Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 204: many unexpected things happened

The two colonels Zucker and Anger used a special wire network to communicate.

The two really didn't understand how the Tianyi mercenary group sneaked in here, how the diamond-shaped protective cover suddenly collapsed, and if the facility base was sneaked in, how did the Tianyi mercenary group sneak in.

Just now, they were attacked violently by a group of Gundams, and suddenly those Gundams retreated without warning.

The two colonels could not discuss a result, and more importantly, they have not been able to contact the command until now.

The facility base is severely damaged, which will affect the logistics needed by the front-line combat troops.

Otherwise, the subordinates of the two colonels shouted at the same time: "Sir, it's not good, then the powerful beam cannon hits again, and the target is still the facility base."

"Damn it!" x2

After the two had just cursed, it was the base that burst out with a series of strong lights.

"This is..." x2

The two colonels exclaimed, feeling an ominous premonition in their hearts. They knew exactly what was going on with the violent glare just now.

Then the facility base exploded violently one after another, and the powerful nuclear explosion directly engulfed the entire surrounding area, including the fleets of the two countries.

Colonel Ai Sisi had already ordered his subordinates to take pictures of the entire nuclear explosion process.

Then, upload all the previous shooting and videos to the mother base.

After receiving the photos and videos, Commander-in-Chief Li Jiaming immediately passed them on to Yao Zhongying, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Allied Forces.

Yao Zhongying, who was paying attention to the three battles at the moment, received photos and videos from the Tianyi Mercenary Group from his subordinates, and Yao Zhongying immediately asked his subordinates to investigate and verify whether it was true.

Yao Zhongying continued to look at the three-dimensional images of the three battles. Yao Zhongying frowned. The battlefield was currently a battle between the Imperial Allied Forces and the Democratic Allied Forces.

Although the fleet of the Tianyi Mercenary Group came to the battlefield, they were in a state of watching from the other side.

Yao Zhongying really didn't understand what kind of medicine the Tianyi Mercenary Group was selling in the gourd?

In logistics base No. 3, after the victory of the Tianyi mercenary fleet, nearly half of the fleet headed straight to the rear of the front fortress of the Republic of Solani.

The other Tianyi mercenary fleet, which was heading straight for the front-line fortress of the Solani Republic, suddenly stood still, forming a confrontation with the fortress' fleet.

"Could it be that they want to attack from both sides? It's too risky. Although their fleet is borrowing the territory of other kingdoms, the fleet that just won, even if they want to attack, their rear will be surrounded by other democratic alliances." Let the army attack."

Yao Zhongying rubbed her chin and thought about it, and suddenly remembered the photos and videos just now, and the location of the original materials. After Yao Zhongying recalled, the whole person suddenly realized.

"It turns out that they have another army that sneaked into another part of the target. If this is the case, the fleet that won the previous victory invaded the rear of the target's fortress. They only need this army to protect their rear, so there is no need to worry about it. ah."

At this time, the three-dimensional three-dimensional map of the border battle of the kingdom of Zoek changed.

A regiment-sized Tianyi mercenary fleet appeared at the rear of the Democratic Alliance fleet at some point, and the warships in the rear were attacked by the Tianyi mercenary group.

The two brigade-level Tianyi mercenary fleets that were originally on the sidelines began to move.

Yao Zhongying really didn't understand how the Tianyi mercenary group sneaked a fleet to the rear of the Democratic Alliance Army.

However, in any case, on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Zoek, the number of the Democratic Alliance Army is greater than that of the Imperial Alliance Army. The two sides are similar in quality, but in terms of quantity, the Democratic Alliance Army is more than the Imperial Alliance Army.

Originally, the Imperial Allied Forces were about to show signs of defeat. Yao Zhongying was a little annoyed at first, and wanted to protest to the Tianyi Mercenary Group, begging them to help quickly.

At this moment, looking at the battlefield on the border of the Kingdom of Zoek, the situation on both sides has begun to change.

The Democratic Alliance Army is now in chaos. Although the rear battleships are protected by MS troops, they cannot withstand the attacks of Jiegang, Taurus, Birgo, Gundam and mass-produced Gundam.

Although the ms troops fighting on the front line wanted to call back the rescue battleship group at this moment, they were entangled by the imperial allied forces at this moment.

The morale of the mobile suit drivers of the Imperial Allied Forces was soaring at this moment, but they did not expect the situation to be reversed.

At this time, Yao Zhongying received another report from his subordinates.

After being occupied by the Tianyi mercenary group, several bases around the colonial satellites in the country of Mecca, which was handed over to the Kingdom of Zoek, were destroyed by the Tianyi mercenary group.

Moreover, it even intercepted and wiped out the support troops going to the border battlefield of Zoek Kingdom.

Yao Zhongying thought: "There are so many unexpected things."

"What's the matter with the Tianyi mercenary group? Their actions are all strategic moves. If they are not careful or their actions fail, they will fall into a situation beyond redemption."

"The commander who planned these operations is crazy."

Immediately afterwards, another report came from the subordinates.

When Yao Zhongying saw it, his eyes almost popped out.

The front-line fortress of the Republic of Solani was directly pierced by a mobile suit mothership, and the diamond-shaped protective cover protecting the front-line fortress could not resist the main gun at all.

"This...isn't it true? That's a protective shield that can't be broken even if more than a dozen nuclear bombs hit it at the same time."

However, looking at the uploaded video, this is still a live broadcast by battlefield reporters.

It looks like the mother of the Agama MS but has ejection plates. There are 3 pieces in the upper part of the hull right in front of the hull, and 5 pieces in each of the left and right sides of the lower part. There is a large-scale high-energy mega-particle cannon installed directly below the central ejection plate. , a monster-level main gun with a total length of 50 meters and a caliber of 18 meters.

Looking at the monster-level main gun, one shot directly penetrated the diamond-shaped protective cover, and then directly penetrated the fortress satellite, showing a huge hole from the front to the rear.

Yao Zhongying sat slumped on a chair with a diamond-shaped protective cover, which was the most troublesome weapon in the imperial army, and none of the weapons of all imperial countries could penetrate it.

But what appeared in front of him today was a private mercenary group, a mobile suit mothership that looked like they had newly developed, and the huge monster-level main gun directly pierced through it.

Then, looking at the next report, Yao Zhongying went to the Tianyi Mercenary Fleet behind the fortress, and suddenly changed its course, directly attacking the Democratic Alliance Fleet that was about to attack their rear.

I don't know whether to follow the Tianyi mercenary fleet or continue towards the rear of the fortress.

Yao Zhongying immediately ordered the fleet of the Imperial Allied Forces to go to the fortress.

If the fortress can be taken down and repaired in a very short period of time, it can be operated.

Then the Imperial Allied Forces, which have been passive, can take the initiative in part of the battle.

Yao Zhongying estimated that this might be the strategy of the Tianyi Mercenary Group. As long as this fortress can be taken down, the Kingdom of Mikaang will be reduced, or there will be no more wars affecting them.

The Republic of Solani may become a frontline battlefield within the country.

"A lot of unexpected things happened today."

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