Uh, Myriad? What the hell is all of this?

That’s one word for it I guess.

There had to be a thousand people waiting outside the library when he arrived that day, all of them either locking onto him out of recognition or else seeing him for the first time but picking up on the reaction of others, with the only thing that kept him from being swarmed being some of the guards and librarians having come outside to bring order to things, with the highest ranked among them coming over to greet him.

“While I don’t personally mind, in the future I’d appreciate some notice if you’re planning to host an event here,” Killi told him as she surveyed the rest. “Although I suppose any enthusiasm they have to learn is exactly what the building is for.”

“Ah, sorry Killi, I really wasn’t expecting this when I said I’d be willing to give some people some help. I thought there’d be maybe twenty again, not this.”

“Ha, you’ve underestimated by quite the amount but thankfully we got some heads up. The head of the mage’s guild reached out to me after word started going around, it seems the people you spoke to almost all had major breakthroughs in their spell development, with a couple even getting levels.”

“I can’t take credit for that second bit.”

“Why not? Knowledge of magic has a direct tie to use of magic. If you helped with a person’s understanding and it led them to doing more, why wouldn’t that qualify as you contributing?”

“...Okay, point taken. So that’s why so many showed up?”

“Largely I’m sure, although I wouldn’t underestimate the rumours going on about you. The way you read has drawn enough eyes and people talk, especially here. I’ve even heard a few say that seeing you is supposed to be good luck.”

“I’m sorry?”

Killi just laughed. “Superstition sprouts from everything. You’re here infrequently enough but make a big impact each time, some say that if they read when you're around they’ll be more successful in their learning too.”


Huh, that might actually be true, oops.

There were more than a few times when he’d read that he’d subtly thread his thoughts into anyone who was in his range to let them get the effects of his knowledge skill. Even if it had just been something to do for his own practice, it was always going to have a positive effect on those around him.

Of course, that was back when the skill was only mental symbiosis and now the library had all of his circlets too, but there was no denying he would have had a small impact on those around him from the small unauthorized use of his skills.

Not going to mention that though.

“Okay, well, they can believe what they want. In that case, sorry Killi but could I get your help dividing groups between the buildings? I should be able to go through them all.”

“What, you’re going to read the rest of the library today?”

“With this many people, yeah, looks like it,” He shrugged. “I didn’t go crazy yesterday but I can fit an absolute ton of people into my total range now and my mana’s nothing to scoff at either. It will still probably take all day but I should be able to get everything here read.”

Minus the basement. God, I want to access it so freaking bad, is that really so wrong?

“Very well, I’ll spread the word,” Killi agreed before she stepped away to direct people, letting Ben choose the first group he’d take.

It was going to be an exercise of many of his skills but most importantly, for deep connection so he was going to do his best to get everything he could from it as the day went on.

Hmm, you know, I was expecting to get something out of this. Ben thought as the day ended, with the last building read through and the last group giving their thanks and running off to test some of the ideas he’d helped develop with them.

I mean, that’s pretty good but to be honest I was kind of thinking I might get a title. Master of the library has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? As the only guy who has to have read every book it holds, I thought I might get something like that. Plus, and I know this isn’t the goal but let's be real here, I deserve it, I thought this might awaken my knowledge skill. If I wasn’t before, I’m officially one of the best-read people on the entire planet.

Mmh, maybe in the future. It’s not exactly a priority. If I awaken my other two skills I might attempt it for the extra attribute bonuses though.

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Ugh, so get me basement access!

But I could have even more.

I don’t know, mostly the dopamine hit at this point.

It felt like Myriad was going to comment, only stopping as Killi walked over, with a large herring-like person walking beside her.

“Well, you really did it,” She told him, sounding impressed. “How would you describe the experience? Was it worthwhile reading all of that?”

“Maybe,” He admitted, not giving an incredible review but still having grown from it all. “After reading all of that and talking with those mages I think there’s a few edits I’d probably make to the books I submitted and there’s a few interesting ideas I could try applying to my work, but nothing life-changing in there, at least as I currently see it. I’d say that by and large, the main building does what it’s supposed to by holding all of the most relevant and important bits of knowledge with only a few exceptions.”

He materialized a list of nearly five hundred books from there and handed it over, watching as her eyes flickered over it.

“Those are the ones I think should be moved, either into the main building or out of it, based on the information I’ve seen as well as my own observations working with different types of magic. Obviously, it’s up to you in the end but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share.”

“It doesn’t, I’ll give this a look, thank you. And Speni, what do you think?”

