There were nine refugee ships rescued by Long Fei, and under Long Fei's notice, they went to the first brigade fleet under the command of Ai Sisi.

Isis arranges the confiscated pirate ships, and uses some of the pirate ships as spaceships for the people of Suluman's No. 3 colonial satellite.

The other part is used as the prison ship for all the pirates. The pirate spaceships destroy all the navigation equipment, let these spaceships stay in place, and notify the Suluman Kingdom to come and take them into custody.

After the pirate leaders revealed their foreign accounts or hidden treasures, they were all sent to the ship where they were held.

The mobile phones of the pirate group and the mobile phones used for engineering modification were destroyed, and the mobile phones such as assault dagger mobile phones and combat mobile phones were confiscated, and then used for second-hand sales.

Colonel Isis commanded the first brigade fleet, went to the No. 2 colonial satellite of the Suluman Kingdom, and handed over the people of the No. 3 colonial satellite to the relevant departments.

Then, the first brigade fleet returned to the mother base in these nine subjugated refugee fleets.

In the meteorite group around the mother base, many meteorites are going to be transformed into factories or farms. Although the MD system can save a lot of labor, it still needs manual execution in terms of details.

And at this stage there is a lack of manpower.

If you are hiring refugees from other countries, although the salary will be lower than that of local employees, there are still many procedures to hire, such as applying for work permits, insurance for foreign workers, meals for foreign workers, etc. , For hiring local laborers, these procedures are very troublesome and complicated.

Moreover, these refugees are still valued by international law or those so-called human rights organizations. Once they are harmed, not only the former will deal with the relevant companies, but the latter will even condemn the relevant companies and bite them on the Internet. If they are criticized freely, they will be held accountable and compensated by the relevant international laws of the refugee country.

But if you are a refugee whose country is subjugated, then the above problems will not be so much trouble. Even if you are attacked by human rights organizations, even on the Internet, relevant companies can hire some Internet writers at high prices to fight back against human rights organizations.

Refugees from a subjugated country are the cheapest labor for capitalists. Even if they are overworked to death, there is no problem. To capitalists, refugees from a subjugated country are life worse than ants.

After receiving Long Fei's notice, Li Jiaming immediately put aside the modification of the meteorite for modification.

On the other side, Long Xuan contacted the elder sister Solanum nigrum and the third sister Long Wen to meet the younger brother.

Long Fei also made a video call with the eldest sister and the third sister.

Solanum nigrum looked at his younger brother whom he had not seen for several years, the childishness on his face was gone, and there was maturity and vicissitudes on his face.

Solanum nigrum and Long Wen had a conversation with Long Fei, knowing that his younger brother would not be able to return to China for the past two years.

Long Fei introduced Tao Xiang to the eldest sister and the third sister. The eldest sister and the third sister also liked Tao Xiang very much, and they already regarded Tao Xiang as their future sister-in-law.

Under the arrangement of Long Fei, Anjelica conducted the test. Angelica's psychopath was rated as B, her space perception was rated as A, and she was strong or weak in other aspects. She performed the ms test and trained for a few days. grades.

Because of Alonso's sister's hesitation, Long Fei did not conduct the new human ability test for him for the time being.

In about 5 days, the first brigade fleet returned to the mother base, and 9 refugee ships were temporarily arranged to restructure the meteorite for a short-term settlement.

Long Fei brought his second sister, Xu Jingyun and Shu Qianxue off the ship.

Long Xuan teased a little: "Brother, I thought that when you came back, your troops would set up their formations and welcome you back in a big formation."

Long Fei rolled his eyes at Second Sister and said, "I'm not that boring."

Long Xuan looked at the ports, factories, etc. of the mother base, and found that there are many automated equipment here.

Xu Jingyun and Shu Qianxue also discovered the advanced technology here.

Shu Qianxue found that the mercenary operations here are much more efficient than their own soldiers, and their equipment is at least 20 years more advanced than their own.

Although the country has begun to gradually upgrade, but now the whole has been updated, and it is still about ten years behind the equipment of the Tianyi Mercenary Group.

Shu Qianxue said heartily: "The old man of the Long family really misunderstood. It would be great if Long Fei could stay in the country. These warships, ms, and individual equipment are all standard equipment of the national army. Our country can not only defeat Russia and the Soviet Union The Republic of Egypt and the United States will have no problem in unifying the entire globe."

Seeing Wing Gundam pointing, Xu Jingyun said, "Isn't this Gundam the one that destroyed a fleet of the U.S. Lightning Kingdom with one shot?"

"Yes, this Gundam is called Flying Wing."

Long Xuan asked his younger brother: "Xiao Fei, have you always lived here?"

"Yes, I live here."

"Then those meteorites around your mother base are dormitories?"

"In addition to dormitories, there are also factories and environmental leisure places."

"Environmental leisure place? What came from?"

Long Xuan had some question marks on his head, as did Xu Jingyun and Shu Qianxue.

"Well, let me show you."

Long Fei arranged for an airship to bring his second sister, Xu Jingyun and Shu Qianxue to a modified meteorite, [Grassland Star].

Long Xuan, Xu Jingyun and Shu Qianxue visited Grassland Star and were a little dumbfounded. The meteorite was transformed into a lush grassland and several clear rivers.

There are people responsible for grazing on the grassland, including goats, sheep, horned deer, cattle, buffaloes, ostriches, domestic pigs, etc., a bunch of common poultry.

And under Long Fei's introduction, the environment here can be like the earth, it can rain, the environment of high sun and scorching sun can be controlled.

Then go to [Village Star], the environment inside the meteorite is like a mountain forest village, which makes people feel like they are in a rural area, enjoying the tranquility of the countryside, watching the locals raise chickens, ducks, geese and plow the fields.

This is a modified meteorite that can also go to the environment of mountains, forests and waters or the ocean.

"I'm going, I feel like I've come to a garden world." Long Xuan looked at the area in the garden, looking at the colorful butterflies and countless bright flowers.

This modified meteorite is called [Garden Star]. There are also many local female mercenaries or some employees who come here to relax when they are resting.

Long Fei took the three women to different modified meteorites, introduced the local environment, and also took them to see the meteorites where the employees lived.

Long Fei even took the three girls to some factories to transform meteorites.

Shu Qianxue looked at the factories producing different materials and utensils, and said: "Not only food, water, air, etc. can be produced, but also metal, machinery, textiles, etc. manufacturing factories, the mother base is matched with the surrounding modified meteorite group , is almost equal to the size of a country, I am afraid that some small countries do not have as many kinds of industries as you."

Long Fei glanced at Shu Qianxue, and continued to introduce without saying a word.

What did Long Xuan think of at this time, and asked Long Fei: "Xiao Fei still had some meteorites before, you didn't take us there, did you not complete the transformation yet?"

"Well, it's true that the transformation has not been completed, mainly because of lack of manpower. We have shelved it. Now that we have so many refugees who have lost their country, those meteorites that have been shelved for transformation can continue to be transformed. After the transformation is completed, they will have work to do. This is what they can do. The price of staying."

After hearing this, Long Xuan frowned and said to his younger brother: "Xiao Fei, these exiled refugees are already very pitiful. I hope you don't exploit them too much, and I hope you can treat them better."

"Second sister, don't worry about this. No matter what I say, there are still some bottom lines. I still can't do things that are too exploitative."

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