"

"No, President, they didn't stop, they sailed and resupplied."

"How is it possible?" The President of the Stone Kingdom stood up directly from his seat. He was born in a military family and knew more or less about those military technologies. This kind of space navigation and replenishment was carried out simultaneously. Even the Garth Empire may not have such technology, and a private armed force actually possessed such technology, which shocked him beyond words.

"Your Excellency, this is a fact. This is a picture captured remotely by our soldiers." Mu Liao turned on the screen and showed the video to the President.

The president of the Stone Kingdom looked at the Tianyi mercenary group and had nothing to say when the two fleets were sailing and replenishing at the same time.

"Wait a minute, besides the mobile suits they lost, these two wrapped in canvas, are they Gundams?" President Stunk pointed to the two mobile suits wrapped in canvas on the screen.

"Your Excellency, so far we still don't know, but the current inference has a very high possibility of being Gundam."

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