Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 106: You scum can never forgive

Holding flowers in his hands, Long Fei came to the morgue with a heavy heart and heavy steps.

Long Fei came to this country for the first time, made two friends and met their family members, and had a happy party.

I didn't expect such a frenzied thing to happen when I decided to come to the Rhinemann Emirates for the second time.

When Long Fei was at the port, he searched for Bi Zhuo, Zhe Lin and their family members, but they couldn't find them, not even their neighbors.

Long Fei searched for a long time, but couldn't find them.

When Long Fei finally decided to check the list of the dead, he kept thinking about Bi Zhuo and Zhe Lin in his heart, hoping that they and their family members would not appear in the list of the dead.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

In the list of the dead, Long Fei saw the names of Bi Zhuo and Zhe Lin, including their family members, all of which were on the list of the dead.

Looking at the list, Long Fei shed tears. He never expected that he made two friends from afar, and when they met again, they would meet in this way.

Long Fei entered the morgue of Bi Zhuo and Zhe Lin's family.

Someone from the morgue came earlier than Long Fei.

Taoxiang knelt beside the dead body of a little girl, Pijo's daughter Kabaya, and wept with her hands over her mouth.

Tao Xiang didn't expect that an innocent and lovely little girl who drew pictures for her would suffer such a catastrophe.

Kabaya has now become a cold corpse.

Long Fei placed each flower next to the members of Bi Zhuo and Zhe Lin. Long Fei stood in front of the bodies of the two families and silently mourned.

Long Fei clenched his fists and shed tears for the two friends and their families.

Soon, in the morgue where Long Fei and Tao Xiang were, some staff brought a family member or relative of a certain deceased to claim the body.

The staff said to Tao Xiang, who was kneeling on the ground and crying: "Ma'am, I'm sorry, please let the relatives of the deceased claim the body."

Tao Xiang wept sadly for a long time, which made her physically and mentally exhausted. She stood up, but she fell to the side because of unsteady standing.

Long Fei immediately hugged Tao Xiang, which prevented Tao Xiang from falling down.

Tao Xiang looked at Long Fei holding her.

Long Fei looked at Tao Hua's red and swollen eyes from crying, and felt Tao Xiang's delicate body trembling with his hands.

Just as Long Fei was about to let go of Tao Xiang, Tao Xiang suddenly hugged Long Fei tightly, resting her head on Long Fei's shoulder, and began to cry again.

Long Fei could only reach out and pat Tao Xiang's back.

The staff looked at it, and just shook his head. After working for so many years, he was used to seeing such a situation.

The tragedy that happened in the country a few days ago caused countless corpses to be placed in the morgue, and when family members or relatives of the deceased came to claim them from time to time, they made such incomparable wailing sounds.

After the relatives of the deceased claimed the remains, the staff wrapped the remains and put them on the trolley, and then took the relatives of the deceased to the incinerator for cremation.

If no one comes to claim the body within seven days in the morgue, cremation will be carried out directly.

At the morgue, someone will come to claim the remains every once in a while, and after completing the formalities, they will be cremated in the incinerator.

Li Xiucheng came to the morgue, and after inquiring, came to the morgue where Long Fei was. When entering the morgue, he saw Tao Xiang hugging Long Fei, crying on Long Fei's shoulder.

Li Xiucheng immediately exited the morgue.

Li Xiucheng was leaning against the wall. Two days ago, watching the hellish scene caused a great shock to Li Xiucheng's heart.

He has been a soldier of the country and has also been on the battlefield. He never thought that a country could do such a crazy thing, poisoning the people of another country with poisonous gas. There is no national hatred and family hatred at all, but the offending country can do such a perverted act.

When he got the inside information of the country, Li Xiucheng couldn't help but greeted the 18th generation of the ancestors of the gold masters behind the government of the country with foul language.

The country’s behind-the-scenes funders, those capitalists, even encouraged the country’s government to use their secret service organizations to poison the Rhinemann Emirate. The purpose was to pretend to send rescue troops, but in fact they hijacked the country’s chief and then controlled the country’s crops exit.

Those capitalists can buy all the export crops of the Rhinemann Emirate at a low price, and then sell the crops at a high price.

Lin Xiucheng thought of the author of a book he read back then. The author commented on capitalists.

Then with 100% interest, capitalists will take risks.

200% interest, capitalists will flout the law.

300% interest, capitalists will trample on everything.

Li Xiucheng can only say that these capitalists no longer have the bottom line of being a human being, they are just a bunch of pigs and dogs who have money and wear gorgeous clothes.

At this moment, Long Fei helped Tao Xiang, who was tired from crying, out of the morgue.

The two felt a little embarrassed when they saw Li Xiucheng.

Tao Xiang wanted to go alone, but she couldn't stand up because she was tired from crying.

Long Fei helped Tao Xiang to a chair, and let Tao Xiang sit on the chair to rest.

Long Fei looked at Li Xiucheng and asked, "Xiucheng, do you have something to report to me?"

Li Xiucheng walked up to Long Fei and said, "Old Fei, have you watched the press conference held by the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Yoda?"

"Not yet, did they say anything?"

Li Xiucheng took out his mobile phone, clicked on the press conference held by the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Yoda, and pushed the mobile phone in front of Long Fei and Tao Xiang.

The press conference held by the authorities of the Yoda Democratic Republic turned black and white and said that it was the fault of the Rhineman Emirates for harming the Rhinemann Emirates.

The reason is that the Rhineman Emirate refused to listen to persuasion and was unwilling to change the system into a democratic system. It was the only way to return power to the people. All the faults and the culprit were the Rhineman IV Chiefs of the Rhinemann Emirate.

Even many reporters at the press conference couldn't stand it, and refuted the government spokesperson face to face. Every country has its own national conditions and political systems, so how can it interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

As a result, the government spokesperson directly replied, we are not interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, we are trying to overthrow the tyranny and let the people persecuted by the tyranny enjoy human rights.

The government spokesman's reply made many reporters at the press conference dumbfounded.

Then some reporters accused the Yoda Democratic Republic of launching a poison gas incident and poisoning the people of the Rheinmann Emirate. How can such an anti-human thing be called a human right?

As a result, the government spokesperson said that because Chief Rhinemann IV refused to return the government to the people, he made such a bad policy. For hurting the people of the country, the government spokesperson said that on behalf of his own government, he bowed and apologized to the people of the country .

A reporter directly questioned the government spokesperson, can bowing and apologizing cancel the previous actions?

As a result, the government spokesperson directly refuted: "We have already bowed and apologized, what else do you want? Do you want us to shoot ourselves with a gun? How can there be such a reason? We have already apologized, let this matter pass." "

After the government spokesperson finished speaking, he ended the press conference directly, completely ignoring the reporters' questions and protests.

Tao Xiang watched and cried and cursed directly: "Beast, you are all beasts, you poisoned the people of other countries, can you just bow and apologize and write it off? Even if you die 100 times, 1000 times, it will not cancel your crimes. "

Long Fei was extremely angry, his clenched fists, the nails were sunk into the flesh, causing both fists to overflow with blood, the extreme anger made Long Fei's eyes turn red, his body trembled, and said He wrote: "Can't forgive, can't forgive, you scumbags can't forgive at all!"

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