"The Direwolf is to the left of the Cherryblossom Creek," Alfred pointed north with a serious expression on his face. "And as expected, it's not alone. Thirteen Forest Wolves stand guard around it. And there are many more wolves roaming in that area."

Cherryblossom Creek was a well-known geographical landmark in Verdant Deepwood.

It acted as a natural border between the second and third regions of the forest.

Where the creek ended, the formidable third region began.

Val raised an eyebrow at Alfred's detailed knowledge of their target's location. "How do you know this?" He questioned.

Alfred looked at him, a hint of pride flashing in his eyes.

"The Montmorency blood runs through my veins. I am a level 2 bloodline user. My first bloodline skill allows me to manipulate trees and vines, controlling them at will. My second bloodline skill is more unique - it lets me communicate with the forest. Using this ability, I can ask the forest for information about the creatures within it. And that's exactly how I discovered where the Direwolf and its pack are located," Alfred explained to Val, puffing his chest out slightly as he said it.

Val blinked in surprise at Alfred's bloodline skills. They were certainly unique and useful in a situation like this. However,

He nodded, accepting the explanation. "I see. Well then, let's get going."

Alfred nodded in agreement and led the way, weaving through the dense foliage with the ease of someone who knew the forest like the back of his hand. Val followed closely behind, his senses on high alert. He was ready to react at a moment's notice.

After an uneventful trek, they finally reached their destination. A pair of forest wolves, their fur a dark hue of brown and eyes gleaming menacingly, spotted them almost immediately.

Awooo! Awooo!

A deep, threatening growl rumbled from their throats as they fixed their gazes on Val and Alfred.

Alfred remained unfazed by the presence of the wolves. Being a level 2 bloodline user, he didn't feel threatened by these creatures. On the contrary, he radiated a sense of calmness and control, not at all disturbed by the imminent confrontation.

Val, on the other hand, acted with strategic cowardice. The beasts were known to pounce when they sensed fear. Taking a step back, Val put on a convincing show of fear and hesitation.

The forest wolves fell for his cheap trick that was executed with perfection and felt emboldened. They leaped towards them, their sharp fangs bared menacingly.

Alfred reacted quickly. He raised his hand, and the ground beneath them erupted. Vines and tree roots snaked out, wrapping around the wolves' limbs, immobilizing them mid-leap.

"Now!" Alfred shouted to Val. "Finish them!"


The stage was set for him to earn free experience points. He would have to be a fool to decline such a free meal.

Val closed the distance between him and the immobilized forest wolves with a burst of speed. His Aquarius Sword, glinting ominously under the scattered sunlight, traced a swift, horizontal arc in the air, slicing through the bodies of the forest wolves. A weak cry escaped their throats as their bodies separated into two halves.

As soon as the wolves' bodies split in half, Alfred saw no reason to keep them restrained. He willed, and the roots and vines binding the wolves retracted, releasing their lifeless forms. The two halves of the wolves fell onto the forest floor with a dull thud.

The shine in their eyes dimmed as the pain was too much for them to bear, signaling the fading of their lives.

Immediately, the system notification sounded in Val's mind.

[Ding! Congratulations, Host! You've defeated two Level 18 Forest Wolves. As a result, you have obtained +72 EXP.]

The earlier roars of the forest wolves had stirred up the forest, alerting more of their kind.


Soon, another chilling howl echoed through the air, cutting through the quiet that had briefly settled.

With a burst of fury, a forest wolf rushed out from behind a tree. The sight of Val standing next to its slain brethren angered it. Its eyes filled up with primal rage, and it lunged towards Val, swiping at his exposed neck with all its might.

A wolf filled with primal rage was pinning for his life. This scene was extremely terrifying, but Val didn't even flinch. Instead, his lips curled into a smirk and a sharp glint flashed in his eyes.

'What a foolish little thing.'

He remained where he stood, coolly thrusting his cursed sword forward.

The length of his sword was far greater than the limb of the forest wolf.

Thus, the cold, biting edge of the cursed artifact bit into the flesh of the creature before its claws could find its mark.

The wolf was halted mid-leap, its body skewered on the sword, hanging about a meter and a half from Val. Immediately his foot lashed out, kicking the impaled creature even as he yanked his sword free. As a result, its body was sent flying backwards, tumbling through the air before it crashed onto the forest floor

Blood gushed out from the gaping hole in its chest, quickly pooling beneath its twitching body. After a few tense moments, the wolf's body stilled, indicating the end of its life.

Almost immediately, a notification echoed in Val's mind.

[Ding! Congratulations, Host! You've defeated a Level 18 Forest Wolf. As a result, You have obtained +36 EXP.]

Val noticed his Experience Points (EXP) had surged to 908 points. He still needed 2592 more to reach level 11. But given the number of forest wolves and the Direwolf in their vicinity, it wouldn't be long before he accumulated enough points.

Alfred, who had been silently observing the situation, let out a low whistle. "Nice job. You handle them as if they're nothing more than pests," he commented, sounding genuinely impressed.

Before Val could reply, the surroundings echoed with more chilling howls.




From all around them, forest wolves emerged from the shadows of the trees. They began to circle Val and Alfred, their eyes glinting menacingly.

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