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Chapter 82

Title: Uchiha Sasuke get!

"Tsunade, did you buy today's new volume?"

"Yes Grandma, here are ten."

Tsunade said then she put it all down on the floor, she picks one copy from the pile and gave it to her grandma Mito.

She was about to say something, but suddenly remembered two things.

"Grandma, the money for these ten books…"

Before Tsuna finished what she was going to say, Uzumaki Mito interrupt her and said: "Tsunade, I heard that Akabane organized a campaign to buy books and can get free posters."

Uzumaki Mito asked with a gentle smile on her face, and her voice is soft and calm, but the meaning in her words does not make Tsuna who heard her feel warm at all.

At least for now, Tsunade is as silent as winter.

After a while, she sat down, and instead of answering her, she asked instead. "By the way, Akabane is going to hold a Comic Exhibition so I'm going to help him. Can you help me, grandma?"

"Comic exhibition? What is it?"

Uzumaki Mito asked strangely since it's her first time hearing those terms that made her forget about her question earlier.

"Just…wait a minute, I think about how to describe it."

Tsunade pressed her chin and pondered, she tried remembering what Akabane explain for a moment, and then said in her own understanding.

"From what I understand, you can pretend to be the characters of the story, and then you can also sell comics related items you made in the Comic exhibition, such as statues, Fan made paintings, etc."

"So that's how it is, it sounds very interesting."

Uzumaki Mito said with a rare smile on her young face.

"Yes, grandma, do you want to support it!"

Tsunade immediately leaned forward with an eager smile.



Before Tsunade become happy with her reply, Uzumaki Mito then continued: "And since I will also participate. I will supervise the money"


Tsunade was shocked.

What is this?

Although her grandma agreed to support her, the money still did not come to her…

No, it is more than that!

In order to prevent Tsunade from gambling, her money is strictly controlled, and there is basically no extra change other than what she earns.

At this moment, she thought of the most terrible consequence, what if even the profits of the show were taken away by grandma?

"Ahh! It's a blunder! Why didn't I think of it when I invite grandma?"

Tsunade thought very regretfully.

What a terrible grandma, she is a smiling tiger.

"Tsunade, don't think too much, I'm just funding."

Uzumaki Mito faintly smiled said.

Since Little Tsunade grew up with her, and with his, Tsunade moved her fingers, Uzumaki Mito could guess what she was thinking.


Tsunade instantly got motivated again, and said excitedly, "Then I'm going to find someone. For the first time, I can't even play a role!"

"By the way, I will play the role of Haku."

Uzumaki Mito turned to the first page and directly decided the role she wanted to play.


Tsunade hesitated.

If Haku is a girl, Uzumaki Mito choosing Haku's character is not a problem, but the problem is that Haku is a man!

"What's the matter?"

Uzumaki Mito glanced at her, then turned her attention to the comic.

So cute!

She thought strangely.

"Grandma, you continue to read first."

Tsunade was a little embarrassed to say it.

Uzumaki Mito nodded, then she continued to read neither slow nor hurried she then the page.

This time she saw that sentence and understood what Tsunade meant.

"Grandma, do you understand now?"

"Didn't expect It is a male child, but…"

Uzumaki Mito's eyes shined, After that, her chakra fluctuated and instantly she turned into Haku wearing a dress: "Aren't the male child's settings more cute!"

Uzumaki Mito said excitedly, with a voice very different from her own, and with transformation Jutsu influence, it is impossible to distinguish between male and female from her voice alone.


Tsunade was stunned, she didn't expect grandma still has this hand, and how cute is this.

"Go find someone, don't bother me while reading comics."

"Haku" waved his hand. Although he was impatient, his expression and tone couldn't be impatient.

For a moment, Tsunade almost thought it was Haku himself.

Since reading comics, her grandma is living younger and younger.

Tsunade sighed, and she was secretly happy for her grandma.

With the vitality of the Uzumaki Clan, as long as you maintain a good figure, they will definitely live a long life.

"Grandma, then I will go first."