“I can’t argue with the reviews after seeing him in person,” The bird-person said, giving Ben an appraising look. “I even heard someone say they gained a level to their magic just by talking to him.”

“That was literally just one person, they had to be so close to getting it that a single decent spell would have pushed them over the edge.”

“Likely, but to give the sort of understanding that could take a single spell's place is nothing to scoff at. So, should I take you to be the same apostle who’s been awakening people en masse?”

“Er, you can. Who are you and why do you know about me?”

Word was obviously going to spread but his identity as the person who’d helped with two of the world’s mass awakening events hadn’t been so largely revealed, although he hadn’t been shy about keeping it to himself at the time either. He’d been with friends both times who’d certainly said his name on occasion while they talked and if anyone had been too pushy in their thanks he’d just told them to give it to Myriad, plus a few of the dryads he’d helped had known who he was as well and then there were summoned among the them too which meant their nations probably knew who he was in the case of the humans…

Huh, the more I think about it, the more it wouldn’t be the most surprising if almost every awakened mage on the planet could recognize me. Oh well, whatever.

Even if he didn’t go out of his way to advertise himself, the chances of being unknown had vanished after his first very public awakening at craftsmans’ tower. With nations, gods and the grey all keeping some level of watch on him, the idea that a random person would know who he was was far from shocking, to the point that the person in question seemed amused as well.

“I’d be rather poor at my job if I hadn’t heard of you,” Speni laughed while Killi answered.

“Ben, this is the head of the mage’s guild. He’s the one who told me this was happening today after he got word and he wanted the chance to meet you himself.”

“Oh, cool, nice to meet you then. Like she said, I’m Ben. Anything I can do for you?”

“Charmed and straight to the point, lovely. Like I’ve already said, I am familiar with you and your work, you’ve been making quite the name for yourself between the things I’ve been able to verify and those that are just rumours. Are you really the one who’s the star of that musical number going around?”

“Unfortunately but let’s not focus on that please.”

“Ha, of course. Anyway, Killi here is happy to sing your praise and after seeing how fast you worked today and hearing how happy everyone who got some of your time was, I was wondering if I might convince you to take me up on an offer for work.”

“Depending on what you have in mind, I could be convinced but I need to tell you, I’m not much of a mage.”

“I just watched you materialize something.”

“Okay, I’m a pretty good mage but that really isn’t my priority and I can only use enchanting and a couple of obscure non-affinity branches. I may not be able to help.”

“What matters is that you’re knowledgeable, that’s more than enough. I was hoping that I’d be able to get you to come into the guild to do exactly what you did here today, talk and guide people in their magics, giving what advice you could. Considering this as a dry run would already mean tremendous success. As far as I’m concerned, the worth of such a thing has already been proven.”

Would that even be a good use of my time?

If it was just going to be one day it wouldn’t be the biggest loss, Ben had already devoted the last two days to that exact thing but he still felt himself hesitate. Both that day and the one prior had been whims but he couldn’t constantly be beholden to such things when he had such high goals to work towards.

But at the same time, this is training for connect and it doesn’t hurt me either.

“Okay, sure,” He gave in. “I wouldn’t be able to for a couple weeks but in that time I wouldn’t mind taking the opportunity to help teach others.”

He wanted to finish his current job first and get every other one sorted after but once that was done he’d have nothing but time, why not take a day to teach for whatever benefits it would bring? It certainly wasn’t like it would hurt to be in the good books of one of the major guild heads, all things considered.

“Excellent, I appreciate your agreement. Now, as for payment, usually I’d offer you a good sum but given I know you’re an awakened craftsman I’m sure wealth isn’t an issue, would you rather that or is there anything else I might offer?”

“Hmm, you’re right, I don’t really need the cash. Tell you what, if you make it clear that the lessons are coming from the apostle of Myriad and advise attendees to offer a prayer of thanks then we’ll call it square, how’s that sound?”

“Ah, a pious one, I can respect that. If that’s all you’re asking for your services then so be it. In that case, I’ll look forward to having you.”

Setting a firm date, Speni parted from there, leaving Ben to chat only a bit more with Killi before heading home.

What do you think of that? A good, friendly apostle, here and getting you more and more faith. Aren’t I the best?

Like what? I can get anything I want otherwise, might as well get you some faith. Unless you’re going to tell me he could have gotten me basement access.

In that case, all’s well that ends well. If you’re feeling really grateful you could give me a single job level.

Lame. In that case, back to the grind.

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