Several GM-2 MS were above the poisonous gas haze, holding disinfection and purification spray guns, hoping to reduce the damage of the poisonous gas haze.

A GM-2 MS slowly landed on the ground. The driver looked at the corpses all over the ground from the screen. There were old people, young people, and children. Every corpse was foaming at the mouth and rolling its eyes.

The driver felt extremely heavy in his heart, and wept even more secretly, not understanding how there are such insane people in this world, even children.

Many staff members and their families at the port escaped to three frigates of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps.

The rescue team on the ground is fighting with the mysterious army at the moment.

At the moment in the Rhinemann Emirate, several air filtration plants in the colonial satellite have erupted in toxic gas haze, and panic broke out in the surrounding urban areas.

Many people hiding at home hurriedly took out tapes to stick the cracks in the doors and windows to prevent the poisonous fog from getting in.

However, a group of organizations wearing anti-virus suits and armed with firepower appeared out of nowhere, either throwing grenades at the windows of the residential area, or throwing stones or shooting through the windows, allowing the poisonous fog to penetrate into the house.

In the house under attack, there were wailing and cries for help before death, and in some houses under attack, the people in the house held towels in their hands and stuck them to their mouths and noses, rushing out of the house to find a safe place to hide.

But the militants outside took the opportunity to shoot and kill those who escaped from the house.

Relevant departments of the Rheinmann Emirates were attacked by these armed groups during the rescue, which severely hindered the rescue.

Long Fei's fleet, after receiving the report from Colonel Chris, rushed over to rescue them with all their strength.

At this moment, the national defense soldiers of the Rhineman Emirates also hurried back to the colonial satellite to rescue their compatriots.

A GM 2 MS was attacked by rockets.

"Damn it, the left shoulder was shot, the left shoulder was shot!" The pilot told about the damage to the body, and saw the armed groups firing rockets at him on the screen.

The GM 2 ms is currently equipped with only a disinfection and purification spray gun except for the beam saber and the 60mm cannon on the head.

The GM 2 ms driver can only counterattack with the 60mm machine gun on his head. Although the target on the ground is killed, there are other militants on the ground, just like mice, who can drill out from different places and use counterattack ms rocket launcher to attack.

The driver of the GM-2 MS had no choice but to turn on the thrusters, flew into the air to avoid the attack, and immediately called the ground troops for support.

But when it flew into the air, an anti-ms rocket launcher hit the propeller, and the GM-2 ms lost its balance and fell directly to the ground.

When the driver wanted Ms to stand up, the left leg joint was hit by an anti-ms rocket, and Ms could only lie down on the ground.

The driver had no choice but to immediately take out a briefcase from the cockpit, a submachine gun, a pistol, several magazines, a dagger, and two doses of therapeutic gel.

When he opened the cockpit and ran out, he was shot.

Fortunately, the ms driver was wearing a military armored combat uniform, which has the function of resisting live ammunition, so he was not killed by the enemy.

The driver immediately turned on the stealth function and fled the scene.

"Damn, invisible."

"It's a pity that the effective distance of the thermal function of our gas mask is very short, and it is impossible to know where he fled to."

A few militants in gas suits were hiding in the bunker and talking.

The driver hid in a back alley at this moment, and the entire urban area was shrouded in a haze of poison.

Looking at the back alley where he was, he saw many poisoned corpses. Fortunately, the helmet of his armed combat armor had a filter function, which prevented him from being poisoned to death.

The driver immediately used the communicator to contact his colleagues.

"Help, help, I'm Sergeant Rael, I'm Sergeant Rael, my ms has been shot down, I need rescue."

At this moment, a blind tone came from the communicator.

"Damn it, it seems that there are communication jammers nearby, and I can't contact them. How come so many militants from the Rhinemann Emirate came to this country? Did the corrupt elements in their country take bribes to let these people come in, or did they check the checkpoints very quickly?" It’s so bad that these militants can take advantage of it.” Rael grumbled and complained.

Leyle looked around and could only think of a way to solve the current difficulties.

The stealth function of the Armored Armor has a limited time, and it can only temporarily release the stealth. Leier can only walk out of the back alley step by step.

Looking at the many corpses and damaged buildings at the scene, Rael can only describe the environment at the moment as appalling.

Rael turned on the radio function of the Armored Battlesuit to check if there was any movement nearby.

He found movement at 10 o'clock, and used the vehicle as a cover to move forward. When he was less than 50 meters away from the target, he hid under a truck and heard the conversation by using the radio function.

From the sound of footsteps and speech, there are three people in total. Using the translator function of the helmet, Leyle learned the content of the conversation between the three.

Leyle recorded the conversation between the three and turned on the recording function of the helmet.

Under the radio function, it was found that one of them was going in another direction, and Leyle turned on the stealth function to track the target.

The target entered a lightly damaged house, Leyle followed the target cautiously, killed the target when he was not paying attention, and put the body in the closet.

Then, he walked to the other two target positions.

The two targets didn't know that their companion had been killed, and they were still chatting.

Leyle picked up a stone on the ground and smashed it at another piece of glass. The sound of the broken glass startled the two chatterers, and immediately aimed their guns in the direction of the sound.

Holding the dagger in his right hand, Leier rushed to the target on the left, cut his throat and killed the target, and then quickly knocked out the target on the right who didn't notice that his companion was killed.

Leyle hid the corpse first, then removed the communication device from the unconscious target and carried it on his shoulders. He looked around and found a hardware store. He jumped directly onto the destroyed second-floor window and got in. After checking the environment in the shop, I found that there was no one in the shop. It is estimated that the shop owner did not open the shop today, so there was no one in the shop.

Then put the target in the storage room, and found some tools in the store.

Afterwards, put the target on a chair and tie it up, tape the cracks of the door to prevent the poisonous fog from getting in, and then do simple soundproofing.

After taking off the target's gas mask, it turned out to be a woman.

Rael first taped the woman's mouth, and then woke the woman up.

"Miss Agent, I hope you can answer whatever I ask, and cooperate well, so that you will suffer less flesh and blood, otherwise you will understand."

The woman looked at the warrior in the covered armor, deliberately pretending to be stupid, expressing that she didn't know what the other party was talking about.

Leyle was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly played the previously recorded conversation to the woman.

The woman looked at Rael in shock.

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, what I ask you answer."

The woman was very stubborn at first, and refused to answer Leier's question in disapproval. Leier didn't talk nonsense, and directly smashed the woman's left knee with a hammer.

The woman whose mouth was stuck with tape could only whine in pain.

In the first 15 minutes, when Leier tortured her, the women were very stubborn and did not answer.

After Leier tortured the woman in different ways, about 20 minutes later, the woman couldn't stand the torture and told what she knew.

Leyle recorded everything the woman said, until the woman had no information to get out, and Leyle killed the woman with a knife.

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