"I called you a… bitch!" Val spoke to Shaxil, his words slow and clear,

In a sudden burst of fury, Shaxil lunged at Val from across the table, and at the same time, its features distorted, tearing the visage of Eliana asunder. The head split open down the middle, revealing a grotesque sight. What was once a human face turned into a monstrous maw lined with circular rows of razor-sharp teeth, which was reminiscent of a nightmarish abyss.

This frightening transformation completely discarded the previous gentle and beautiful image of Eliana, revealing the devil's true, horrifying form.

Its gaping maw, full of teeth as sharp as daggers, threatened to close down on Val. The rows of pointed teeth, gleaming under the dim light of the kitchen, gave off a sinister shine.

If allowed to clamp down, they would surely tear apart flesh and crush bones, converting a living, breathing person into a lifeless, bloody pulp!

A tail of blood materialized behind Val, swift and precise as it darted forward, stabbing into the grotesque maw of the lunging creature. It impaled it cleanly, the sharp point of the blood tail emerging from between the split halves of its head, through its body, and exiting from between its legs. A choking, gagging sound escaped Shaxil's maw as it was skewered mid-air.

Without a moment's hesitation, Val commanded his blood tail to give the Shaxil a wild ride. The crimson appendage rose, lifting the impaled devil with it, only to smash it ruthlessly into the kitchen's floor.

Bam! The sound of the impact echoed through the room as the spot the devil impacted against shattered.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Again and again, Val smashed the Shaxil into the floor, creating a depression that grew deeper with each strike.

The once smooth wooden floor began to bore the mark of the brutal punishment that was being meted out by Val to the devil in disguise.

Under his assault, blood and viscera splattered from the half-human half-demonic body, painting a ghastly picture on the kitchen floor as the devil's body was battered relentlessly.

Its form, once disguised as the lovely Eliana, was now a distorted, bloody mess under the strength of Val's blood tail.


The creature let out distorted, agonized cries that echoed throughout the house, but they fell on deaf ears.

Val, entirely devoid of fear or sympathy, continued his punishment, smashing the Shaxil against the ground using his tail again and again, his face a cold, impassive mask.


Finally, he lifted the impaled creature high into the air one last time before bringing it down with a thunderous crash that shook the entire house. The devil's body was bent out of shape. It was now hardly recognizable. The way it looked, all twisted and broken like a doll that was mishandled showcased the cruelty that Val was capable of at any given moment.

With a swift jerk of his tail, Val extracted the blood tail from the devil, its body collapsing onto the cratered floor.

The blood tail retracted back into Val's body, leaving no trace of its brutal weapon.

Silence descended upon the kitchen. It was broken only by the shallow, wheezing breaths of the defeated devil.

Val looked down at the ravaged body of the devil impersonating Eliana, his eyes devoid of mercy. He hoped that he had made it clear to Shaxil that he wouldn't tolerate any threat to his assets nor would he tolerate a grotesque bastard that dared to wear the faces of those who were under his protection.

Shaxil, despite its broken body, somehow managed to let out a gurgling laugh, "You've got quite a punch, dear. I haven't had this much fun in ages!" Its voice was no more than a harsh whisper, a chilling contrast to the gruesome scene.

Val raised an eyebrow, staring down at the grotesque form of the pathetic devil sprawled on the kitchen floor.

"What the heck is a Shaxil? And how did you come to haunt this house? Is it only you or are there other things haunting it?" he asked, his voice cold and emotionless.

A ghastly chuckle echoed throughout the room from the broken, bloodied figure on the floor. "Come closer, and I'll tell you," Shaxil wheezed out, its voice distorted and filled with a strange, haunting melody.

Without any sign of fear, Val calmly stood up from his chair and approached the devil. Shaxil's bloodied eyes widened in shock; it was the first time it had encountered such a fearless human.

"You...you really are fearless," it finally managed to sputter out. "But it is fools like you who die early."

Suddenly, Shaxil's body split in half, each side bearing sharp, jagged teeth running down the edges. Both halves leaped at Val from either side, hoping to catch him off guard.

But Val's response was swift. He punched outwards simultaneously with both fists. Wisps of fire appeared around his fists out of thin air, enveloping them in a protective, fiery embrace. His fists shattered the teeth protruding out of the parts of its body. Then, when his blazing fists smashed into Shaxil's body parts, they immediately caught fire.

Shaxil let out a pained roar as it was set ablaze, the hellish flames eating away at its body until it was reduced to nothing more than ashes. Its cries echoed around the room before fading away into silence. The hellish flames also died out after consuming it.

Just as the last of the flames disappeared, a notification popped up in front of Val.

[Ding! Congratulation, Host. You've killed an Upper ranked low-level devil. You've gained 1k experience points.]

Val's lips twitched slightly into a smirk; it was another job well done!

He opened the system interface.

Name: Val V. Whitemore

Race: Half-Human, Half-Devil

Age: 16

Class: Blood Devil

Level: 12 (2002/4000 EXP)

Sub-class: Wizard

Level: 1 (0/100)

Innate Class: White Devil Disciple Level 2

Hidden Ailments: none

Trait: Unfeeling, Emotional Impairment, Nocturnal Vision, Minor Corruption Resistance, Detect, Heavenly Eye


Health Points (HP): 10/10

Strength (STR): 25

Agility (AGT): 25

Stamina (STA): 27

Reflexes (REF): 21

Soul Power: 80/100 units

Soul Power production rate: 10 units/hour

Blood Bar: 800 units of blood

Stat Points: 4

Mad Points: 100 (100 MP=1 SP!)

Bloodline skills:-

1) Blood Absorption

2) Blood Manipulation

3) Blood Rush:

4) Titan's Reinforcement

5) Hellish Fist

6) Soul Archive

Val's eyes went over the numbers. He had 2.02k EXP, and a thought popped up in his mind, could he use this experience to level up his wizard class? The system had said that he could level up any class he registered as his secondary class. So it might be possible.

'Let's try it out,' he thought.

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