The zombies kept increasing and their path was not so clear now. Yue could not even a see ahead with the hundreds of zombies crowding in front of them.

The car won't be able to run them over with ease or even shoot them off the way.

"Bullets are not going to do," Tian mumbled, glancing at him. "Take the wheel," 

All of a sudden she scooted over to his seat.

"Whoa wait," Yue hurriedly climbed over her into the driver's seat, taking control of the car. "What are you going to do?"

He watched his sister half stand up and pulled something on the ceiling of the car. A sunroof opened up to his surprise.

"We had that!" Hary shouted from behind in shock. "Why didn't you tell me so?! I was literally having a shoulder ache from sitting and shooting," he poked her legs. 

"It was right here, anyone with eyes could have seen." Tian kicked his hands off and climbed out. "Hary, use your liquid metal on our hood,"

"Got it."

Hary's silvery metal rolled out of the car window onto the hood, covering it with a silvery coating.

She held her hands out and uncontrollable red flames gushed out, burning everything in sight. The zombies were clawing and crawling their way up the hood growled loudly reaching out towards Tian's outstretched hand.

The instant they caught on fire, their bodies started to disintegrate. Many zombies just flopped down, unmoving while some did not get affected at all.

These unaffected ones were easily shot down by Hary.

Tian climbed back into the car, arranging her messy braids. "That was not enough.."

She burned off a street full of those things, yet still a lot could be seen running towards them at high speed. "Is there any way out of this?"

"They are attracted to the sound. We can't make our car soundless, can we...." Yue mumbled softly. As far as he could see, the zombies were crawling out from many nearby streets and alleyways towards them.

"No wonder the first team got wiped out," Hary whispered, tightly clutching the gun. "Tian, how many blasts of flame can you manage?"

"A few.... only a few per day and I have a rest tie of twenty minutes. How much bullets do we have?"

"Not enough to make a round trip back," Hary whispered, shooting vigorously.

"Shit..." Tian raked a hand through her glossy straight hair.

"I have an idea," Yue glanced out keenly at the streets.


"It's risky, but it will work for certain. Tian, take the wheels," he hurriedly whispered. 

Tian swiftly scooted back to her seat. "What is your plan?"

"Just trust me and don't stop me, yes?"

"oh-kay..." she looked at him up and down. "You are not putting yourself at risk, right?"

"Nope... yep... but I can do this," he leaned close and started to honk the horn loudly.

"Yue! What the hell?!"

"Trust me on this... just a little more..." he kept honking and honking and honking.

A few thousand of zombies crawled out of all the streets nearby, running towards them.

"Oh shit... Hary, take the wheel. I will fry them," Tian readily got up.

"Don't. Drive two hundred meters and take a hard left." Yue whispered, looking out.

"Left? There is no left turn!!!" there was only a cafe at the spot he was telling her to turn. "What is your plan?"

"Drive into that shop!"

"Oh, hell..." Tian took a sharp left and drove onto the glass display. The glass shattered. She drove a bit slowly since there was only a wall up front. "What now?" she glanced to her right, but her brother was nowhere to be seen. "Yue?"

"I'm out here," Yue waved from the hood.

"Yue! Get back in here!"

"Just drive fast!" Yue stabbed a dagger into the hood, keeping him in place. "I'm going to kick that wall down. When I give you the cue, just drive without looking back,"

Tian gritted her teeth. His plan was so, so, so risky. "Hary, cover his ass!"

"On it," Hary climbed out through the skylight and started shooting any zombies that came close to Yue.

Tian put her hope on her brother and drove into the wall.

Just as they approached it, Yue laid down on the hood tightly gripping the dagger he stabbed into the hood. He kicked it with all of his might. The brick wall shuddered and huge cracks appeared.

'That was not enough!' Yue gritted his teeth and kicked it once again.

The wall gave way and his foot went through. 

"Not strong enough!" he climbed down and simply punched the wall. The cracks shuddered, and the wall crumbled down.

"Get on!!"

Yue climbed onto the hood and onto the roof of the car. Hary held his waist and dragged him in through the sunroof and closed it.

