Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 233: Martial arts master Dongfang invincible

At night, both Long Fei and Tao Xiang put on Spartan uniforms, and followed the Tianyi mercenaries who were on shift back to the branch base in chariots.

Long Fei and Tao Xiang disguised themselves in the sub-base, and the shadow mad dog team responsible for protecting Long Fei and other special forces wanderers disguised themselves, and some continued to remain invisible.

The ancestral home of Taoxiang's grandfather was originally in a town less than a hundred kilometers north of Yongsheng City.

Long Fei and Tao Xiang arrived in the township early in the morning. The environment here is very beautiful, and it makes people feel at ease.

Long Fei and Tao Xiang walked in the township area, watching and feeling the local customs while walking. The people here are very simple and simple. You can see that some residents here are in charge of plowing at the construction site in the morning, and some are busy in the shophouses .

Long Fei and Tao Xiang sat in an old shop, eating local breakfast.

A kind proprietress delivered the breakfast ordered by Long Fei and Tao Xiang to the table.

"Come on, guest, here are the minced meat porridge, salty steamed buns and soy milk you ordered."

Two people ate local breakfast, which tasted light.

Halfway through the meal, there was a loud noise behind me.

The two turned their heads and saw five menacing gangsters with tattoos on their bodies. They kicked over a diner's table.

The diners were a little scared and left the scene quickly.

One of the gangsters yelled at the proprietress: "Old woman, Boss Sun has long been interested in the development of this place. Didn't I tell you to move quickly? It's just adding trouble to me."

The kind proprietress was a little scared, but she remained calm and shouted: "I said I won't move. This is the property left to me by my husband. I won't sell it no matter what."

"Smelly old woman, I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine." One of the gangsters rushed towards the proprietress with a stick.

Just when Long Fei was about to raise his hand to order his invisible subordinates to attack, an empty bowl flew out and hit the gangster with a stick in the face.

The gangster screamed and fell to the ground, and several other gangsters quickly helped him up.

Long Fei and Tao Xiang saw that it was a boy sitting at the table next to them who made the shot.

The boy looks like he is in his early 20s, with messy hair, piercing eyes, facial features that look like a tough guy, and his skin is a little bronze.

The boy stood up. He was a bit tall. According to Long Fei's visual inspection, he was at least 1.8 meters tall. He was wearing short sleeves and a pair of knee-length shorts. Judging from his body shape, he was a martial arts practitioner, especially his palms were long. Out of calluses.

The boy said in a low voice: "You guys, who are strong and strong, bully an old and weak woman, what kind of men are you?"

The leader of the gangster glanced at the boy, and said arrogantly: "Hey, you are a young bird, who do you think you are? Like a knight in a martial arts novel, so hard to fight? We have 5 people here, if you have the ability, come and try it. "

The proprietress immediately dissuaded the boy: "Sir, don't worry about this matter, it's between me and them."

"Miss Boss, I can't stand this matter anymore, I'll take care of it."

"Confucianism confuses the law with literature, and chivalry violates the taboo with body." Long Fei blurted out as he watched, but was kicked by Tao Xiang.

Tao Xiang wanted Long Fei to help, Long Fei reached out and patted the back of Tao Xiang's hand and said, "Don't worry, take a look first."

"Hey, heroes and knights, come here if you have the ability, I'm afraid of you, hahaha..." After speaking, the gangsters laughed endlessly.

The gangster in the front stopped laughing, and then there was the sound of getting up and bumping, and the scream of his body hitting the ground.

When the other gangsters couldn't react for a while, the boy shot down the other two gangsters in an instant.

The last two reacted and hit the boy with sticks in their hands. The boy separated instantly, and each of them hit the nose with a punch.

The last two gangsters screamed directly. Nosebleeds spurted out of their noses, and they fell to the ground, clutching their noses, rolling over and screaming.

The gangsters knew that they had met a master, so they hurriedly left the scene. Before leaving, the gangster's little leader said harshly: "You have the guts, if you have the guts, don't run away, wait for us to come back."

"I'm not afraid of how many of you come." The boy then kicked the chair in front of him away, and hit the gangster's little boss in the face.

The little leader fell to the ground and screamed, and the other subordinates quickly helped the little leader up and fled the scene.

After the proprietress thanked the boy, she advised him to leave quickly.

"Young man, you have to leave quickly. These little **** are bosses raised by Boss Sun. Boss Sun has a lot of hands and eyes here. The town mayor here is still his cousin. You can't fight, so go away."

Hearing what the proprietress said, Long Fei frowned, and couldn't help asking the proprietress: "Madam proprietress, didn't you go to the city government to declare?"

"Yes, but what's the use? The city government was bribed by them. Several neighbors just went to the city government to report. In the end, they were beaten up by Boss Sun's people and kicked out of the township."

"Hmph, it's really useless!" Hearing this, the boy clenched his fists with anger on his face.

The proprietress continued to persuade the boy: "Young man, you'd better leave quickly, the old lady doesn't want to hurt you."

"Miss Boss, I've taken care of this matter, and I just smashed your things. I'm very sorry, and I have to pay compensation." The boy took out his wallet, and it turned out that he didn't have enough money at all. Enough to pay for what you just ordered.

The boy said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I've been traveling around all the time, and I don't have enough money on me. Why don't I help you work here to pay off your debts first?"

"No, no, no, young man, this little money is nothing." The proprietress refused, she still hoped that the boy would leave here quickly.

Long Fei said at this time: "Miss Boss, if you don't let this boy work here to pay off your debts, he will be sad for the rest of his life. Instead of doing this, let him help you for a day and treat it as paying off the debts."

"This, okay."

The boy nodded his thanks to Long Fei.

Long Fei asked the boy, "I don't know what my friend's last name is, what's his name."

"My surname is Dongfang, and my name is Invincible."

The corners of Long Fei's eyes twitched, and he said: "It's a pleasure to meet you." Long Fei took off his gloves and shook hands with Dongfang Wudi.

Then, Long Fei complained in his heart: "Why don't you call Dongfang Invincible, and here is a scene of shredding MS in Fighting Gundam."

Then, Long Fei left the restaurant with Tao Xiang.

Tao Xiang originally wanted to persuade Long Fei to keep a few people to help, but seeing the fingers of Long Fei's right hand beating a few times, Tao Xiang swallowed what she wanted to say.

Then, Tao Xiang asked Long Fei: "The one called Dongfang Wudi just now, is the move he used the martial arts of the Han Xia Empire?"


Long Fei thought in his heart: "The martial arts of the Han Xia Empire are more ruthless and practical than the so-called kung fu in the previous life. The one called Dongfang Wudi just now was merciful, and he just put down those bastards. If the gangster doesn't die, he will lie in the hospital for several months."

At this time, a person came to Long Fei and Tao Xiang, pointing them to the direction and telling them the location.

The two followed the direction and walked to several old buildings, each of which was an ancestral hall of a surname.

Tao Xiang was a little nervous, Long Fei gently patted the back of Tao Xiang's hand, telling her not to be nervous.

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