Chapter 443: Chapter 443: “Are you going to keep running? “?


Mixed with the curses was the loud noise caused by the friction of the damaged tires on the car.


The SUV had a flat tire and could no longer be controlled. The entire car kept twisting and sliding on the road, unable to stop at all.

Liang Yunsheng held her head with both hands and could not help but scream in shock… …

Was She… … going to die like this ? ?

Perhaps… …

It was not a good thing to die just like that… …

Liang Yunsheng suddenly thought to herself in despair… …

At least, she was still with her child, at least… … She did not have to worry about whether Yin Qianchen would chase after her again.. …

She would die, cross the bridge of helplessness, drink Meng Po’s soup, forget all the grudges in this life, no longer be afraid, no longer be chaotic and uneasy, no longer… …

From then on, there would be no Yin Qianchen in her life.

From then on, she would forget all the pain and annoyance in the world… …

From then on, she would say goodbye to all the things that had hurt her… …

Just as Liang Yunsheng was hugging her head and letting her imagination run wild, the sports car that had been chasing them suddenly accelerated. Then, it made a sharp turn and directly crossed the body of the car, blocking the front of the SUV.

“Bang! ”

This time, there was a loud crash.

The SUV that had been moving forward, twisting and turning, finally stopped. Its impact only caused a dent in the door of the silver-gray sports car.

Liang Yunsheng suddenly felt her vision go black, and she lost consciousness completely… …

Because of the violent impact, Liang Yunsheng’s head was hit, and she fell into a temporary coma due to a concussion.

Pain… …

She finally regained consciousness, but Liang Yunsheng still could not open her eyes to judge the situation in front of her.

She heard someone open the door of the SUV, and then… …

Her wrist also began to hurt… …

Her wrist was held tightly by someone, and Liang Yunsheng finally regained some consciousness due to the external pain.

Liang Yunsheng felt her body suddenly lift up. Of course, that was not the case. She was carried out of the car.

“Let… let me go… ” of course, Liang Yunsheng knew who was holding her …

Liang Yunsheng tried her best to speak, and her eyes finally opened in a daze.

The person holding her was merciless. Seeing that she had woken up, he directly let her feet land on the ground and let her stand up on her own.

Of course, Liang Yunsheng could not stand steadily. She stumbled and accidentally fell into Yin Qianchen’s arms.

She could not stand still and naturally wanted to grab something to stand up straight. Liang Yunsheng subconsciously grabbed Yin Qianchen’s clothes.

But she did not dare to look up. She knew that at this time, that person’s face would still be expressionless, but it would make people feel extremely scared and furious.

Yin Qianchen waited for her to stand still and started to pry her hands away from her clothes, one finger at a time, until she completely let go of his body.

Then, he took a step back slightly.

Liang Yunsheng staggered and fell to the ground because she lost her balance. Her palms were subconsciously supporting herself on the ground, and there were bloody marks on her palms. She felt a sharp pain in her palms.

But even at this time, Liang Yunsheng would still subconsciously use her hands to protect her stomach.

“continue to run… ” Yin Qianchen’s tone was very indifferent, cold to the bone. “Liang Yunsheng, continue to run… ”

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