City Of Witches

Chapter 178: Friendship?? (5)

Chapter 178: Friendship?? (5)

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Friendship?? (5)


Sharon barely had spare mana to use, and Siwoo was unable to control his mana to use a delicate cleansing spell.

So, they ended up having to use wet tissues Siwoo retrieved to clean up her breasts that were filled with his sticky cum.

Eugh Its so bitter I thought itd taste sweet like milk

Sharon said after she took a blob of white semen from her chin with her finger and sucked it.

In general, witches possessed a great deal of curiosity.

After all, an apprentice needed to have the curiosity towards learning since they needed to deeply delve into their chosen field of study, so this was within their nature.

Sharon wasnt the only one to do this, as both Yebin and the twins had done the exact same thing the first time they saw his semen. A rather convincing hypothesis could be made out of this phenomenon.

Did you just smell it?

Is something wrong with that? It smells like honey tea, and I like it.

But its still something that came out of You know

What? We ate shirako1Milt, or fish semen, or fishs semen sac. Yeah they eat it in Japan, and I guess in sushi restaurant in Korea too. when we ordered sushi the other day. It was tasty.

It was a rather absurd comparison, as she just compared someones semen to fishs.

Despite having already experienced such a strong ejaculation, Siwoos dick remained rock-hard.

Sharons gaze shifted to the massive rod that seemed to stand tall forever.

Strange. They said itll shrink after you ejaculate Or could it be that you havent ejaculated yet?

No, just wait for a few seconds more, itll go down.

Honestly, the final scene left too big of an impact on Siwoo for his excitement to subside.

Witnessing Sharon meticulously cleaning the semen off her neck and chest with a wet tissue was so arousing that his dick grew larger again.

Of course I cant just say that to her face Too embarrassing

Maybe I didnt do a good job at all?

Ive told you already, you did a great job.

Her passionate titfuck, filled with fervor and heat, made him feel as if his soul was being drawn out during his ejaculation.

He never expected that such sensations would come from his dick being squeezed by her two breasts.

His mind wandered to the stimulation he had just experienced. The blend of her lotion-coated skin, his hard cock that nestled in between her breasts and the sultry sounds enveloping them, creating a tantalizing environment.

If he had to describe it with one word, hed use the word, perfect.

No good, I cant wipe the slimy feeling away. I need to wash it off.

After diligently wiping her chest, Sharon eventually set down the wet tissues.

With the amount of semen he spurted, and how thick it was, there was no way wet wipes would be enough to thoroughly clean herself up.

Seeing Sharon struggling, clearly looking embarrassed, Siwoo asked her a question unconsciously.

Do you want me to help?

The question was triggered by his gratitude towards her rather than a deliberate thought.

Sharon briefly widened her eyes before grinning at him.

Its fine. You had a rough day today, so you can relax in your room.

I guess that was a weird question to ask, huh?

Youve already caressed my chest as much as you wanted. At this point, that kind of question couldnt be considered weird anymore.

Both of them let out soft chuckles as they looked at each other.

Despite the recent events, he found it fortunate that things werent too awkward between them.



After I wash up and come out

At that moment, Sharon, whom Siwoo thought would head straight to the bathroom, called out to him, preventing him from going back to his room.

After a moment of hesitation, she carefully spoke up.

Can you Kiss me again? I was too drunk, so I feel like Ive forgotten what it felt

By now, Siwoo had become somewhat familiar with her habit of throwing unexpected curveballs.

Though it was a sudden request, since she was the one who requested it, hed gladly comply with it.

Y-You know, it was supposed to be our first kiss, but I Did that Anyway, if its too much, you dont have to do it

Okay. Hurry up and wash up, Ill wait for you.


With a bright smile, Sharon went into the bathroom and came out in less than five minutes.

Then, for almost ten minutes, both of them indulged in a deep and passionate kissing session.


Late at night.

Or rather

Early hours of dawn would be the more fitting description of the current time.

In the distance, a faint blue light started coloring the sky from the eastern horizon.

After noticing the quietness that followed after Siwoo retreated to his room, Sharon removed her panties.


Having returned from a passionate night with him, she took a shower, cleaned her body with warm water before changing into a fresh underwear.

Originally, her panties were as soft and fluffy as cotton.

But now

Are you kidding me?

She exclaimed in astonishment as she held up the soaked garment with her thumb and forefinger, clasping the end of the elastic band.

The female body secreted a certain fluid to maintain a suitable level of moisture and cleanliness within the vaginal walls.

When they became sexually aroused, the vagina would also secreted the same fluid to accommodate the male genitalia. This was more known as love juices.

That was the extent of her knowledge about sexual matters.

What she currently witnessed though, was something completely unexpected to her; An overwhelming number of love juices soaking her panties, a truly unfamiliar sight to her.

Her panties was so wet that its cotton part turned transparent as it stuck against her skin, while the elastic band crumpled uglily.

Its uncomfortable Like back when I had my period But, to this extent?

