Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 198: Test the qualification evaluation of new humans

Song Guowei wrote the report to his superiors, but was summoned by his superiors soon after.

"Lieutenant Song, I've read your report, but I don't understand it. You said that the target you were chasing, every time it was about to hit the target's body, she cleverly dodged it." Major Hu Zha raised his tablet Said, the content of the tablet is the content of the report sent by Song Guowei.

"Major, I'm not lying. The truth is, and there are video recordings of the entire battle. If you don't believe me, you can watch the battle video, which can prove what I said."

"I also watched the recorded battle video, so I want to ask you, you are the person involved, what do you think? How does your goal dodge your attack? Tell me your opinion."

"This, my subordinates don't know either. The other party seems to have eyes behind their backs. Every time the subordinates lock, aim, and shoot, they are dodged by her. This makes the subordinates not know what's going on."

"Lieutenant Song, I want to ask you a question, have you heard of new humans?"

"New humans, never heard of it."

"The captives you and Warrant Officer Mai captured may be new humans."

"Sir, the subordinates don't understand what the new human beings are, so please explain to me, sir."

"Well, it's hard for me to tell you. What I know is what I heard in the discussions between the superiors. To put it simply, the new humans are the evolutionary species among us ordinary humans. Ability that humans do not have."

"Then the prisoner I captured together with Warrant Officer Mai is a new human being. Does she have any superpowers?"

"I don't know if it's superpowers or not. I've heard that new humans have a very keen sense of crisis, and they will respond quickly when they sense a crisis."

Song Weiguo lowered his head and thought, if it was true what the major said, then it would explain why the target he was aiming at could dodge the moment he was about to hit it.

Song Weiguo asked: "Excuse me, sir, what should I do with the captured female prisoner? Should I send her to the mother base?"

"I have already reported this matter to my superiors. The superiors have just issued an order that the female captives will be sent to the mother base for testing. You and Warrant Officer McCarthy will send the female captives to the mother base. Now you can go back to your room and have a good rest. Get ready, get ready to go."

"Yes, sir." Song Weiguo left the major's office after saluting the army.

Rebecca was handcuffed, and the two men behind her were the Jim 2 pilots who captured her.

Rebecca looked angrily at the two men behind her.

Warrant Officer Mai said disapprovingly: "Don't look at us with such eyes. If you want to blame, blame your country. Whoever told you that you are fine, you want to play our boss's idea."

"Hmph." Rebecca snorted coldly, looking ahead, the two men behind were murderers who killed countless of her colleagues, if she could, she really wanted to shoot them.

At this time, the three came to the hangar, and an airship was parked in front of them. Major Hu Zha talked with a lieutenant.

After the lieutenant and the major handed over their respective tablets to each other for signature, they returned the tablets to each other.

The lieutenant led Song Weiguo and the three onto the airship.

The airship sailed into another frigate.

The frigate arrived at the mother base two days later.

Rebecca was still handcuffed with both hands, and followed the lieutenant that day.

Looking at the equipment and weapons in the surrounding mother base, Rebecca felt a little emotional. If these equipment and weapons appeared in a country with an imperial system, a country with a democratic system would be in a very dangerous situation.

Rebecca is a supporter of the democratic system. In her mind, the system of one person, one vote is the most advanced and civilized system for mankind.

Long Fei, the boss of Tianyi Group, is a member of the imperial system. This kind of person must not be allowed to become an accomplice of the imperial system. Long Fei can only be attributed to the democratic system. Let him support human rights and democracy, otherwise let him become an accomplice of the imperial system. One member will be a disaster for mankind, Rebecca thought so in her heart.

Rebecca stopped suddenly, because she saw many Gundams lined up, each Gundam has a different style, and how extraordinary each Gundam is.

Mai directly reached out and pushed Rebecca who stopped in front of him, and said, "What are you looking at? Don't leave yet."

"Hmph." Rebecca reluctantly followed the lieutenant in front.

When they came to a place, they saw many mercenaries queuing up. There were many instruments at the front, and there were five seats in total.

The Tianyi mercenaries sitting on the tables and chairs wore special hoods, and then the tables and chairs would form sideways, and the mercenaries who were testing would be injected with hypnotic fluid by the staff.

The mercenary injected with hypnotic fluid seemed to be conducting a very strange test.

After the mercenary has finished the test, after waking up, a three-dimensional picture will pop up from the instrument next to the seat.

In addition to the photo of the three-dimensional picture test mercenary, there is also a comprehensive evaluation of the new human test results written on the picture.

Many people's test results are below D or this symbol -, the former means that the evaluation qualifications of new humans are low, and the latter means that they have no qualifications for new humans.

There will be such a test at the mother base, which was created by Long Fei himself. It belongs to catching ducks on the shelves. In the upcoming battle, Long Fei wants to know how many new human qualifications his mercenary group has. If he has good qualifications, Long Fei wanted to keep it and cultivate it.

In the three-day non-ace mercenary test, most of the comprehensive evaluations were below D or -, and there were no more than ten of them who reached the C comprehensive qualification.

The lieutenant asked Rebecca to line up.

Song Weiguo asked the lieutenant: "Can you arrange for me to have a test?"

Mai felt a little curious and interesting, and asked for a test as well.

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

Rebecca's hands were handcuffed, which attracted the attention of other mercenaries who were queuing up.

"Another captive is being tested on a new human."

"It's really strange. I heard that a total of 4 captives have been tested in the past three days, and the comprehensive aptitude of all new humans has reached evaluation C."

"It's really strange. On the contrary, in the past three days on our side, there have not been more than ten aptitude evaluation C with new humans."

"I heard that our boss and his wife Taoxiang are both new humans. The boss's evaluation has reached A+, and Taoxiang is an A."

"I heard that the qualification evaluation is below D, and the boss made some explanations, saying that it may be congenitally deficient, but it can be improved through acquired efforts."

Rebecca listened to the conversations of many mercenaries, and felt very strange when she heard the word "new human". She was sent here for a test. Could it be because the Tianyi mercenary group discovered that she had the ability of a new human? ?

Soon, a mercenary cheered excitedly, because the qualification evaluation of the new human being tested reached C.

Many colleagues congratulated him.

Then a staff member took the mercenary away from the field.

"I heard that apart from those captives, if our colleagues really have a C-level qualification evaluation, they will arrange some training. I heard that if the training is completed and the evaluation results are good, they will directly arrange to drive the Gundam."

"It is said that it may be arranged to drive a mass-produced Gundam."

"But no matter what, being able to pilot a Gundam is the dream body of all our mobile suit pilots of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps."

"If I can drive a Gundam, even if it is a mass-produced Gundam, I will die without regret."

Listening to the conversation of these mercenaries, Rebecca frowned and said to herself, "Are those who drive Gundams all so-called new humans?"

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