It has been six months since the mother base hid its strength and bided its time to recuperate.

The United States has been in an embarrassing situation, and the advanced fleet has returned to the earth circle from the colony in outer space.

The Nemesis Fleet, which was relentlessly biting at the advance fleet, also returned to the territory of the mother country of the Earth Circle.

As time goes by, more and more of the two MSs of the Ouya Cross Country, Gao Zaku and Marasai, are in service, and the old battleships are also beginning to be retired and replaced with new ones.

The chariots, tanks, drones, and individual equipment that have been used for more than 30 years have been replaced more and more by the chariots, tanks, etc. manufactured by Tianyi Arms Manufacturing Company.

As more and more old equipment is retired and replaced with new equipment, the military strength of the Ouya Crusaders has reached a new level.

The whole army of Ouya Crusaders hastened their pace, quickly adapted to the new weapons, and got ready for the war of revenge at any time.

US President Nikolai sent foreign ministers and relevant officials to interview the Russian Soviet Republic, hoping to conduct some negotiations and exchanges.

What the United States hopes most now is that the Russian Soviet Republic will not intervene, as long as the Russian Soviet Republic does not intervene.

Then, the United States will have no problem dealing with the remnants of the Han Xia Empire, the European and Ya Cross Kingdoms, and the South American Allies in the southern continent.

However, the authorities of the Russian Soviet Republic did not take the diplomatic team of the United States seriously, and refused their request or negotiation.

The diplomatic team of the Russian Republic of Soviet Union also directly gave a suggestion to the other party: "As long as your country does not join the Democratic Alliance Army and no longer participates in the war, all problems will be solved."

The U.S. diplomatic team did not get any results and could only return to the country in despair.

On the other hand, there are still some frictions between the Democratic Alliance Army and the Imperial Alliance Army from time to time, but they are all on a small scale or guerrilla scale.

And at this moment, some subtle changes have taken place.

After the fortresses, bases, and colonial satellites that the Tianyi mercenary group had built before were handed over to the Imperial Allied Forces, the Imperial Allied Forces began to operate and plan some operations.

For example, partially occupied colonial satellites support some local prestigious people, become the king of the local colonial satellites and establish a country.

Internationally, despite strong opposition from the democratic camp, countries in the non-democratic camp expressed their support.

The decision to vote under the proposal of the imperial camp was overwhelmingly supported by the non-democratic camp countries. In addition to strong opposition, the democratic camp countries carried out a series of boycott activities.

Finally, under the resistance and absence of the democratic camp, these newly established kingdoms became new members of the international United Nations.

Countries in the democratic camp do not recognize the identity and status of these new kingdoms, and even refuse to have diplomatic relations or any exchanges with these kingdoms.

However, judging from the international situation, many experts believe that the situation of the democratic camp and the imperial camp has undergone subtle changes.

The prestige of the two camps has ebbed and flowed.

Countries such as the Republic of Solani, which lost their territories and colonial satellites, can only watch these lost colonial satellites become countries with a monarchy system.

Solanimin and other countries originally surrounded the three kingdoms including Michaon, but now the country's territory has shrunk, and even the lost colonial satellite has become a buffer zone with the three kingdoms.

The people of Solani and other countries have launched demonstrations to protest the government’s incompetence, and even demanded that the government drive the Democratic Alliance Army out of their country’s territory. Because of the relationship between the Democratic Alliance Army, the country’s territory will be reduced and part of the colonial satellite will be lost. .

The Democratic Allied Forces didn't care about the protests of these democratic countries at all, and the troops stationed in these protesting countries just refused to leave.

Some media even broke the news that these Democratic Allied Forces actually mined some meteorites in the local country.

This angered local democracies to protest to the ADF, demanding that they return the mined resources to them, but the ADF outright denied it.

The local democratic country wanted to send an investigation, but was driven back by the Democratic Alliance Army.

The media in the local democratic countries made great resistance and criticism to the behavior of the Democratic Allied Forces, criticizing the Democratic Allied Forces for pitting the countries of the same camp without mercy.

He even criticized the style of the Democratic Alliance Army as being more excessive than the imperialist countries, and compared the Imperial Alliance Army and the Democratic Alliance Army.

Although the Imperial Allied Forces cheat countries such as the Michaon Kingdom, which are in the same camp as themselves, at least the Imperial Allied Forces will pay corresponding prices for mining in the local kingdoms, so as not to cheat their allies or countries in the same camp.

Of course, this matter has also been ridiculed and satirized by many non-democratic countries in the international arena.

Soon, another incident caused the Democratic Alliance Army to suffer a great blow, that is, the United States announced the termination of joining the Democratic Alliance Army, which caused the morale of the Democratic Alliance Army to suffer an even greater blow and drop.

Then, the United States withdrew its troops at the junction between countries in the earth circle 300 kilometers away.

Several major countries that have a border with the United States have also withdrawn their front-line troops at the border to a distance of 300 kilometers.

The remnants of the guerrilla forces of the South American Confederate States continued to hide or return to the areas they controlled.

The Nemesis plan of the Ouya Cross Country did not stop because of the actions of the Meita Deng Lijian Country.

The Ouya Cross Country even said that the United States did not apologize to the country or make war reparations to the families of those who lost their loved ones due to their attacks.

The Nemesis plan of the Ouya Cross Country will not end.

At this moment, the entire army of the Ouya Crusaders is furious with vengeance against the United States, and has a chilling mentality towards the country that attacked them.

The whole army was actively engaged in training, and many citizens of the Ouya Cross Country actively signed up to join the army, and even retired veterans applied to the country and asked to return to the barracks to serve again.

The attitude of the United States and the United States towards the Ouya Cross Country has turned against the Ouya Cross Country, accusing the Ouya Cross Country of preventing the people of the whole country from letting go of their hatred. Instigate the people to take revenge, and accuse this peaceful country that has changed, and is no longer a neutral and peaceful country that people respect.

On the other side, Long Fei was enjoying his leisure time in the leisure meteorite area. Long Fei gave himself a few days off and came here with Tao Xiang to rest and enjoy the leisure time.

Long Fei leisurely paddles the boat, and enjoys a rare and peaceful time with Tao Xiang leisurely in the center of the lake.

Long Fei lay down, Tao Xiang leaned against Long Fei's chest.

It happened that when Long Fei was watching the news with his mobile phone, he saw the news that Meita Deng Li Jian Guo blamed the Ouya Cross Country for telling the people not to let go of their hatred.

"This country is really shameless."

Tao Xiang, who was leaning on Long Fei's chest, also looked at the news and said: "It's really shameless. It's obviously the culprit who caused all this. If you don't apologize, you still have to accuse others of holding grudges against you. I really don't know why such a country didn't get it." retribution."

"It's not that we don't report. The time has not yet come. When the day comes, this kind of country will fall into a situation where it will never be restored."

At this time, the phone rang a special ringtone, and there was something confidential to convey to Long Fei.

Tao Xiang immediately turned over and put her head on Long Fei's arm, her eyes looked away, not looking at any content on Long Fei's phone.

Tao Xiang never went to see this kind of thing, as long as Long Fei didn't tell her and didn't allow her to watch, Tao Xiang would never ask a word, nor would she go to see it.

Long Fei looked at the confidential report on the phone and said with a smile: "It seems that the results of the training are effective." After finishing speaking, he exited and returned to the interface.

Long Fei turned around and put one arm around Tao Xiang's small waist, and kissed Tiao Xiang's face.

"I hate it." Tao Xiang blushed shyly and stretched out her hand to slap Long Fei's hand.

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