Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 419: Becoming An Epsionage Agent 2

Chapter 419: Becoming An Epsionage Agent 2

[Host has activated the Chaotic Mind.]

[Target willpower is being accessed]

[Target’s willpower is thrice lower than that of Host.]

[Host has successfully taken over the opponent’s mind]

[Host can now issue his command…]

“Interesting…” Zeras mused to himself as he looked at the man in the eyes. And just as the system, he could feel like he now possessed two minds.

“Sleep off for the next three days and forget that you ever met me at all…” Zeras ordered as he looked at the system notification panel that appeared in front of his gaze.

[Command has been initiated.]

[Command has been forcefully inputted into the target’s mind.]

[Congratulations, you have successfully used the Chaos Mind]

[Secret Mission Completed: Use Chaos Mind successfully]

[Rewards: A New stats attribute has been awakened: Will power]

“Will power? That must have enabled me to use the ability. I’ll check that up later…” Zeras said as he dropped the man’s head to the ground and moved out of the toilet.


The door was closed off and Zeras exerted strength on the door knob and forcefully yanked it off before keeping it inside his lab pocket.

Now that that door was closed up and the door knob twisted off. It would make sure no one uses the toilet and by the time they come to fix it, he would have been long done with his mission…

Immediately, he moved out of the restaurant exit and headed towards the large organization just opposite.

Making his way in, with a pretty lazy expression on his face, he wasn’t stopped by the group of guards at every pass outside the organization and easily entered into the main organization.

“Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy.” Zeras mused under his breath as he pushed open the revolving glasses and entered the door.

What he was faced with next was a large hall consisting of a crowd of Giarans walking around the place, dressed just as he was…

Without waiting for one more second, he didn’t try to return back to the group and simply headed off to the step and quickly climbed up. Strangely, the Giarans don’t have elevators and still use the common-place stairs.

Climbing up the second stairs, the third steps, the fourth steps. He walked through the multitudes of guards and he quickly made his way to the fifth step, but this time the two Giarans stopped him by stretching their hands forward.

Immediately, Zeras also stopped on his feet.

“Your card please…” They asked and immediately he brought out the card and passed it to them.

“Hmmm, your car is only an authority level 4 card. This is the fifth level; you can’t access it…” The guard said as he flung back his card to him and Zera caught it before giving a nervous chuckle…

“Ahh, ahh. I am actually going to the fourth floor but guess I got too much energy and even reached the fifth step. Hahaha, thanks for the guidance, brothers…” Zeras laughed out loud as he gave repeated bows.

“Don’t worry about it…” The guard replied as they watched him quickly disappear downwards, back to the fourth floor.

“Ahh, an over lively one, ey?” One of the two guards said as the other snorted mockingly.

“Tch, idiot…” He replied before they continued discussing their previous matter.

Zeras walked down the steps, eyes furrowed in worry. From his investigations for the past three days, he could tell the most secretive information was kept right on the fifth floor. That was where what he wanted was.

But he needed a fifth authority level to pass.

“I need to get a fifth level pass…” He mused to himself as he immediately climbed down the stairs and walked to a relaxing table at the place.

“Activate Eyes of Chaos…” Zeras muttered under his breath and instantly a strange dark dot appeared in his left eye as the entire area suddenly brightened up and his vision, magnified to to around thrice normal.

Instantly he began scanning through the cards worn on everybody’s necks.

The majority of them were fourth level, just as the story indicated but Zeras continued scanning nonetheless, watching out for every person that enters and goes in.

After sitting emptily for some time, Zeras finally found a person wearing a 5th-grade authority card, and the word five was written on the card.

“Finally…” Zeras mused to himself but he was surprised when the fat alien woman suddenly began walking towards him. Two people behind her and they were none other than two out of the three people who had followed Dorothy to the restaurant.

“Don’t tell me…” Zeras said swallowing a spittle and just like he feared, the woman came to stand in front of him, her fiery eyes which seemed to want to drill a hole through him. Looking past her, he could see the two men behind her clenching their teeth tightly while giving him an expression that said.


Instantly, Zeras jumped up from his seat got into a smooth bow, and quickly called out…

“How have you been doing, Mrs. Solira,” Zeras asked, sweat dripping down his neck. He knew well, just a single move now and he was screwed.

He wasn’t Dorothy so he had no idea who the woman was. But judging from the expression that occurred previously in the restraint. They seemed to joke about a woman called, Mrs. Solira who he guessed was their scruffy boss, and looking at the woman.

She was the definition of a Psycho boss. That was why he had decided she was the one. And she just caught him sitting on the fourth floor and doing nothing. Putting himself in Dorothy’s shoes. Zeras knew well he was screwed.

“How have I been doing? What the hell does that have to do with you slacking off your job, your worthless piece of trashy trash!!!” It was as if they were big speakers placed in her throat as Zera’s eyebrows quivered repeatedly.

‘Now I understand why they call you scruffy…’

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