Sharon had only experienced menstruation once before she became an apprentice witch.

The sensation of something bursting out from her crotch, wetting her panties, making it sticky, was something that made her feel especially uncomfortable.

Now, she was experiencing a similar feeling compared to back then.

The only difference was the kind of fluid that drenched her panties, instead of blood, it was her transparent and sticky love juice.

When did this start?

Maybe during our first kiss? Or when Siwoo was massaging my breasts? Well, it could also be back when I rubbed his member with my chest Wait, maybe it was during our last kiss?

Whatever the answer was, Sharon let out a sigh, releasing the heat of desire that lingered in her chest like fading embers.

Confirming the state of her panties somehow alleviated all of her lingering doubts.

I feel like a damn horny bitch right now

If Siwoo were to see this

It would have been awful

Just the thought of him seeing her in this state made her feel terribly uncomfortable.

She felt a bit of relief that her thick dolphin pants managed to hide this from him.

Reluctantly, she used her magic to clean the panties, trying to avoid suspicions that would arise if she were to wash it.

Of course, she felt a pang of regret for using up the mana she had accumulated all night in such a way.


She changed into a soft, striped pair of panties before flopping onto her bed.

No matter how resilient her spiritual body was, she still felt tired after enduring what had just happened tonight.

After all, the life-or-death chase lasted almost an hour.

She didnt have any mana, so she ended up having to cast her spell in an audacious way by using the remaining energy within her womb.

That contributed to her exhaustion, and the feeling overwhelmed her.

Hoping that shed immediately fall asleep as she rested her head on the pillow, she ended up in disappointment because her eyes kept fluttering open whenever she tried to doze off.

The reason behind it was the kiss that kept occupying her thoughts.

A lot of things happened today, some were important, some were not, and the value she emphasized on each recollection varied.

Her mind was completely occupied by her first kiss.


The memories of their locking lips kept resurfacing, as her brain vividly replayed it.

After showering, she approached Siwoo with hesitant steps.

Unlike their first encounter, a sudden surprise like a nighttime firework, this moment evoked a different feeling from her.

Just like back then, her heart was pounding wildly, but there was no sense of urgency that accompanied it this time.

Feeling his body heat, smelling his breath, she even attempted a slight tiptoe move shed seen in movies and lightly bit his tongue.

Before she realized it, she already nibbled on his lower lip.

What began lightly gradually intensified into a fiery passion.

It might sound bizarre, or even kinky, but at that moment, Sharon wanted nothing more than removing her clothes and pressing her bare skin against his.

She was the one who said, We cant become lovers until were equals, and she was determined to act accordingly for his sake

But, within just an hour, that determination vanished, like a fleeting dream.

Phew Thats why they did that after kissing

She used to think how theyd transition from a kiss scene to a sex scene felt artificial and forced.

But, after getting in a similar situation like in those movies, she could understand.

That such a scene was indeed a natural progression.

Is my mouth an erogenous zone or something?

She entertained such random thoughts that came to her mind, but ultimately, she couldnt find the answers by herself.

And this troubled her.

So, she turned on her computer.

Recently, by browsing the internet, she had stumbled upon the mysterious realm of relationship.

It was as if she was exploring a whole new universe.

The information she once brushed off as nonsense turned out to be helpful, and the search bad had become her sole advisor for matters concerning relationships due to her not having someone to consult to.

In fact, she was able to do what she did today, giving Siwoo a breastjob, because of a video site that she visited.

She immediately put in How to plan surprises for your boyfriend in the search bar.

Based on her previous experience, using the term boyfriend instead of male friend broadened the search results by a significant margin.

Of course, she had to filter out overly explicit results, but this approach provided her with a wider range of options.


Back when she first did this, shed cover her mouth, screaming, Oh my! This is way too lewd! but now, she could confidently confront the ocean of explicit information on the internet.

Would this count as experience gained from exploring the depths of the internet?


Despite it being a one-night experience, she felt a sense of newfound maturity creeping upon her.

Clothes to make your boyfriend happy? This looks promising

They said men are more sensitive to visual stimulation than women

Wearing seductive attire was touted as an almost necessary event among lovers to fulfill that need

Come to think of it, did he sneak some glances at my chest when I wore my tank top?

If I want to repay his favor I might as well go all out with it

Where should I look?

Sharon confidently clicked on a site with a banana logo.

Instantly, the screen displayed outrageously revealing swimsuits, full-body stockings, lingerie, peculiar-looking school uniforms, Chinese dresses and many more.

These clothes were so risque that they couldnt even be considered clothes or underwear.

T-This is too much

They arent even clothes at this point

Why would anyone wear these? There isnt any fabric on the bras and the panties, those are just straps!

She clicked her tongue disapprovingly as she scrolled down the page. But then, her gaze suddenly caught on something unexpected.

This Might actually work

It seemed like she accidentally stumbled upon something suitable, or rather, decent clothing for her to wear.

Heres a pic of Yebin, our cute doctor

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