A space military base of the Republic of Solani, this space military base is one of the important logistics bases.

This space logistics military base is not only guarded by the Solani Republic Army (referred to as the Solan Army), but also guarded by the Anglo-Sa Democratic People's Republic of China Army (referred to as the Anglo Army).

This logistics military base is one of the important logistics bases of the Democratic Alliance Army. This base has many important logistics. For the sake of safety, the Ang Army supports and guards it, and the command power is also handed over to the Ang Army.

Colonel Tadow, commander of the Anglo Army, received reports from the front in his warship.

The content of the report is that the front-line Democratic Alliance Army was attacked by the fleet of the Tianyi Mercenary Group.

Command Colonel Taduo to be ready to evacuate logistics resources at any time. Once the frontline Democratic Alliance Army troops are defeated, all resources will be taken away as soon as possible.

After Colonel Tado gave the order, he was ready to wait for the report on the battle situation on the front line.

The female adjutant next to Colonel Taduo asked: "Sir, the battle report from the front line, the three fleets dispatched by the Tianyi mercenary group, inferred from the staff, the purpose is to break through the front line of defense and point the sword at our logistics base here. , Although the staff can infer the purpose of the Tianyi Mercenary Group, why didn't our Democratic Alliance Army destroy the outer sub-bases of the Tianyi Mercenary Group first?"

Colonel Taduo picked up the tablet in front of him, popped up a three-dimensional map, pointed to one of them and said: "This colonial satellite is the most noble colonial satellite at the forefront of the Han Xia Empire, and it is also the only access to those countries with dictatorships. The Imperial Allied Forces have to rely on this route to enter the Kingdom of Mikaang and other countries for support. If our Democratic Allied Forces can destroy this route, then our Democratic Allied Forces can form an encirclement circle to surround these small countries, and then Besieging the home base of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps, but the Imperial Alliance Army also knows that this is the only route they can support, and there must be a large army guarding it, and it will not be easy for our Democratic Alliance Army to destroy it."

Then, Colonel Tado pointed to other locations and said: "Look at our encirclement again, because this route cannot form an encirclement circle, and then you look at the entire distribution of the colonial power map in District 6, many democratic systems and other dictatorships They are all scattered. It is possible that a country with a certain system is surrounded by other countries with different systems. The other sub-bases of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps are all in countries with non-democratic camps. These peripheral sub-bases are not afraid of the attack of the Democratic Alliance Army, because once we If they go to these countries, the Imperial Allied Forces will intercept them."

After hearing this, the adjutant thought of a question and asked: "Then our Democratic Alliance Army came to the encirclement through these scattered democracies of the same camp. Our Democratic Alliance Army came from different places. Didn't we encounter the Imperial Alliance Army?" ?"

Colonel Taduo replied: "Actually, there is an unwritten rule between our two allied forces. Both sides will sail different routes. Once encountered, they will temporarily avoid it. After sailing to the destination, the war will officially start. .”

"I see."

"It's just that I didn't expect..." Colonel Taduo touched his chin and said, "Before our two allied forces started fighting, the Tianyi Mercenary Group would strike first."

Suddenly the battleship issued a red alert.

"Sir, the base is under an unknown attack." The signal soldier informed Colonel Tado of the report.

"Where did the attack come from?"

"I don't know. According to the report from the base, the attack seems to be fabricated out of nothing?"


"Sir, look!" The adjutant pointed to the bow of the battleship next to him.

Colonel Tado looked along his finger, and the bow of the frigate next to him exploded into a ball of fireworks.


Colonel Taduo looked forward, a blue mobile suit at the window of the bow raised his left hand and waved his left hand, and the 3 claws on the left hand directly destroyed the bow of the ship.

Colonel Tado hung up before he could speak.

After killing the target with n dagger n, start the mirage system to hide and look for the next target.

The Tado Fleet, which was in charge of stationing the logistics base, panicked after the commander was killed.

Although some battleship captains remained calm, they immediately dispatched ms to attack.

But most of the warships were blasted one after another.

The base was attacked by several daggers and jet-black Thunder Gundams, and the commander of the base was also killed in this attack.

Numerous logistical resources were destroyed.

Although the logistics base and Colonel Tado's fleet sent out signals of an attack, these signals were blocked by jammers and could not be transmitted.

The ms troop sent by the fleet couldn't lock the n dagger n with the mirage system at all.

N dagger n either hid in the battleship that lost its bow and was unable to act as a cover to take the opportunity to shoot coldly, or came silently behind the target in a stealth state, and stabbed through the cockpit of the target.

All of a sudden, the mobile suit drivers of the Ang army panicked, and some mobile suits formed a group back to back to cover each other.

But this can't protect their safety. There is often a saying on the battlefield that if you can't see the enemy, you can't even try to hit the enemy.

With a mirage system n dagger n stealth, and then put a cold gun in a certain place, after killing a target with one shot, immediately transfer the location.

There were several mobile phones back to back, and the remaining drivers were too frightened to calm down, and some of them abandoned their companions and fled the scene.

The ms who fled the scene may end up being killed by a n dagger n waiting on the sidelines.

In the logistics base, in addition to a lot of destroyed logistics resources, there are also a lot of destroyed mobile phones, and there are also a lot of mutilated corpses attacked by CIWS.

After nearly 20 minutes of massacre both inside and outside the base, the jet-black Thunder Gundam, Thunder Gundam, and 10 daggers left the logistics base.

The three Tianyi mercenary fleets fighting on the front line all withdrew from the battlefield after receiving the secret report.

After watching the withdrawal of the mighty Tianyi mercenary fleet, all the Democratic Alliance cheered endlessly, and the invincible Tianyi mercenary group, which was rumored to be invincible by the outside world, was beaten away.

The accompanying media reporters even reported this matter wantonly. Many media reporters reported that this battle was not only the first victory of the Democratic Alliance Army, but also let the world know that the Tianyi Mercenary Group is not invincible.

Moreover, many reporters also commented that the Tianyi Mercenary Group was actually exaggerated by the outside world, and that it was a private armed organization whose name was greater than its reality.

Originally, this news spread throughout the Democratic Alliance Army to boost morale, and then the slap in the face quickly spread to media reporters from the Democratic Alliance Army and the democratic camp.

An important logistics base of the Suo army, how could the An army fleet be in charge of stationing it, and the base and fleet were destroyed unsightly.

And this news spread throughout the international media of the Allied Imperial Army and the non-democratic camp.

Soon, the Democratic Allied Forces also confirmed that this was true, and only then did the top management of the Democratic Allied Army know that the three Tianyi mercenary fleets that were repelled were actually aimed at attracting firepower.

Let all the frontline fleets of the logistics base concentrate their firepower to deal with the three Tianyi mercenary fleets, and then the Tianyi mercenary group will send a special force to destroy the logistics base and the fleet stationed there.

It was only then that the senior leaders of the Democratic Alliance Army realized that they had not defeated the Tianyi Mercenary Corps at all, and the retreat of the three fleets was only a tactical retreat after their goals had been achieved.

Only then did I understand that the Democratic Alliance Army was tricked by the Tianyi mercenary group and fell into the tactics of attacking east and west.

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