Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 92 Getting Kidnapped?! Kinda?

The Ice Queen launched her attack! 

"Ice Coffin!" She powerfully grasped, and her spell launched with the motion! At this moment, beads of sweat trickled down her delicate brows, only to be frozen solid. 

She had to get this perfectly right… or the consequences would be disastrous! She had just used a First Grade killing spell that didn't even exist in Dawn City! 


The air around the "kidnapper" and Jack suddenly ruptured, the moisture in the air turning to large chunks of ice that instantly encased the two! 

The ice didn't even give them time to react as it engulfed them whole! Even her followers, who knew full well of her abilities, could only gasp with admiration. 

"So powerful! Truly the Ice Queen!" 

"She turned a killing spell into a rescue spell?!" 

"Yep, she's that amazing! Do you understand now?" 

Yet, this amazing girl was now taking a step backward warily. "Careful! Something's wrong!" She had barely said that the ice suddenly exploded in hundreds of tiny shards! 

The "kidnapper" was out! 

Right before the ice had truly taken, he had used an Illusory Ghost move! Using the power of the Earth, he had moved a few meters away, smashing his way through! 

At this moment, he sighed in complete relief as he stared at the baby in his embrace. He had saved him! Because of him, the Ice Queen hadn't gone all out with her spell! 

"Later!" He turned tail and ran! 

But then he realized he had freaking miscalculated! One of the followers had been waiting for that exact moment! While others had been gawking, he had been charging up! 

"Hehe! Tiger Charge!" He mightily and annoyingly shouted out, a red aura exploding outward from his body. Then he exploded forward like a comet! 


The "kidnapper" grimaced. He couldn't avoid it! 

The guy had timed his attack perfectly! He'd be forced into a melee with that fool, and the others would collapse on him. Then god knows how much he'd be beaten up! 

Despair flashed through his eyes… but it quickly turned into a shrewd one! The guy wanted to charge at him? Go on! Without hesitating, he sent the guy a "gift"! 

"Here, catch!"

Then he threw the baby! He literally used the little guy as a projectile! 

It was the laziest of throws, one that would make sure the latter landed safely on the ground… but it was right in the attacker's path! If he went on —> Crushed Baby! 

"YOU?!" The man choked hard. 

His reputation would be utterly over if he killed a baby by mistake. Not only would everyone despise him, but he could even get kicked out of the Academy! FUCK! 

"BASTARD!" He screamed as he forcefully halted his charge. This was akin to forcefully stopping a car with his body. It would leave marks! 

Hurriedly, he planted his feet into the ground, resisting! 

His muscles ruptured, his Mana went in disarray, his bones creaked, and he coughed a mouthful of blood… and even then, he hadn't managed to stop just yet! 

At this rate, he'd still bloody hit the baby! 

The poor thing probably wouldn't die, but it would have to spend time at the emergency room with him! At this moment, he felt like screaming and crying both at once!

The spectators all closed their eyes in pure horror. 

That's when the "kidnapper" smiled pleased, moving toward the baby! Now that the man had screwed up his own charge, he'd at least ensure the little one wasn't harmed. 

He moved closer in preparation for making a move! 

But just as the confrontation was about to happen, a certain baby lazily opened his eyes. Disturbed by his Danger Sense going haywire, he frowned at the attack heading his way. 

He saw the man's horrified face and the red aura. 

Oh? So some guys had just happened to fight here, and he had been caught in the crossfire? As the man hadn't meant to attack him, Jack decided to go "easy" on him. 

He lazily flicked his hand, generating tons of Invisible Spectral Hammers! 

Then before the man could even react or see them for all that mattered, he sent them all to attack! The rest happened so fast that no one freaking realized what was happening. 

The baby waved a hand, and the attacker fell. Instant KO! Silence reigned supreme, only to be broken a second later as an Earth-Shattering snore resounded. 

— ZZZZzzzzz! — 

"A-Am I dreaming or?!" 

"Why does it look like the baby kn—"

"That's impossible. It's that filthy thief's doing!" 

Said thief was about to go insane. He had been the closest as he had gone to retrieve the baby and seen everything! This baby was CRAZY! 

While shivering, he absentmindedly caught the little one before he could fall to the floor. At this moment, he was seriously considering his entire life. 

"After him! Don't let him escape!" 

The screams brought him back to his senses, and he resumed running. But, the more he did, the more his little heart beat, overwhelmed with profound terror. 

What kind of power could raise such an OP baby?! No more importantly, hadn't he just offended whoever its parents were by using their precious son as bait?! 

At this moment, he was utterly freaking out! 

What the heck was he supposed to do about this?! Should he flee the Academy? Perhaps preemptively beg for forgiveness… but to who?! And just as he was already freaking out… 

He raised his eyes, seeing a message in the sky… one made entirely of an Icy Fog. It went: 

[AMBER ALERT! A baby is currently held hostage by—] 

No, they hadn't?! That bitch! Now, so many in the Academy would be looking for him! What the heck was he supposed to do?! No, he couldn't stay there… he had to GTFO! 

In his panicked state, he didn't see how that would only add fuel to the fire. 

One had to know that if he had been a little wiser, he would have never angered the Ice Queen in the first place! Thus without waiting, he hurriedly left the "crime scene". 

"Don't worry, little one, we'll wait until the heat comes down, and we'll find your family! That I swear on my honor as a th— wait, thieves have no honor. Well, you understand…." 

As for Jack, he was peacefully slumbering. At this moment, he dreamed he had made a new companion, and they were adventuring together. 

After all, his Danger Sense wasn't activating, so everything had to be okay, right? Right?! 

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