Tian did not even wait a moment. She simply drove the car through the small opening and into the parallel street.

The zombies from this street were already attracted by their loud honks and moved there, so most of the street was empty.

"That was a shitty move!" Tian screamed, glaring at him. "Yue, you can't risk yourself like that! I promised your parents to bring you back in one piece! God darn it!" she slammed the wheel.

Yue flinched back slightly. "I-It was not that risky...."

"Not risky? Hary tells him how many zombies were running towards him?"

Hary silently glanced at Yue. "A dozen and you were so focused on breaking the wall that left your back vulnerable,"

"But you were watching it!"

"Yes, but you can't just execute a plan without telling us. I almost ran out of bullets. Yue! If you had informed prior, we could have been a little prepared. Don't ever throw a surprise plan at us," he patted his shoulders.

Yue nodded with a thoughtful look. "Sorry, I was just in the heat of the moment... I didn't realise I put you both at risk."

Tian glanced at him, gritting her teeth. "Next time I am definitely whooping your ass, got that?"

"Got it," Yue smiled cutely and held her hand. "Don't be angry...Tian~ I love you~"

Tian just blinked, restraining her uncontrollable rage. "Love you, love you," she grumpily replied back.

"Aw, I love you so much more,"

Hary groaned loudly from behind. "Enough both of you, it's too cute for my heart to handle!"

"Say that again and I will throw you out," Tian threw an empty bullet magazine at him. "Reload, both of you,"

Yue and Hary silently reloaded the guns.

The zombies soon started to crowd them once again. This time, Tian understood how to avoid them. Instead of running into shops with brick walls, she simply drove into underground level parking lots.

When the zombies followed them in, she simply drove out the other way. Yue got down and blocked the entrance with random car piled up high.

"This will stop them for a while,"

"Not for long," Hary opened the door for him.

Yue hopped in and they drove closer to the hospital. The hospital Qian worked in was the most prestigious research centre and general hospital in the whole city. It had three compounds all attached together through sky bridges.

Tian leaned down and glanced at the thirty floor building. "Any idea how we are going to find your friends?"

Yue shook his head with a frown. "First, we have to check the records and find where Fan is admitted and go check on him. Uncle Wen said that Qian was in his research centre. It might be in a different compound. We can go our separate ways and cover two paths,"

"The zombie population is well over thousands in each building," he lowered his binoculars. "We have to stick together."

"Hary is right, we have to stay together." She sternly said to him.

Reluctantly, Yue agreed.

"We are getting down in T-Minus five minutes.. get ready everyone,"

Yue unsheathed his sword in both hands. "Ready,"

Tian drove the car into a remote area in between two buildings.

As soon as the ignitions were off, everyone hopped off the car running in a mad rush into one of the buildings.

The one they chose was the left most corner building which had an ICU sign on it.

A few dozen zombies rushed towards them.

Yue charged head first, slashing everything in their way. His strength combined with his sword mastery made it so easy to do it.

Progressing further in, Yue made sure to seal every door they went through in case they might more zombies from the outside. This kind of caged them in, but since the buildings were connected, they could easily use the sky bridges to reach the other buildings and escape.

"We have to find Fan's room," he mumbled softly.

Hary looked back. "Won't he be in the ICU?"

"No, he was in a coma for almost a month now. They would have transferred him to a normal ward, or at least a monitored ward. We just need to find his health records,"

Hary instantly shot down a few zombies behind the reception. He hopped over the counter and tapped on the computer. "It's not working..."

"Hospitals store paper records of every patient in their record room. See if you can find any signboards with directions,"

They ran around soundlessly, looking for clues. In one corner, he saw a signboard. "There,"

The corridor up front led to the record room, but there was no information regarding the research centre here.

"It must be in the adjacent building," Hary patted his back.

"Hmm... let's go,"

The trio slashed shot and burned their way through the blood-soaked hospital corridor.

All along the way Yue started to get a tense feeling that they might meet some zombies with abilities.

It was just his intuition... he could feel it.

"Tian, Hary, be careful. A zombie with ability might be close,"

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