Tsunade bowed slightly and left.

Although the sixth volume has not yet been printed, but according to Izumi Yamano's efficiency, the manga can be sent to the village the day after tomorrow. But before that, she must gather important roles for the exhibition.

"With grandma being Haku…Next should be Jiraiya, that idiot is the most suitable for Naruto."

Tsunade thought to herself.

But when she was about to look for him, she suddenly thought of an important question.

Where will Jiraiya go after what happened in the previous chapter?

"With how depressed he is earlier, I really don't know where Jiraiya will go…"

Tsunade walked down the street and pondered.

However, when she was about to randomly choose where to go she spotted a white-haired kid.

Huh, is that?

"Sakumo waits a minute, I have something to say to you!"

Tsunade yelled.


Hatake Sakumo stopped and looked at her strangely.

"We are going to have a comic role playing recently. Can you play Hatake Kakashi?"

Tsunade asked.


Sakumo's face quickly turned indifferent.

"Stop, your just going to play it, what does it matter!"

Tsunade stepped forward and pulled him.

Sakumo originally wanted to hide, but Tsunade's speed exceeded his expectations, and he was caught after a half beat.

"Let go!"

"I won't let you go…"

"Let me go!"

"Promise me to play Kakashi role and I will let go "


The two are arguing in the street. To be honest, Sakumo is still a little bit interested in acting, but he doesn't want to play Kakashi at all.


Although Tsunade was holding his arm with one hand, he still couldn't break free from her that made him grit his teeth.

"Damn, you have made a lot of progress."

Sakumo has a terrible headache. There is no doubt that Tsunade has learned to control her power, with how perfectly she control her power on her grip on him.

No way…

"Well, I promised."

"Very good!"

Tsunade smiled and loosened her grip. Then she bowed and said, "Sorry Sakumo for forcing you, the First Stage show, must be perfected."

"Forget it."

Sakumo sighed. Then waved his hand, and then continued to move forward.

Hatake Kakashi get!

Tsunade was very happy and went to her teacher, the Third Hokage, and the others who are more suitable candidates in her mind.


Akabane sighed slightly when he saw her passing by.

"Forget it, I'll go help find a few."

If he really let her do it all by herself, he will feel a little bad for her.

Akabane thought for a while who to find, and thought of Uchiha Ryo, he is a great actor for Uchiha Sasuke.

Of course…

The other reason is that Uchiha Ryo is easy to find.

Every time the Comic is updated, Uchiha Ryo will go to the Comic shop to buy the latest volume and buy a large stack at the same time.

As long as he waits at the shop, he can find him sooner or later, which he just needs to wait for his arrival.

Sure enough!

Not long after the end of Ninja school, a silhouette appeared in Akabane's sight.

"Ten manga."

Uchiha Ryo walked to the shop and said after which he dropped 1,000 taels.

"Okay, I'll prepare it for you right away."

Kurama Yunlang answered, and immediately went to prepare the manga.

Akabane smiled and pulled a stool over, and said to Uchiha Ryo: "We are all old classmates. Don't be so indifferent when you come to my store. Just sit down and chat."

Uchiha Ryo looked at him, coldly snorted, and said: "We have nothing to talk about."

"Well, it is like this, I am going to have a comic show… You may not know what a comic show is so I will explain. A comic show is where everyone can play the role of the character on the comic. It's also a place where people can sell their handmade manga statues or Fan art, now are you interested?

Akabane ignored his expression and explained to himself.

Uchiha Ryo was very moved when he heard it, but when he glanced at Akabane face, he immediately said, "No, I am not interested at all."

"Really, that's a pity. Unfortunately, there was a surprise at the end."

Akabane sighed and continue, "It seems that there is no way, but I can only find someone else to play Uchiha Sasuke."

"En? Uchiha Sasuke !"

Uchiha Ryo's eyes widened hearing Sasuke's name, and finally couldn't help but say, "It… is actually not impossible."

"Then it's happily cooperation."

Uchiha Sasuke get!

A smile appeared on Akabane's face and thought.

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